Tom Kompas
Honorary Professor Tom Kompas is Professor of Environmental Economics and Biosecurity at the University of Melbourne.
In 2010, Tom was appointed to the Eminent Scientists Group (ESG) in the Department of Agriculture. The ESG provides independent advice to the Minister and the Secretary of the Department on matters of biosecurity and risk analysis. In 2012, Tom became Editor-in-Chief of Asia and the Pacific Policy Studies, President of the newly-formed Asia and Pacific Policy Society and Publisher of Policy Forum (http://www.policyforum.net/).
Tom’s research specialises in large-dimensional modelling, cost-benefit analysis and natural resource and environmental economics. His bioeconomic modelling and biosecurity research has been published in the world’s leading international journals (including Science, Nature Climate Change, the Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Land Economics, Environmental Modelling and Software and Conservation Biology), and his current work focuses on the major biosecurity and climate issues in Australia and internationally.
In 2009, Tom received the ‘CSIRO Medal for Research Achievement’, in 2004, the ‘Crawford Award for Research Excellence’ from ABARE, and in 2011 the ‘Eureka Prize for Water Research and Innovation’. He is a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences Australia and was Director of the Crawford School of Public Policy from 2009 to 2015.
In 2009, Tom was a recipient of the University’s highest award for teaching, the ‘Vice Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching’. In 2008, Tom also received the ‘Award for Teaching Excellence’ from the College of Asia and the Pacific at ANU, and in 2010 he received a national teaching award, the Australian Learning and Teaching Council ‘Citation for Outstanding Contribution to Student Learning’.
Research Interest
- Bioeconomic modelling
- Natural resource and environmental economics
- Tom Kompas, Pham Van Ha, Hoa Thi Minh Nguyen, Graeme Garner, Sharon Roche and Iain East, (2020), ‘Optimal Surveillance Against Foot-and-Mouth disease: A Sample Average Approximation Approach,’ PLOS ONE, 15, e0235969, https://doi.org/10.1371/journal. pone.0235969.
- Sean Pascoe, Trevor Hutton, Eriko Hoshino, Mariana Sporcic, Satoshi Yamasaki and Tom Kompas, (2020), ‘Effectiveness of Harvest Strategies in Achieving Multiple Management Objectives in a Multi-species Fishery’, Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, published online, https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-8489.12369.
- Hoa Thi Minh Nguyen, Hoang Do, Adrian Kay and Tom Kompas, (2020), ‘Rice Policy in a Transitional Economy: Balancing the Social and Political Objectives’, Food Security, 12, 549–566.
- Quentin Grafton, Luc Doyen, Christophe Benee, Edoardo Borgomeo, Kate Brooks, Long Chu, Graeme S. Cumming, John Dixon, Stephen Dovers, Dustin Garrick, Ariella Helfgott, Qiang Jiang, Pamela Katic, Tom Kompas, L. Rich Little, Nathanial Matthews, Claudia Ringler, Dale Squires, Stein Ivar Steinshamn, Sebastian Villasante, Sarah Wheeler, John Williams and Paul Wyrwoll, (2019), ‘Realizing Resilience for Decision-Making’, Nature Sustainability, 2, 907–913.
- Jonathon Keith, Daniel Spring and Tom Kompas, (2019),‘Delimiting a Species Geographic Range using Posterior Sampling and Computational Geometry’, Scientific Reports, 9, #8938.
- Tom Kompas, Long Chu, Pham Van Ha and Daniel Spring, (2019), ‘Budgeting and Port- folio Allocation for Biosecurity Measures’, Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 63, 412–38.
- Richard Bradhurst, Graeme Garner, Iain East, Clare Death, Aaron Dodd, Tom Kompas, (2019), ‘Management Strategies for Vaccinated Animals after an Outbreak of Foot- and-Mouth Disease and the Impact on Return to Trade’, PLOS ONE, 14(10): e0223518. https://doi. org/10.1371/ journal.pone.0223518.
- Tom Kompas and Pham Van Ha, (2019), ‘The ‘Curse of Dimensionality Resolved’: The Effects of Climate Change and Trade Barriers in Large Dimensional Modelling’, Economic Modelling, 80, 103–110.
