
Dr Jorrit Gosens

PhD (RCEES -- Univ. of the Chinese Academy of Sciences); MSc (Wageningen University)

Jorrit Gosens received his PhD in Environmental Economics & Management from the Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, for a thesis focused on the formation of China’s capabilities, and the transition from lagging to leading, in renewable energy industries.

During his post-doc period, his work was similarly focused on geographical elements of innovation in renewable energy industries, aiming to understand how different countries’ innovation systems are inter-linked, why industries tend to relocate over time, and how strongly domestic technological developments are influenced by what happens at the global level, and vice versa.

In his current position at the Crawford School Jorrit builds models of energy and resource markets, with a particular focus on Australia-China trade in thermal and coking coal, iron ore, and how these will be affected by plans for decarbonisation including the switch to green steel.

Jorrit has been researching Chinese energy policy and Chinese renewable energy industry formation for over a decade, directs the Strategic Research Spoke ‘Energy Transitions’ at the Australian Centre on China in the World, and is creator and editor of China Energy Portal, a website that provides translations of Chinese energy policy and statistics.

Expertise Area(s)

Renewable Energy
Environment and Resource Economics
Innovation &Amp
Economic Development and Growth
Government and Politics of Asia and the Pacific
Research, Science and Technology Policy
Innovation &Amp
Renewable Energy

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