Secondary Landing Page

Crawford's pre-sessional program (PSP) is a summer/winter school which prepares students for studying at the Crawford School.

The program is compulsory for the following programs and is also available to all other Crawford students.

  • Master of Environmental and Resource Economics    
  • Master of International and Development Economics    
  • Master of Public Administration            
  • Master of Public Policy         
  • Master of Climate Change        
  • Master of Environmental Management and Development    
  • Graduate Certificate of Asia-Pacific Economies     
  • Graduate Certificate of Policy Design and Analysis     
  • Graduate Certificate of Environmental and Resource Economics    
  • Graduate Certificate of International and Development Economics
  • Graduate Certificate of Public Management    

What is the PSP?

The PSP helps prepare students who may be embarking on graduate coursework for the first time; who have studied outside Australia; and those who may have been away from formal studies for a significant period of time. It sets students up for success, giving them the  necessary academic skills and foundational knowledge to succeed in their degree. 

You'll learn:

  • the language of the different policy disciplines
  • critical analysis
  • how to form an argument and use evidence
  • academic reading and writing
  • research skills
  • academic integrity and referencing
  • the use of AI
  • presentation skills. 

Students who complete the PSP are far more likely to succeed in their studies than those who do not complete it. International students should complete the PSP no matter their background or what degree they are studying.

What will I study in the PSP?

The PSP consists of three courses in which students are formally enrolled.

All students complete

In addition,

Resources, Environment and Development (READ) students complete 

Policy and Governance (POGO) students complete

Economics (ACDE) students complete

Frequently Asked Questions

When is the PSP offered?

Twice per year.

Summer School PSP - four weeks from early-mid January to mid February (for commencement in Semester 1)
Winter School PSP - four weeks from mid-early June to mid July (For commencement in Semester 2)

You complete the PSP prior to the semester you are commencing your degree.

What is the point of the PSP?

As a Crawford postgraduate student the expectations on you are high. The PSP sets you up from the very beginning so that you can meet these expectations in your courses.

    The vast majority of students who are skeptical about the PSP at first, end up wondering what they would have done without it.

    Can I complete the PSP online?


    CRWF7900 is taught in two separate cohorts - one on campus and one online. The other PSP courses are offered in dual delivery mode.

    If you don't arrive in Canberra before PSP commences you can start it online and transition to on campus when you arrive.

    I am studying part time - can I complete the PSP?

    Yes - even though there is a fairly high volume of work over the four weeks of the PSP you can still complete it part time. Trust us - putting in the work during the PSP will be worthwhile as it will set you up for success (and possibly save you time) for your degree.

    What cost is the PSP?

    The program is no additional cost on top of your normal course fees. The PSP courses are 0 units.

    Will the courses appear on my transcript?

    Yes. The PSP is a formal program and all PSP courses will appear - with a result - on your official transcript.

    How is the PSP graded?

    All PSP courses are graded on a a pass/fail basis (CRS/CRN).

    What if I don't pass the PSP?

    The emphasis for the PSP is to ensure you acquire essential skills for your degree program. We don't like to see anyone fail the PSP - if you are having difficulty, our convenors will work with you to ensure you complete the program. 

    Where the PSP is a formal requirement for your degree program, if you do not successfully complete all required assessments you may be asked to repeat the PSP in the next offering. If you fail to participate at all you will not be able to commence your degree.

    Can I get an exemption for the PSP?

    Some students are eligible for an exemption for the PSP - this usually happens if you have studied at a graduate level in Australia in the last two years, or if you have already completed a Grad Cert or Masters program at Crawford School. Please contact the Student Engagement Team if you have any questions.