- Tom Kompas, Pham Van Ha and Tuong Nhu Che, (2018), ‘The Effects of Climate Change on GDP by Country and the Global Gains from Complying with the Paris Climate Accord’, Earth’s Future, https://doi.org.10.1029/2108EF000922. [Impact Factor: 4.9]
- Tom Kompas and Pham Van Ha, (2018), ‘The ‘Curse of Dimensionality Resolved’: The Effects of Climate Change and Trade Barriers in Large Dimensional Modelling’, Economic Modelling, in press. [CiteScore: 1.83, Impact Factor: 1.57, SNIP: 1.34, Environmental Science: 14/223]
- Tom Kompas and Long Chu, (2018), ‘MEY for a Short-Lived Species: A Neural Network Approach’, Fisheries Research, 201, 138–146. [Impact Factor: 2.35, CiteScore: 2.21]
- Daniel A. Spring, Luke Croft, Nick R. Bond, Shaun C. Cunningham, Ralph Mac Nally, Tom Kompas, (2018), ‘Institutional Impediments to Conservation of Freshwater Dependent Ecosystems’, Science of the Total Environment, 621, 407–16. [Impact Factor: 4.90, CiteScore: 5.09]
- J. Mariyono, A. Kuntariningsih, and Tom Kompas, (2018), ‘Pesticide Use in Indonesian Veg- etable Farming and its Determinants’, Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal, 29(2), 305–323.
- Eriko Hoshino, Sean Pacoe, Trevor Hutton, Tom Kompas and Satoshi Yamazaki, (2017)„ ‘Estimating Maximum Economic Yield in Multispecies Fisheries: A Review’, Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, https://doi-org.virtual.anu.edu.au/10.1007/s11160-017-9508-8. [Impact Factor: 3.57]
- Tom Kompas, Pham Van Ha, Hoa Thi Minh Nguyen, Iain East, Sharon Roche, Graeme Garner, (2017), ‘Optimal Surveillance against Foot-and-Mouth Disease: The Case of Bulk Milk Testing in Australia’, Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 61, 215–38. [AARES Best Paper Prize; Impact Factor: 1.83, 3/17 (Agricultural Economics), 7⅔47 (Economics)]
- R. Quentin Grafton, Tom Kompas and Ngo Van Long, (2017), ‘A Brave New World? Kantian- Nashian Interaction and the Dynamics of Global Climate Change Mitigation’, European Economic Review, 99, 31-42. [CiteScore: 1.51, Impact Factor: 1.85]
- Hoa Thi Minh Nguyen, Tom Kompas, Trevor Breusch and Michael Ward, (2017), ‘Language, Mixed Communes and Infrastructure: Sources of Inequality and Ethnic Minorities in Vietnam’, World Development, 96 145-162. [Impact Factor: 3.10, SNIP: 2.157, Economics: 30/344]
- Pham Van Ha, Tom Kompas, Hoa Thi Minh Nguyen and Long Chu, (2017), ‘Building a Better Trade Model to Determine Local Effects’, Economic Modelling, 67, 102-113. [CiteScore: 1.83, Impact Factor: 1.57, SNIP: 1.34, Environmental Science: 14/223]
- Tom Kompas, Tuong Nhu Che, Pham Van Ha and Long Chu, (2017), ‘Cost–Benefit Analysis for Biosecurity Decisions’, in Methods for Invasive Species Risk Analysis and Management, Andrew Robinson, Mark Burgman, Terry Walshe and Mike Nunn (eds.), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Tom Kompas, Long Chu and Hoa Thi Minh Nguyen, (2016), ‘A Practical Optimal Surveillance Policy for Invasive Weeds: An Application to Hawkweed in Australia’, Ecological Economics, in press.
- Tom Kompas and Tuong Nhu Che, (2016), ‘A Structural and Stochastic Optimal Model for Projections of LNG Imports and Exports in Asia-Pacific’, Heliyon, 2, e00108.
- Michael G. Garner, Iain J. East, Tom Kompas, Pham Van Ha, Sharon E. Roche, and Hoa Thi Minh Nguyen, (2016), ‘Comparison of Alternatives to Passive Surveillance to Detect Foot and Mouth Disease Incursions in Victoria, Australia’, Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 128, 78–86.
- Pham Van Ha and Tom Kompas, (2016), ‘Solving Intertemporal CGE Models in Parallel using a Singly Bordered Block Diagonal Ordering Technique’, Economic Modelling, 53, 3-12.
- Sonia Akter, Tom Kompas and Michael B. Ward, (2015), ‘Applications of Portfolio Theory to Asset-Based Biosecurity Decision Analysis’, Ecological Economics, 117, 73-85.
