Robert Costanza
Robert Costanza is an Emeritus Professor at the Crawford School of Public Policy. Prior to this he was Professor and Vice Chancellor’s Chair in Public Policy at the Crawford School of Public Policy
Dr. Costanza received BA and MA degrees in Architecture and a Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering Sciences (Systems Ecology with Economics minor) from the University of Florida.
Dr. Costanza’s transdisciplinary research integrates the study of humans and the rest of nature to address research, policy and management issues at multiple time and space scales, from small watersheds to the global system. Dr. Costanza is co-founder and past-president of the International Society for Ecological Economics, and was chief editor of the society’s journal, Ecological Economics from its inception in 1989 until 2002. He currently serves on the editorial board of ten other international academic journals. He is also founding editor in chief of Solutions a unique hybrid academic/popular journal, and editor in chief of the Anthropocene Review.
His awards include a Kellogg National Fellowship, the Society for Conservation Biology Distinguished Achievement Award, a Pew Scholarship in Conservation and the Environment, the Kenneth Boulding Memorial Award for Outstanding Contributions in Ecological Economics, and honorary doctorates from Stockholm University and the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon.
His specialties include: transdisciplinary integration, systems ecology, ecological economics, landscape ecology, ecological modeling, ecological design, energy analysis, environmental policy, social traps, incentive structures and institutions.
Research Interest
Refereed Journal Articles (292)
- Costanza, R., S. Anderson, P. Sutton, K. Mulder, O. Mulder, I. Kubiszewski, X. Wang, X. Liu, O. Pérez-Maqueo, M. L. Martínez, D. Jarvis, and G. Dee. 2021. The global value of coastal wetlands for storm protection. Global Environmental Change 70:102328
- Sangha, K.K., J. Evans, A. Edwards, R. Fisher, C. Yates, J. Russell-Smith, and R. Costanza. 2021. Assessing the value of ecosystem services from prescribed fire management in Australian tropical savannas. Ecosystem Services 51:101343
- Canning, A.D., D Jarvis, R. Costanza, S. Hasan, J.C.R. Smart, J. Finisdore, C. Lovelock, S. Greenhalgh, H. Marr, M. Beck, K. Stephenson, C. Gillies, P. Wilson, and N. Waltham. 2021. Financial incentives for wetland restoration: beyond markets to common asset trusts. One Earth 4:937-950
- Costanza, R., I. Kubiszewski, T. Kompas, and P. Sutton. 2021. A Global MetaUniversity to Lead by Design to a Sustainable Wellbeing Future. Frontiers in Sustainability. 2:653721 https://doi-org.virtual.anu.edu.au/10.3389/frsus.2021.653721
- O’Donoghue, S., M. Lehmann, D.Major, G. Major, C. Sutherland, A. Motau, N.Haddaden, A. Kibria, R. Costanza, C. Groves, A. Behie, and K. Johnson. 2021. [Adaptation to Climate Change in Small Coastal Cities: The influence of development status on adaptation response.](http://www.robertcostanza.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/2021_J_O%E2%80%99Donoghue-et-al.-OceanCoastalMgt.pdf)e Ocean and Coastal Management 211:105788
- Kibria, ASMG, A. Behiea, R. Costanza, C. Groves, and T. Farrell. 2021. Potentials of community-based-ecotourism to improve human wellbeing in Cambodia: an application of millennium ecosystem assessment framework. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 28:461-472
- Costanza-van den Belt, M., T. O’Donnell, R. Webb, E. Robson, R. Costanza, J. Ling, S. Crowe, and H. Han. 2021. Community Preferences for Urban Systems Transformation in Australia. Sustainability 13:4749. https://doi-org.virtual.anu.edu.au/10.3390/su13094749
- Hernández-Blanco, M., R. Costanza, and M. Cifuentes-Jara. Economic Valuation of the Ecosystem Services Provided by the Mangroves of the Gulf of Nicoya using a hybrid methodology. Ecosystem Services. 49:101258
- Folke, C., A. Gren, J. Larsson, and R. Costanza. 2021. Cities and the Biosphere. Ambio.
