Sharon Bessell is Professor at the Crawford School of Public Policy, where she is Director of Gender Equity and Diversity and heads the Poverty and Inequality Research Centre and the Children’s Policy Centre. She is editor of Policy Forum’s Poverty InFocus.
Sharon’s research focuses on the gendered and generational nature of poverty. She co-leads (with Associate Professor Janet Hunt), the ANU Individual Deprivation Measure (IDM) Program, which is a partnership between ANU, the International Women’s Development Agency and the Australian Government, through the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT). Sharon was a member of the original research team that developed the IDM through an Australian Research Council Linkage grant, and was responsible for designing the three-phase participatory methodology that underpins the IDM. She is also currently leading research on childhood poverty in Indonesia, and has previously undertaken research on childhood poverty and disadvantage in Australia.
Sharon has provided professional development training and executive education on gender analysis and human rights for a range of organisations including, DFAT/AusAID, Save the Children Sweden, and UNICEF. In 2016 she was awarded the ANU College of Asia and Pacific Award for Teaching Excellence.
Sharon has undertaken research across a number of geographic regions, including Australia, Southeast Asia (particularly Indonesia and the Philippines), the Pacific (particularly Fiji) and Southern Africa. She has worked with government, non-government and international agencies in Australia, Asia and the Pacific.