Robert Sparrow
Associate Professor, Development Economics Group, Wageningen University, The Netherlands
Associate Professor, International Institute of Social Studies, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Research Fellow, IZA, Bonn, Germany
Research Interest
Key Publications
Kis-Katos, Krisztina, Janneke Pieters and Robert Sparrow, “Globalization and Social Change: Gender-specific Effects of Trade Liberalization in Indonesia”, forthcoming in IMF Economic Review.
Hartwig, Renate, Robert Sparrow, Sri Budiyati, Athia Yumna, Nila Warda, Asep Suryahadi and Arjun S. Bedi, “Effects of Decentralized Health Care Financing on Maternal Care in Indonesia”, forthcoming in Economic Development and Cultural Change.
Ariane Utomo, Peter McDonald, Iwu Utomo, Nur Cahyadi and Robert Sparrow, “Social Engagement and the Elderly in Rural Indonesia”, forthcoming in Social Science & Medicine.
Hatton, Timothy J., Robert Sparrow, Daniel Suryadarma and Pierre van der Eng, 2018, “Fertility and the Health of Children in Indonesia”, Economics & Human Biology 28: 67-78.
Kis-Katos, Krisztina, Janneke Pieters and Robert Sparrow, 2018, “Gender, Labour Markets and Trade Liberalisation in Indonesia”, in Patunru, A.A., M. Pangestu and M.C. Basri (eds), Indonesia in the New World: Globalisation, Nationalism and Sovereignty, pp. 157-179. Singapore: ISEAS Publishing.
Bedi, Arjun S., Robert Sparrow and Luca Tasciotti, 2017, “The Impact of a Household Biogas Programme on Energy Use and Expenditure in East Java”, Energy Economics 68: 66-76.
Shigute, Zemzem, Anagaw Mebratie, Robert Sparrow, Zelalem Yilma, Getnet Alemu and Arjun S. Bedi, 2017, “Uptake of Health Insurance and the Productive Safety Net Program in Rural Ethiopia”, Social Science & Medicine 176: 133–141.
Sparrow, Robert, Sri Budiyati, Athia Yumna, Nila Warda, Asep Suryahadi and Arjun S. Bedi, 2017, “Sub-national Health Care Financing Reforms in Indonesia”, Health Policy and Planning 32(1): 91-101.
Kis-Katos, Krisztina, and Robert Sparrow, 2015, “Poverty, Labour Markets and Trade Liberalization in Indonesia”, Journal of Development Economics 117: 94-106.
Grimm, Michael, Robert Sparrow and Luca Tasciotti, 2015, “Does Electrification Spur the Fertility Transition? Evidence from Indonesia”, Demography 52(5): 1773-1796.
Mebratie, Anagaw, Robert Sparrow, Zelalem Yilma, Getnet Alemu and Arjun S. Bedi, 2015, “Enrolment in Ethiopia’s Community Based Health Insurance Scheme”, World Development 74: 58-76.
Khan, Farid, Arjun S. Bedi and Robert Sparrow, 2015, “Sickness and Death: Economic Consequences and Coping Strategies of the Urban Poor in Bangladesh”, World Development 72: 255–266.
Mebratie, Anagaw, Robert Sparrow, Zelalem Yilma, Getnet Alemu and Arjun S. Bedi, 2015, “Dropping out of Ethiopia’s Community Based Health Insurance Scheme”, Health Policy and Planning 30(10): 1296-1306.
Yilma, Zelalem, Anagaw Mebratie, Robert Sparrow, Marleen Dekker, Getnet Alemu and Arjun S. Bedi, 2015, “Impact of Ethiopia’s Community Based Health Insurance on Household Economic Welfare”, World Bank Economic Review 29: S164-S173.
Yilma, Zelalem, Anagaw Mebratie, Robert Sparrow, Degnet Abebaw, Marleen Dekker, Getnet Alemu and Arjun S. Bedi, 2014, “Coping with Shocks in Rural Ethiopia”, Journal of Development Studies 50(7): 1009-1024.
Sparrow, Robert, Ellen van de Poel, Gracia Hadiwidjaja, Athia Yumna, Nila Warda and Asep Suryahadi, 2014, “Coping with the Economic Consequences of Ill Health in Indonesia”, Health Economics 23(6): 719-728.
Forero-Ramírez, Nohora, Luis F. Gamboa, Arjun S. Bedi and Robert Sparrow 2014, “Child Malnutrition and Prenatal Care: Evidence from Three Latin American Countries”, Pan American Journal of Public Health 35(3): 163-171.
Sparrow, Robert, Asep Suryahadi and Wenefrida Widyanti, 2013, “Social Health Insurance for the Poor: Targeting and Impact of Indonesia’s Askeskin Program”, Social Science & Medicine 96: 264-271.
Kruse, Ioana, Menno Pradhan and Robert Sparrow, 2012, “Marginal Benefit Incidence of Public Health Spending: Evidence from Indonesian sub-national data”, Journal of Health Economics 31(1): 147-157.
Kis-Katos, Krisztina, and Robert Sparrow, 2011, “Child Labor and Trade Liberalization in Indonesia”, Journal of Human Resources 46(4): 722-749.
Iturriza, Ana, Arjun S. Bedi and Robert Sparrow, 2011, “Unemployment Assistance and Transition to Employment in Argentina”, Economic Development and Cultural Change 59(4): 811-837.
Robert Sparrow, 2011, “Social Health Insurance: Towards Universal Coverage for the Poor?”, in Manning, C., and S. Sumarto (eds), Employment, Living Standards and Poverty in Contemporary Indonesia, pp. 221-244. Singapore: ISEAS Publishing.
Calero, Carla, Arjun S. Bedi and Robert Sparrow, 2009, “Remittances, Liquidity Constraints and Human Capital Investments in Ecuador”, World Development 37(6): 1143-1154.
Sparrow, Robert, 2008, “Targeting the Poor in Times of Crisis: The Indonesian Health Card”, Health Policy and Planning 23(3): 188-199.
Pradhan, Menno, Fadia Saadah and Robert Sparrow, 2007, “Did the Health Card Program Ensure Access to Medical Care for the Poor during Indonesia’s Economic Crisis?”, World Bank Economic Review 21(1): 125-150.
Sparrow, Robert, 2007, “Protecting Education for the Poor in Times of Crisis: An Evaluation of a Scholarship Programme in Indonesia”, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 69(1): 99-122.
Lanjouw, Peter, Menno Pradhan, Fadia Saadah, Haneen Sayed and Robert Sparrow, 2002, “Poverty, Education and Health in Indonesia: Who Benefits from Public Spending?”, in Morrisson, C. (ed.), Education and Health Expenditures, and Development: The cases of Indonesia and Peru, pp. 17-78. Paris: Development Centre Studies, OECD Development Centre.
Lanjouw, Peter, Jaime Quizon and Robert Sparrow, 2001, “Non-Agricultural Earnings in Peri-urban Areas of Tanzania: Evidence from Household Survey Data”, Food Policy 26(4): 385-403.