- Costanza, R., I. Kubiszewski, N. Stoeckl, and T. Kompas. Pluralistic discounting recognizing different capital contributions: an example estimating the net present value of global ecosystem services. Ecological Economics 183:106961
- Costanza, R., P.W.B. Atkins, M. Hernandez-Blanco, and I. Kubiszewski. 2021. Common Asset Trusts to Effectively Steward Natural Capital and Ecosystem Services at Multiple Scales. Journal of Environmental Management. 280:111801
- Costanza, R. Science, Belief, and Democracy. 2020, Solutions 11(4).
- Ward, J., S. Mohr, R. Costanza, P. Sutton, and L. Coscieme. Renewable Energy Equivalent Footprint (REEF): A method for envisioning a sustainable energy future. 2020._ Energies_ 13:6160
- Kibria, ASMG, A. Behie, R. Costanza, T. Farrell, and C. Groves Potentials of community-based-ecotourism to improve human wellbeing in Cambodia: an application of millennium ecosystem assessment framework. 2020. International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology. DOI: 10.1080/13504509.2020.1855606
- Mulder, O., K. Mulder, I. Kubiszewski, S. Anderson, R. Costanza, and P. Sutton. 2020. The value of coastal wetlands for storm protection in Australia. Ecosystem Services 46:101205
- Costanza, R., L. Fioramonti, E. Giovannini, I. Kubiszewski, H. Lovins, J. McGlade, L. F. Mortensen, K. Pickett, K. V. Ragnarsdóttir, D. Roberts, K. Trebeck, R. de Vogli, S. Wallis, and R. Wilkinson. 2020. After the crisis: two possible futures, Solutions 11(3):112-117.
- Kubiszewski, I., N. Zakariyya, R. Costanza, and D. Jarvis. Resilience of Self-Reported Life Satisfaction: A case study of who conforms to set-point theory in Australia. PLoS ONE. 15(8): e0237161
- Hernández-Blanco, M., R. Costanza, S. Anderson, I. Kubiszewski, and P. Sutton 2020.. Future scenarios for the value of Ecosystem Services in Latin America and the Caribbean to 2050. Current Research in Environmental Sustainability 2:100008
- González-Chang, M., S.D. Wratten, M.W. Shields, R. Costanza, M. Dainese, G. Gurr, J. Johnson, D. S. Karp, J. W. Ketelaar, J. Nboyine, J. Pretty, R. Rayl, H. Sandhu, M. Walker, and W. Zhou. 2020. Understanding the Pathways from Biodiversity to Agro-Ecological Outcomes: A New, Interactive Approach. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 301:107053.
- Palahí, M., M. Pantsar,** R. Costanza**, I. Kubiszewski, J. Potočnik, M. Stuchtey, R. Nasi, H. Lovins, E. Giovannini, L. Fioramonti, S. Dixson-Declève, J. McGlade, K. Pickett, R. Wilkinson, J. Holmgren, S. Wallis, M. Ramage, G. Berndes, F. Akinnifesi, G. Safonov, A. Nobre, C. Nobre, B. Muys, K. Trebeck, K. V. Ragnarsdóttir, D. Ibañez, A. Wijkman, J. Snape and L. Bas. 2020. Investing in Nature to Transform the Post COVID-19 Economy: A 10-point Action Plan to create a circular bioeconomy devoted to sustainable wellbeing. Solutions 11(2).
- ** Costanza, R**. 2020. COVID-19 and the transition to a sustainable wellbeing economy. Solutions 11(2).
- Verkerk, P.J., R. Costanza, L. Hetemäki, I. Kubiszewski, P. Leskinen, M. Palahí, G.J. Nabuurs, and J. Potočnik. 2020. Climate-Smart Forestry: the missing link. Forest Policy and Economics 115:102164.