- Long Chu, Tom Kompas and R. Quentin Grafton, (2015), ‘Impulse Controls: Method and Application in Economics’, Environmental Modelling and Software, 65, 50-57.
- Mark Matthews and Tom Kompas, (2015), ‘Coping with Nasty Surprises: Improving Risk Management in the Public Sector using Simplified Bayesian Methods’, Asia and the Pacific Policy Studies, 2, 452-466.
- Daniel Spring and Tom Kompas, (2015), ‘Managing Risk and Increasing the Robustness of Invasive Species Eradication Programs,’ Asia and the Pacific Policy Studies, 2, 485-493.
- Quentin Grafton, Long Chu and Tom Kompas, (2015), ‘Optimal Water Tariffs and Supply Augmentation for Cost-of-Service Regulated Water Utilities’, Utilities Policy 34, 54-62.
- Satoshi Yamazaki, Sarah Jennings, R. Quentin Grafton and Tom Kompas, (2015), ‘Are Marine Reserves and Harvest Control Rules Substitutes or Complements for Rebuilding Fisheries?’, Resource and Energy Economics, in press.
- Hoa Thi Minh Nguyen, Roslyn I. Hickson, Tom Kompas, Geoffrey N. Mercer, Kamalini M. Lokuge, (2015), ‘Strengthening Tuberculosis Control Overseas: Who Benefits?’, Value in Health, 18,180-188.
- Tom Kompas, Hoa Thi Minh Nguyen, Pham Van Ha, (2015), ‘Food and Biosecurity: Livestock Production and Towards a World Free of Foot-and-Mouth Disease’, Food Security, 7, 291-302.
- Pham Van Ha, Hoa Thi Minh Nguyen, Tom Kompas, Tuong Nhu Che and Bui Trinh, (2014), ‘The Effects of Food Policy: Rice Export Policy, Regional Income and the Poor in Vietnam’, Journal of Agricultural Economics, 66, 280-307.
- Long Chu and Tom Kompas, (2014), ‘Targets and Fisheries Management in the Asia and Pacific Region’, Asia and the Pacific Policy Studies, 1, 615-22.
- R. Quentin Grafton, Long Chu, Tom Kompas and M. Ward, (2014), ‘Volumetric Water Pricing, Social Surplus and Supply Augmentation’, Water Resources and Economics, published online, http://dx.doi.org.virtual.anu.edu.au/10.1016/j. wre.2014.07.001.
- R. Quentin Grafton and Tom Kompas, (2014), ‘Three Pillars of Fisheries Policy’, Asia and the Pacific Policy Studies, 1, 609-14.
- R. Quentin Grafton and Tom Kompas, (2014), ‘Fisheries Forever’, Solutions, 4, 47-53.
- Hoa Thi Minh Nguyen, Tom Kompas and Roslyn I. Hickson, (2014), ‘Aid and the Control of Tuberculosis in Papua New Guinea: Is Australia’s Assistance Cost-Effective?’, Asia and the Pacific Policy Studies, 1, 364-378.
- R. Quentin Grafton, Tom Kompas and Ngo Van Long, (2014), ‘Increase in Risk and its Effects on Welfare and Optimal Policies in a Dynamic Setting: The Case of Global Pollution’, The Geneva Risk and Insurance Review, 39, 40-64.
- N. Linh-Son, R. Quentin Grafton, T. Dieu-Hang and Tom Kompas, (2014), ‘Multiple Use Management Strategies and Marine Reserves’, Reviews in Fisheries Science, 22, 131-141.
- S. Pascoe, Cathy M. Dichmont, Simon Vieira, Tom Kompas, Rik C. Buckworth, and David Carter, (2013), ‘A Retrospective Evaluation of Sustainable Yields for Australia’s Northern Prawn Fishery: An Alternative View’, Fisheries, 38, 502-508.
- R. Quentin Grafton, Tom Kompas, Ngo Van Long and Hang To, (2013), ‘US Biofuel Subsidies and CO2 Emissions: An Empirical Test for a Weak and Strong Green Paradox’, Energy Policy, 68, 550-555.
- R. Quentin Grafton, J. Pittock, R. Davis, Tom Kompas, et al. (2013), ‘Global insights into water resources, climate change and governance’, in R. Quentin Grafton, J. Pittock, M. Tait, C. White (eds.), Water Security, Economics and Governance, Tilde Publishing and Distribution, Australia.
