Secondary Landing Page

Getting started checklist

My enrolments

☐ I have checked ISIS and am enrolled in CRWF 9540 Doctor of Philosophy or CRWF 9850 PhD in National Security Policy
☐ All my details on ISIS are correct
☐ I am enrolled in the correct coursework for my program
☐ I have collected my ANU student card
☐ I have paid my services and amenities fee

Key people

☐ I have met with with the HDR Administrator and the PhD Academic and Research Skills Advisor for a quick induction to my local research area
☐ I know how and when to contact the  HDR Administrator
☐ I know how and when to contact the CAP IT team
☐ I know how and when to contact CAP Facilities
☐ I know how and when to contact the PhD Academic and Research Skills Advisor
☐ I understand the roles of the PhD Seminar Co-ordinators, the HDR Convenors, and the HDR Director


Office and building set up

☐ I have after-hours access to my building(s) and I have checked that it works after hours
☐ I have a desk space, if needed, or have been allocated to the hotdesk room
☐ I know my way around the Crawford School buildings and know where the reception desk and PhD Common Room are

IT and computer facilities

☐ I have a computer with network access
☐ I am getting the software I need
☐ I regularly check my student email address for formal ANU communications
☐ I have photocopier/printer access, including a copy code

My academic program

☐ I know what academic area I am located in
☐ I know what kind of thesis I will be writing
☐ I have met with my interim supervisor and discussed the formation of my supervisory panel and clarified our shared expectations
☐ I have enrolled in the relevant coursework
☐ I have attended the School induction program

Safety and security

☐ I know how and when to contact ANU Security
☐ I know how and when to get an after-hours Unisafe escort
☐ I am mindful of my personal safety in the Crawford PhD buildings
☐ I know how to exit the Crawford PhD buildings in a fire, medical, or personal security emergency
☐ I know and can follow Crawford's emergency procedures
☐ I know where the Automated External Defibrillator (AED) is located
☐ I know where the sick bay is located
☐ I know and understand how important bicycle safety is and I am committed to not doing anything stupid or illegal when out riding and I know it is a requirement that I wear an approved bicycle helmet while riding a bicycle on campus as the ANU Parking and Traffic Statute 2007 encompasses the Australian Road Rules Act 2000

Getting engaged

☐ I am receiving emails from the Crawford PhD mailing list
☐ I have a profile on the list of current PhD students on the Crawford website
☐ I have subscribed to our Facebook group, ANU Crawford PhD


☐ I know how the telephone in my office works
☐ I know how to get stationery
☐ I know where to collect my mail
☐ I know how and where to send mail

3 month checklist

My academic program

☐ MILESTONE: My panel has been appointed (due at 3 - 12 months, depending on your program)
☐ I am narrowing down my topic
☐ I am attending PhD seminars in my area
☐ I am making the most of training and workshops
☐ I have sought advice from the PhD Academic and Research Skills Advisor on my research proposal and/or literature review

Admin, health, and services

☐ MILESTONE: I have completed my mandatory research integrity training (due at 3 months, and must be completed before any other milestones can be signed off)

☐ I have checked out some theses in the Crawford PhD thesis collection
☐ I have used the Stretchy Gym and found a stretchy buddy to keep me honest
☐ I have accessed the stationery exchange
☐ I have had a workstation assessment conducted
☐ My workstation complies with electrical safety standards

6 month checklist

My academic program

☐ MILESTONE: I have completed my mandatory research integrity training (due at 3 months, and must be completed before any other milestones can be signed off)

☐ MILESTONE: My panel has been appointed (due at 3 - 12 months, depending on your program)

☐ MILESTONE: I have submitted my Annual plan (due between 3 and 6 months)
☐ I am happy with my supervision. If not, I am seeking to make changes to my supervisory panel
☐ I have a fairly focused topic
☐ I have sought advice from the PhD Academic and Research Skills Advisor on my research proposal and/or literature review
☐ I am attending PhD seminars in my area
☐ I am making the most of training and workshops
☐ I periodically check out some theses in the Crawford PhD thesis collection so I know what a thesis looks like

Admin, health, and services

☐ I am complying with attendance and absence requirements

☐ I have paid my services and amenities fee

☐ I am looking after my physical fitness and general well-being
☐ I am looking after my mental health
☐ I am mindful of my personal safety in the Crawford PhD buildings
☐ I am staying at home when I am sick
☐ I am wearing a helmet when riding my bike because I have a big brain that needs protecting. I know it's true cos I'm doing a PhD
☐ I am using the Stretchy Gym cos I want to avoid repetitive strain injury

12 month checkllist

My academic program

☐ MILESTONE: I have completed my mandatory research integrity training (due at 3 months, and must be completed before any other milestones can be signed off)

☐ MILESTONE: My panel has been appointed (due at 3 - 12 months, depending on your program)

☐ MILESTONE: I have submitted my Annual plan (due at 6 months)
☐ MILESTONE: I have presented and had my thesis proposal review approved (due at 9 - 18 months, depending on your program)

☐ MILESTONE: I have completed my first annual report (due at 12 months)

☐ I am happy with my supervision. If not, I am seeking to make changes to my supervisory panel
☐ I have a fairly focused topic

☐ I have sought advice from the PhD Academic and Research Skills Advisor on my research proposal and/or literature review

☐ I am attending PhD seminars in my area

☐ I am making the most of training and workshops

☐ I periodically check out some theses in the Crawford PhD thesis collection so I know what a thesis looks like