- Costanza, R. 2020. Valuing natural capital and ecosystem services toward the goals of efficiency, fairness, and sustainability. Ecosystem Services.43:101096.
- Costanza, R.. 2020.[ Ecological Economics in 2049: Getting Beyond the Argument Culture To The World We All Want.] Ecological Economics 168:106482.
- Costanza, R. 2020. Happy new year 2030. Solutions 11(1):88-89
- Coscieme, L., P. Sutton, L. Fogh Mortensen, I. Kubiszewski, R. Costanza, F.M. Pulselli, B. F. Giannetti, and L. Fioramonti. 2019. Overcoming the myths of mainstream economics to enable a new wellbeing economics. Sustainability 11:4374.
- Liu, X., Y. Wang, R. Costanza, I Kubiszewski, N. Xu, Z. Gao, M. Yuan, R. Geng, H. Chen, and X. Hu. 2019. Rice paddy fields’ hidden value for typhoon protection in coastal areas. Ecological Indicators. 107:105610.
- Costanza, R. 2019. Science, uncertainty, and society: getting beyond the argument culture to shared visions. Ecology, Economy and Society – the INSEE journal. 2:9-20.
- Sangha, K. K., N. Stoeckl, N. Crossman, and R. Costanza. 2019. A state-wide economic assessment of coastal and marine ecosystem services to inform sustainable development policies in the Northern Territory, Australia. Marine Policy 107:103595.
- Sangha, K. K., J. Russell-Smith, and R. Costanza. 2019. Mainstreaming Indigenous and local communities’ connections with nature for policy decision-making. Global Ecology and Conservation 19:e00668.
- Kibria ASMG, R. Costanza, and A. Behie. Does higher access ensure greater wellbeing? ‒ In the perspective of forest ecosystem services of the Sundarbans mangrove forest, Bangladesh. 2019 Ocean and Coastal Management 177:22-30
- Liu, X., Y. Wang, R. Costanza, I. Kubiszewski, M. Yuan, and L. Feng. 2019. The value of China’s coastal wetlands and seawalls for storm protection. Ecosystem Services 36: April 2019, 100905
- Chambers, I., R. Costanza, L. Zingus, S. Cork, M. Hernandez, A. Sofiullah, T. Z. Htwe, D. Kenny, P. Atkins, T. Kasser, I. Kubiszewski, Y. Liao, A. C. Maung, K. Yuan, D. Finnigan, and S. Harte. 2019. A public opinion survey of four future scenarios for Australia in 2050. Futures. 107:119-132
- Kenny, D.C., R. Costanza, T. Dowsley, N. Jackson, J. Josol, I. Kubiszewski, H. Narulla, S. Sese, A. Sutanto, & J. Thompson. 2019. Australia’s Genuine Progress Indicator Revisited (1962-2013) Ecological Economics 158:1-10
- Liu, X. Y.Wang, R. Costanza, I. Kubiszewski, N. Xue, Z. Gao, M. Liu, R. Geng, and M. Yuand. 2019. Is China’s coastal engineered defences valuable for storm protection? Science of the Total Environment. 657:103–107.
- Chou, S., R. Costanza, P. Earis, K. Hubacek, B. Li, Y. Lu, R. Span, H. Wang, J. Wu, Y. Wu, and J. Yan. 2018. Priority Areas at the Frontiers of Ecology and Energy. Ecosystem Health and Sustainability 4:243-246, DOI: 10.1080/20964129.2018.1538665
- Chambers, I., J. Russell-Smith, R. Costanza, J. Cribb, S. Kerins, M. George, G. James, H. Pederson, P. Lane, P. Christopherson, J. Ansell, and K. Sangha. 2018. Australia’s north, Australia’s future: A vision and strategies focused on sustainable economic, ecological and social prosperity for northern Australia._ Asia and the Pacific Policy Studies_. 5:615–640.
