Program Page

Join us for this Series to build competence and confidence to lead and manage in a volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA) world. 

The series includes: 

Course overview

Topics include: 

Adaptive thinking for complex policy development

  • An overview of the concepts and principles of complex adaptive systems; 
  • Application through group-work of those principles to contemporary issues identified by participants to better understand complexity and how to respond to it; 
  • An overview of how we can use the concepts of complex adaptive systems (CAS) to better understand human behaviour relating to decision-making, strategy and policy development and the implications for leading and managing as adaptive organisation and projects

Foresighting skills to design and implement adaptive practices

  • An overview of the nature of change, complexity, uncertainty and ambiguity;
  • An overview of the concepts and principles of systems thinking, complex adaptive systems; 
  • An overview of foresight work and the practices of scenario planning

Strategic thinking and planning in a complex and uncertain world

  • Framing strategic thinking and planning in an uncertain and complex policy environment
  • Understanding the nature of change and how that influences the nature of policy and strategy development
  • Understanding ambiguity and uncertainty when undertaking strategic thinking and strategic planning and how to respond to each
  • Models and frameworks for strategic thinking and planning
  • Principles of Systems Thinking and Complex Adaptive Systems to understand complex and uncertain business/policy landscape 
  • Application of models and principles for undertaking strategic thinking and planning 
  • Understanding and managing entrained human behaviour patterns and their impact on strategy development 


Learning outcomes:

Adaptive thinking for complex policy development

  • Recognise how to lead and manage in a complex and volatile environment 
  • Recognise how to lead and support cultural change 
  • Apply skills and techniques that will assist adaptive policy and strategy development 
  • Apply the principles of complex adaptive systems to better understand complex environments 
  • Identify how people work together using the frameworks and principles of complex adaptive systems 
  • Identify the worldview of complex adaptive systems 

Foresighting skills to design and implement adaptive practices

  • Participants attending the course will have new ways of perceiving and thinking about complex and uncertain policy environments
  • The course will provide the capability to develop the content to lead and manage for adaptation to a changing business environment
  • The capability to develop and share new narratives that impact on cultural change, policy and strategy development
  • Learn the skills and techniques of foresight work that will assist to inform policy and strategy development and address a range of other issues
  • The capacity to challenge belief systems about the dynamics of the business landscape and the implications this may have on the direction of the organisation and its consequential performance

Strategic thinking and planning in a complex and uncertain world

  • Understanding the nature of change and how that influences the framing of policy and strategy development
  • Understanding the distinctions between strategic thinking and strategic planning
  • The capability to identify the difference between ambiguity and uncertainty and how to respond accordingly to develop strategy
  • The capability to identify uncertainty, understand it and include the implications of it throughout the strategic plan
  • The capability to design a strategic plan and develop statements of outcome with the associated performance indicators and activities
  • The capability to better understand people during strategy and policy development and how to better manage relationships to achieve intended business outcomes


Who should attend?

  • Any sector that needs to understand the nature of its business environment and develop an organised response with the capacity to identify emerging trends and be able to respond to them
  • Policy development and implementation business units
  • This course is suitable for APS6 - SES, or equivalent level.


finding a home for my school of thought, my worldview, and thus feeling less isolated in my thinking and more supported to persist in the work I am currently doing

I will be able to implement and practise some aspects of the course - especially in relation to strategic thinking at the Section/Team level. In fact, I am being supported by my management to do so.  The course has also encouraged me to more critically evaluate how strategic planning and thinking is playing out at the more senior levels of my organisation, which I think will be beneficial, even though I am unlikely to be able to directly influence what happens at this level.

I have recommended this course to my SES as my department is exploring scenario planning. I think Gary did a fantastic job and it would be wonderful if he could run a workshop based on this course in my department. 


Dr Gary Saliba

Dr Gary Saliba

Dr Gary Saliba is the Director of Strategic Journeys, a management consulting company, which assists people in organisations in strategy development work.

The unique role of Gary and his company is the integration of systems thinking, complex adaptive systems with futures studies and strategy development. This approach has enabled him to consult extensively across a range of government and commercial enterprises to develop organisational strategy that is based on plausible futures, using the scenario development methodology.

Gary’s approach is to work with people to enhance their processes in understanding their organisation’s operating environment and their own ways of operating. This leads to more informed decision-making and improved responsiveness and flexibility in an increasingly complex environment. 

Gary holds a BSc(Hons), PhD in Applied Mathematics and Dip Ed from the University of Sydney. He is a Fellow of the Australian Rural Leadership Foundation and Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.