- R. Quentin Grafton, Jamie Pittock, Richard Davis, John Williams, Guobin Fu, Michele Warburton, Bradley Udall, Ronnie McKenzie, Xiubo Yu, Nhu Che, Daniel Connell, Qiang Jiang, Tom Kompas, Amanda Lynch, Richard Norris, Hugh Possingham and John Quiggin, (2012), ‘Global insights into water resources, climate change and governance’, Nature Climate Change, November 25.
- Satoshi Yamazaki, R. Quentin Grafton, Tom Kompas and Sarah Jennings, (2012), ‘Biomass management Targets and the Conservation and Economic Benefits of Marine Reserves,’ Fish and Fisheries, DOI: 10.1111./faf.12008.
- R. Quentin Grafton, Tom Kompas and Ngo Van Long, (2012), ‘Substitution between Biofuels and Fossil Fuels: Is there a Green Paradox?’ Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 64, 328-41.
- Tom Kompas and Long Chu, (2012), ‘Comparing Approximation Techniques to Continuous-Time Stochastic Dynamic Programming Problems: Applications to Natural Resource Modelling,’ Environmental Modelling and Software, 38, 1-12.
- Tom Kompas, Tuong Nhu Che, Hoa Thi Minh Nguyen, Ha Quang Nguyen, (2012), ‘Productivity, Net Returns and Efficiency: Land and Market Reform in Vietnamese Rice Production,’ Land Economics, 88, 748-95.
- R. Quentin Grafton, Tom Kompas, Nhu Che, Long Chu and Ray Hilborn, (2012), ‘BMEY as a Fisheries Management Target’, Fish and Fisheries, 13, 303-12.
- Quentin Grafton, Michael Ward, Hang To and Tom Kompas, (2011) ‘Determinants of Residential Water Consumption: Evidence and Analysis from a Ten-country Survey,’ Water Resources Research, 47(8).
- Quentin Grafton, Long Chu, Michael Stewardson and Tom Kompas, (2011) ‘Optimal Dynamic Water Allocation: Irrigation Extractions and Environmental Tradeoffs in the Murray River, Australia,’ Water Resources Research, 47 June.
- Quentin Grafton, Sonia Akter and Tom Kompas, (2011) ‘A Policy-enabling Environment for the Ex-ante Evaluation of Marine Protected Areas,’ Ocean and Coastal Management, 54(6), 478-87.
- Trevor Breusch, Michael Ward, Hoa Thi Minh Nguyen and Tom Kompas, (2011) ‘FEVD: Just IV or Just Mistaken?’ Political Analysis, 19, 165-69.
- Trevor Breusch, Michael Ward, Hoa Thi Minh Nguyen and Tom Kompas, (2011) ‘On the Fixed-Effects Vector Decomposition’, Political Analysis, 19, 123-34.
- Joko Mariyono, Budy Resosudarmo, Tom Kompas and Quentin Grafton, (2010) ‘Understanding environmental and social inefficiencies in Indonesian rice production,’ in Economic Transition and Natural Resource Management in East and South East Asia, V. Beckman et al. (eds.), Shaker Verlag, Aachen.
- L. Little, R. Q. Grafton, Tom Kompas, A. D. M. Smith, Andre Punt and B. Mapstone, (2010) ‘Complementarity of No-Take Marine Reserves and Individual Transferable Catch Quotas for Managing the Line Fishery of the Great Barrier Reef,’ Conservation Biology, 25, 333-340.
- Satoshi Yamazki, R. Quentin Grafton and Tom Kompas, (2010) ‘Non-consumptive values and optimal marine reserve switching,” Ecological Economics, 69, 2427-2434.
- Tom Kompas, Quentin Grafton and Nhu Che, (2010) ‘Bioeconomic Losses from Overharvesting Tuna’, Conservation Letters, 3, 177-83.
- R. Quentin Grafton, Tom Kompas, Chu Long and Nhu Che, ‘Maximum Economic Yield,’ (2010), Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 54, 273-80.
- Tanira Tingi and Tom Kompas, (2010) ‘Rural Reform and Fiji’s Indigenous Sugarcane Growers: An Application of Stochastic Frontier Analysis,’ Pacific Economic Bulletin, 25, 42-61.
- R. Quentin Grafton, Tom Kompas and Ray Hilborn, ‘Limits to the Privatization of Fisheries Resources; Comment,” (2010) Land Economics, 86, 609-13.