- Kubiszewski, I., N. Zakariyya, and R. Costanza. 2018. Objective and subjective indicators of life satisfaction in Australia: How well do people perceive what supports a good life? Ecological Economics 154:361–372
- Xu, X., J. Bo, Y. Tan, R. Costanza, and G. Yang. 2018. Lake-Wetland Ecosystem Services Modeling and Valuation: Progress, Gaps and Future Directions. Ecosystem Services 33:19–28
- Wei, F., R. Costanza, Q. Dai, N. Stoeckl, X. Gu, S. Farber, Y. Nie, I. Kubiszewski, Y. Hu, R. Swaisgood, X. Yang, M. Bruford, Y. Chen, A. Voinov, D. Qi, M. Owen, L. Yan, D.C. Kenny, Z. Zhang, R. Hou, S. Jiang, H. Liu, X. Zhan, L. Zhang, B. Yang, L. Zhao, X. Zheng, W. Zhou, Y. Wen, H. Gao, and W. Zhang. 2018. The Value of Ecosystem Services from Giant Panda Reserves. Current Biology 28:2174–2180.
- Sandhu, H., B. Clarke, R. Baring, S. Anderson, C. Fisk, S. Dittmann, S. Walker, P. Sutton, I. Kubiszewski, and R. Costanza. 2018 Scenario planning including ecosystem services for a coastal region in South Australia. Ecosystem Services 31:194–207.
- Kibria A.S.M.G., R. Costanza, C. Groves, and A. Behie. The interactions between livelihood capitals and access of local communities to the provisioning services of the Sundarbans Mangrove Forest, Bangladesh. Ecosystem Services. 32:41–49
- Costanza, R., E. Caniglia, L. Fioramonti, I. Kubiszewski, L. Henry, H. Lovins, J. McGlade, L. F. Mortensen, D. Philipsen, K. Pickett, K. V. Ragnarsdóttir, D. Roberts, P. Sutton, K. Trebeck, S. Wallis, J. Ward, M. Weatherhead, and R. Wilkinson. 2018. Toward a Sustainable Wellbeing Economy, Solutions, Volume 9, Issue 2, April 2018.
- Intralawana, I., D. Wooda, R. Frankel, R. Costanza, and I. Kubiszewski. 2018. Tradeoff analysis between electricity generation and ecosystem services in the Lower Mekong Basin. Ecosystem Services 30:27-35.
- Webb, R., X. Bai, M. Stafford-Smith, R. Costanza, D. Griggs, M. Moglia, M. Neuman, P. Newman, P. Newton, B. Norman, C. Ryan, H. Schandl, W. Steffen, N. Tapper, and G. Thomson. 2018. Sustainable urban systems: Co-design and framing for transformation. Ambio. 47:57-77 DOI 10.1007/s13280-017-0934-6
- Costanza, R., R. de Groot, L. Braat, I. Kubiszewski, L. Fioramonti, P. Sutton, S. Farber, and M. Grasso. 2017. Twenty years of ecosystem services: how far have we come and how far do we still need to go? Ecosystem Services. 28:1-16.
- Kubiszewski, I., R. Costanza, S. Anderson, and P. Sutton. 2017. The Future Value of Ecosystem Services: Global Scenarios and National Implications. Ecosystem Services. 26:289-301
- Anthony, K., L. K. Bay, R. Costanza, J. Firn, J. Gunn, P. Harrison, A. Heyward, P. Lundgren, D. Mead, T. Moore, P. J. Mumby, M. J. H. van Oppen, J. Robertson, M. C. Runge, D. J. Suggett, B. Schaffelke, D. Wachenfeld, and T. Walshe. 2017. New Interventions Are Needed to Save Coral Reefs. Nature Ecology and Evolution. 1:1420-1422.