Admin, health, and services

☐ I have applied for and taken recreation (aka 'annual') leave in my first year

☐ I am complying with attendance and absence requirements

☐ I have paid my services and amenities fee

☐ I am looking after my physical fitness and general well-being
☐ I am looking after my mental health
☐ I am mindful of my personal safety in the Crawford PhD buildings
☐ I am staying at home when I am sick
☐ I am wearing a helmet when riding my bike because I have a big brain that needs protecting. I know it's true cos I'm doing a PhD
☐ I am using the Stretchy Gym cos I want to avoid repetitive strain injury

2 year checklist

My academic program

☐ MILESTONE: I have completed my second annual report (due at 24 months)

☐ I am happy with my supervision. If not, I am seeking to make changes to my supervisory panel
☐ I have sought advice from the PhD Academic and Research Skills Advisor on  writing up and on thesis chapter planning

☐ I am attending PhD seminars in my area

☐ I am making the most of training and workshops

☐ I periodically check out some theses in the Crawford PhD thesis collection so I know what a thesis looks like


Admin, health, and services

☐ I have applied for and taken recreation (aka 'annual') leave in my second year
☐ I am complying with attendance and absence requirements
☐ I have paid my services and amenities fee

☐ I am looking after my physical fitness and general well-being

☐ I am looking after my mental health

☐ I am mindful of my personal safety in the Crawford PhD buildings

☐ I am staying at home when I am sick

☐ I am wearing a helmet when riding my bike because I don't want to leave my family and children to care for me when I get an Acquired Brain Injury because I wasn't wearing a helmet
☐ I am using the Stretchy Gym because it's fun!

3+ year checklist

My academic program

☐ MILESTONE: I have completed my third year (or later) annual report (due at 36 months)

☐ I have received approval to submit a thesis by compilation, if necessary (at 12+ months before submission)

☐ I am happy with my supervision. If not, I am seeking to make changes to my supervisory panel
☐ I have sought advice from the PhD Academic and Research Skills Advisor on my thesis chapters

☐ I am attending PhD seminars in my area

☐ I am making the most of training and workshops

☐ I periodically check out some theses in the Crawford PhD thesis collection so I know how a thesis is put together in its final form


Admin, health, and services

☐ I have applied for and taken recreation (aka 'annual') leave in my thir (or later) year
☐ I am complying with attendance and absence requirements
☐ I have paid my services and amenities fee

​☐ I am looking after my physical fitness and general well-being

☐ I am looking after my mental health

☐ I am mindful of my personal safety in the Crawford PhD buildings

☐ I am staying at home when I am sick

☐ I am wearing a helmet when riding my bike because I finally realise how utterly diabolical Canberra drivers are and I can't trust them an inch to exercise their duty of care to me as one of the most vulnerable road users
☐ I am using the Stretchy Gym because I'd be stupid if I didn't, and I'm doing a PhD so I can't be stupid

Finishing and submitting checklist

12 + months before submission

☐ I have received approval to submit a thesis by compilation, if necessary

​6 months before submission

☐ I have applied for an extension of scholarship if necessary
☐ I am getting my maps and illustrations together
☐ I have met with the PhD Academic and Research Skills Advisor to work out a plan for finishing up my thesis
☐ I have given my final PhD thesis seminar presentation (aka 'oral presentation')
☐ I have started to discuss examiners and the examination process with my supervisor

6 - 3 months before submission

☐ MILESTONE: I have presented and passed my final thesis seminar presentation, aka 'oral presentation' (due 6 - 3 months before submission)​

3 months before submission

☐ MILESTONE: I have given my Notice of Intention to Submit via eForms

☐ I have submitted my abstract via eForms
☐ I have discussed examiners and the examination process with my supervisor​

3 months before submission

☐ I have met with the PhD Academic and Research Skills Advisor to discuss whether or not I will need copyediting

2 months before submission

☐ I have applied for an extension of program if I cannot submit before my program end date. If you are unable to submit your thesis by your maximum submission date, you must seek an extension of your program. The application requires your supervisor’s comments and endorsement, endorsement by your Head of Department, and approval by the Delegated Authority.​

2 weeks before submission

☐ My supervisor has completed and submitted the Nomination of Examiners form

1 week before submission

☐ I have notified the HDR Administrator that I will be submitting in the next week.


☐ I submitted my thesis today and told lots of people


☐ I have cleared out my office and notified the HDR Administrator
☐ I have returned my office key to CAP Facilities
☐ I have backed up my ANU computer hard drive because I know it will shortly be deleted
☐ I have requested access to the hot desk room via the PhD Academic and Research Skills Advisor, if required
☐ I have removed all food items from fridge
☐ I have returned all my library books
☐ I have notified IT services of my finishing date and advised which software could be removed from, and which licences need not be renewed on, my machine
☐ I have met with my supervisor to discuss any outstanding issues
☐ I have provided a forwarding address and other relevant contact details to the HDR Administrator

☐ I have filled out and submitted the departure checklist form

3+ months after submission

☐ Examination of my thesis has been completed within 3 months. If not, I am checking up on it with the HDR Administrator to see when the thesis reports will be in
☐ I have received my examination reports and made any necessary changes
☐ I have received formal notification that I will be conferred with the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. I'm almost legit.
☐ I have given hard-bound copies of my thesis to my supervisor and anyone else who helped significantly along the way (optional)
☐ I have donated a hard-bound copy of my thesis to the Crawford PhD thesis collection (optional)
☐ I have graduated and can now call myself 'Dr'