- Tom Kompas, Cathy Dichmont, Andre Punt, A. Deng, T. N. Che, J. Bishop, P. Gooday, Y. Ye and S. Zhou, (2010) ‘Maximizing Profits and Conserving Stocks in the Australian Northern Prawn Fishery’, Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 54, 281-99.
- Andre E. Punt, Roy A. Deng, Cathy Dichmont, Tom Kompas, William Venables, Shijie Zhou, Sean Pascoe, Trevor Hutton, Rob Kenyon, Tonya van der Velde and Marco Kienzle, ‘Integrating Size-structured Assessment and Bioeconomic Management Advice in Australia’s Northern Prawn Fishery,’ (2010),ICES Journal of Marine Science, 67, 1785-1801.
- Joko Mariyono, Tom Kompas and R. Quentin Grafton, ‘Shifting from the Green Revolution to Environmentally Sound Policies: Technological Change in Indonesian Rice Agriculture’, (2010) Journal of Asia Pacific Economy, 15, 128-147.
- Rich Little, R. Quentin Grafton, Tom Kompas and Tony D. Smith, (2010) ‘Closure strategies as a tool for fisheries management in metapopulations subjected to catastrophic events’, Fisheries Management and Ecology, 17, 346-55.
- Tom Kompas, R. Quentin Grafton, Pham Van Ha, Nhu Che and Long Chu (2010) ‘Bioeconomic Modeling of Marine Reserves with Environmental Uncertainty,’ in Handbook of Marine Fisheries Conservation and Management, London: Oxford University Press.
- Cathy Dichmont, Sean Pascoe, Tom Kompas, Andre Punt and R. Dung, (2010) ‘On Implementing Maximum Economic Yield in Commercial Fisheries’, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107:16-21.
- R. Quentin Grafton, David Campbell, Christopher Costello, Ray Hilborn and Tom Kompas, (2009) ‘Comment on “Abdicating Responsibility: The Deceits of Fisheries Policy”,’ Fisheries, 34, 292-94.
- Nazmun N. Ratna, R. Quentin Grafton and Tom Kompas, (2009) ‘Is Diversity Bad for Economic Growth? Evidence from State-level Data in the US,’ Journal of Socio-Economics, 38, 859-70.
- R. Quentin Grafton, Tom Kompas, and Pham Van Ha, (2009) ‘Cod Today and None Tomorrow: The Economic Value of a Marine Reserve’, Land Economics, 85 (3): 454-469.
- Thi Bich Tran, Quentin Grafton, Tom Kompas, (2009) ‘Contribution of productivity and firm size to value-added: Evidence from Vietnam’, International Journal of Production Economics, 121, 274-285.
- Thi Bich Tran, R. Quentin Grafton and Tom Kompas, (2009) ‘Institutions Matter: The Case of Vietnam’, Journal of Socio-Economics, 38, 1-12.
- Satoshi Yamazaki, Tom Kompas and R. Quentin Grafton, (2009) ‘Output versus Input Controls Under Uncertainty: The Case of a Fishery,’ Natural Resource Modeling, 22, 212-236.
- C. Dichmont, A. Deng, A. Punt, N. Ellis, W. Venables, T. Kompas, Y. Ye, S. Zhou and J. Bishop, (2008) ‘Beyond Biological Performance Measures in Management Strategy Evaluation: Bringing in Economics and the Effects of Trawling on the Benthos’, Fisheries Research, 94, 238-50.
- Tom Kompas, Nhu Che and Quentin Grafton, (2008) ‘Fisheries Instrument Choice under Uncertainty’,Land Economics, 84, 652-66.
- Tran Thi Bich, Grafton R. and Kompas, Tom (2008),‘Firm Efficiency in a Transitional Economy: Evidence from Vietnam,’ Asian Economic Journal, 22, 47-66.
- Kompas, T. and R. Kuk (2008) ‘Managing the Gulf of Papua Prawn Fishery: Sustainability, Maximum Returns and Cooperation between Commercial Fishing and Indigenous Fishing Communities’, Pacific Economic Bulletin, 23, 29-38.