- Webb, R., X. Bai, M. Stafford-Smith, R. Costanza, D. Griggs, M. Moglia, M. Neuman, P. Newman, P. Newton, B. Norman, C. Ryan, H. Schandl, W. Steffen, N. Tapper, and G. Thomson. 2017. Sustainable urban systems: Co-design and framing for transformation. Ambio. DOI 10.1007/s13280-017-0934-6
- Costanza, R., P. Atkins, M, Bolton, S. Cork, N Grigg, T. Kasser, and I. Kubiszewski. 2017. Societal Addiction Therapy: From Motivational Interviewing to Community Engaged Scenario Planning. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability. 26:47-53
- Kubisewski, I., C. Marais, and R. Costanza. 2017. Investing in ecological infrastructure in South Africa Ecosystem Services. 27:A1-A2
- Verma, M., D. Negandhi, C. Khanna, A. Edgaonkar, A. David, G. Kadekodi, R. Costanza, R. Gopal, B. S. Bonal, S. P. Yadav, and S. Kumar. 2017. Making the hidden visible: Economic valuation of tiger reserves in India. Ecosystem Services. 26:236-244.
- Kibria, Abu S.M.G., A. Behie, R. Costanza, C. Groves, and T. Farrell. 2017. The value of ecosystem services obtained from the protected forest of Cambodia: The case of Veun Sai-Siem Pang National Park. Ecosystem Services. 26:27–36
- Sangha, K. K., J. Russell-Smith, S. C. Morrison, R. Costanza, and A. Edwards. 2017. Challenges for valuing ecosystem services from an Indigenous estate in northern Australia. Ecosystem Services. 25:167–178
- Costanza, R., P. Atkins, M, Bolton, S. Cork, N Grigg, T. Kasser, and I. Kubiszewski. 2017. Overcoming Societal Addictions: What Can We Learn From Individual Therapies? . Ecological Economics. 131:543–550
- Phelan, A., L. Dawes, R. Costanza, and I. Kubiszewski. 2017. Evaluation of social externalities in regional communities affected by coal seam gas projects: A case study from Southeast Queensland. Ecological Economics. 131:300-311
- Ward, J., P. Sutton, A. Werner, R. Costanza, S. Mohr, and C. Simmons. 2016. Is Decoupling GDP Growth from Environmental Impact Possible? PLOSOne. 11(10): e0164733 DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0164733
- Costanza, R., L. Daly, L. Fioramonti, E. Giovannini, I. Kubiszewski, L. F. Mortensen, K. Pickett, K. V. Ragnarsdóttir, R. de Vogli, and R. Wilkinson. 2016. Modelling and measuring sustainable wellbeing in connection with the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Ecological Economics. 130:350–355
- Kubiszewski, I., S. Anderson, R. Costanza, and P. Sutton. 2016. The future of ecosystem services in Asia and the Pacific. Asia and the Pacific Policy Studies. 3:389–404. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com.virtual.anu.edu.au/doi/10.1002/app5.147/epdf doi: 10.1002/app5.147
- Sutton, P., S. Anderson, R. Costanza, and I. Kubiszewski. 2016. The Ecological Economics of Land Degradation: impacts on ecosystem service values. Ecological Economics. 129:182-192
- Sandhu, H., S. Wratten, J. R. Porter, R. Costanza, J. Pretty, and J. P. Reganold. 2016. Mainstreaming Ecosystem Services into Future Farming. Solutions. 7(2):40-47
- Costanza, R., L. Daly, L. Fioramonti, E. Giovannini, I. Kubiszewski, L. F. Mortensen, K. Pickett, K. V. Ragnarsdóttir, R. de Vogli, and R. Wilkinson. 2016. The UN Sustainable Development Goals and the Dynamics of Well-being. Solutions 7(1):20-22. http://thesolutionsjournal.com/node/237446
- Costanza, R., R. Howarth, I. Kubiszewski, S. Liu, C. Ma, G. Plumecocq, and D. Stern. 2016. Influential Publications in Ecological Economics Revisited. Ecological Economics. 123:68-76.