- Nazmun Ratna, Anne Dray, Pascal Perez, R. Quentin Grafton, and Tom Kompas (2008) ‘Innovation Diffusion among Heterogeneous Agents: Exploring Complexity with Agent Based Modeling (ABM)’, in Applications of Complex Adaptive Systems, Y. Shang and A. Yang (eds.), London, IGI Publishing
- Nazmun Ratna, Anne Dray, Pascal Perez, R. Quentin Grafton, David Newth and Tom Kompas, (2008) ‘Diffusion and Social Networks: Revisiting Medical Innovation with Agents,’ in Complex Decision Making: Theory and Practice, Hans Qudrat-Ullah, J. Michael Specter, Pal Davidsen (eds.), Berlin: Springer.
- R. Quentin Grafton, Tom Kompas and Ray Hilborn, (2007) “The Economics of Overexploitation Revisited”, Science, 318, 7 December, 1601.
- Grafton, Q., Kompas, T., McLoughlin, R., and Rayns, C., (2007) ‘Benchmarking for Fisheries Governance’, Marine Policy 31, 470-479.
- Grafton R., and Kompas, T., (2007) ‘Pricing Sydney Water’, Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 51, 227-241.
- Grafton, R., Kompas, T. and Owen, D., (2007) ‘Bridging the barriers: knowledge connections, productivity and capital accumulation,’* Journal of Productivity Analysis.*
- Kompas, T. and Gooday, P. (2007) ‘The failure of command and control approaches to fisheries management: lessons from Australia’, International Journal of Global Environmental Issues, 7, 174-190.
- Kompas, T. and Che, T.N. (2006) ‘Economic profit and optimal effort in the Western and Central Pacific tuna fisheries’, Pacific Economic Bulletin, 21, 46-62.
- Kompas, T. and Che, T. N. (2006) ‘Technology Choice and Efficiency on Australian Dairy Farms’, Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 50, 65-83
- Fox, K.J., R.Q. Grafton, T. Kompas and N. Che. (2006) ‘Capacity Reduction, Quota Trading and Productivity: The Case of a Fishery’, Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 50, 189–206
- Grafton, R.Q., Kompas, T. and Pham, V. H. (2006) ‘The Economic Payoffs from Marine Reserves: Resource Rents in a Stochastic Environment’, Economic Record, 82, 469-480
- Grafton, R.Q., Arnason, R., Bjørndal, T., Campbell, D., Campbell, H.F., Clark, C.W., Connor, R., Dupont, D.P., Hannesson, R., Hilborn, R., Kirkley, J.E., Kompas, T., Lane, D.E., Munro, G.R., Pascoe, S., Squires, D., Steinshamn, S.I., Turris, B.R., Weninger, Q. (2006) ‘Incentive-Based Approaches to Sustainable Fisheries,’ Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences , 63: 699-710.
- Che, T. N.; Kompas, T. and Vousden, N. (2006), ‘Market reform, Incentives and Economic Development in Vietnamese Rice Production’, Comparative Economic Studies, 48, 277-301.
- Kompas, T. (2005), ‘Fisheries Management: Economic Efficiency and the Concept of ‘Maximum Economic Yield’. Australian Commodities, 12, 152-60.
- Grafton, R.Q.; Kompas, T.; Lindemayor, D. (2005), ‘Marine reserves with ecological uncertainty’. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 67, 957-971.
- Grafton, R.Q. Kompas, T.; (2005), ‘Uncertainty and the active adaptive management of marine resources’. Marine Policy, 29,471-479.
- Kompas, T.; Che, T.; (2005), ‘Efficiency gains and cost reductions from individual transferable quotas: a stochastic cost frontier for the Australian south east fishery’. Journal of Productivity Analysis, 23, 285-307.
- Grafton, R.Q.; Kompas, T.; Schneider, V. (2005), ‘The bioeconomics of marine reserves: a selected review with policy implications’. Journal of Bioeconomics, 7, 161-78.
- Kompas, T.; Che, T.; Grafton, R. (2004), ‘Technical Efficiency Effects of Input Controls: Evidence from Australia’s Banana Prawn Fishery’. Applied Economics, 36, 1631-41.
- Kompas, T.; Che, T (2004), ‘Productivity in Australian Dairy Industry’. Review of Agribusiness, 12, 1-24.
- Che, T.; Kompas, T.; Vousden, N. (2001), ‘Incentives and static and dynamic gains from market reform: rice production in Vietnam’. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 45(4), 547-72.
- Kompas, T. (2000), “Traditional Notions of Equilibrium Reconsidered,” in Equilibrium, Donald Walker, ed., (Series: Critical Ideas in Economics, Mark Blaug and Kevin D. Hoover, eds.), Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2000, 484-495.