- Ye, S., E. A. Laws, R. Costanza, and H. Brix. 2016. Ecosystem Service Value for the Common Reed Wetlands in the Liaohe Delta, Northeast China. Open Journal of Ecology. 6:129-137. http://dx.doi.org.virtual.anu.edu.au/10.4236/oje.2016.63013
- Turner, K. G., S. Anderson, M. G. Chang, R. Costanza, S. Courville, T. Dalgaard, E. Dominati, I. Kubiszewski, S. Ogilvy, L. Porfirio, N. Ratna, H. Sandhu, P. C. Sutton, J-C. Svenning, G. M. Turner, Y-D. Varennes, A. Voinov, and S. Wratten. 2016. A review of methods, data, and models to assess changes in the value of ecosystem services for land degradation and restoration. Ecological Modelling 319:190–207
- Russell-Smith, J., D. Lindenmayer, I. Kubiszewski, P. Green, R. Costanza, A. Campbell. 2015. Moving beyond evidence-free environmental policy. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 13:441–448.
- Costanza, R. 2015. Who bears the burden of fracking? Solutions 6(4):19-21.
- Kubiszewski, I., R. Costanza, N. E. Gorko, M. A. Weisdorf, A. W. Carnes, C. E. Collins, C. Franco, L. R. Gehres, J. M. Knobloch, G. E. Matson, and J. D. Schoepfer. 2015. Estimates of the Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI) for Oregon from 1960-2010 and Recommendations for a Comprehensive Shareholder’s Report. Ecological Economics 119:1-7.
- Sangha, K. K., A. Le Brocque, R. Costanza, and Y. Cadet-James. 2015. Ecosystems and indigenous well-being: An integrated framework. Global Ecology and Conservation. 4:197-206.
- Costanza, R. 2015. Claim the sky! Solutions 6(1):18-21.
- Naeem, S., J.C. Ingram, A. Varga, T. Agardy, P. Barten, G. Bennett, E. Bloomgarden, L. Bremer, P. Burkill, M. Cattau, C. Ching, M. Colby, D.C. Cook, R. Costanza, F. DeClerck, C. Freund, T. Gartner, R. Goldman-Benner, J. Gunderson, D. Jarrett, A.P. Kinzig, A. Kiss, A. Koontz, P. Kumar, J.R Laskey, M. Masozera, D. Meyers, F. Milano, L. Naughton-Treves, E. Nichols, L. Olander, P. Olmsted, E. Perge, C. Perrings, S. Polasky, J. Potent, C. Prager, F. Quétier, K. Redford, K. Saterson, G. Thoumi, M.T. Vargas, S. Vickerman, W. Weisser, D. Wilkie, S. Wunder. 2015. Get the Science Right when Paying for Nature’s Services. Science. 347:1206-1207
- Farley, J., R. Costanza, G. Flomenhoft, and D. Kirk. 2015. The Vermont Common Assets Trust: an Institution for Sustainable, Just and Efficient Resource Allocation. Ecological Economics 109:71-79
- Costanza, R., I. Kubiszewski, S. Cork, P.W.B. Atkins, A. Bean, A. Diamond, N. Grigg, E. Korb, J. Logg-Scarvell, R. Navis, and K. Patrick. 2015. Scenarios for Australia in 2050: A synthesis and proposed survey. Journal of Future Studies. 19:49-76
- Sandhu, H., S. Wratten, R. Costanza, J. Pretty, J. R. Porter, and J. Reganold. 2015 Significance and value of non-traded ecosystem services on farmland. _ PeerJ_ e762.
- Costanza, R., K. Chichakly, V. Dale, S. Farber, D. Finnigan, K. Grigg, S. Heckbert, I. Kubiszewski, H. Lee, S. Liu, P. Magnuszewski, S. Maynard, N. McDonald, R. Mills, S. Ogilvy, P. L. Pert, J. Renz, L. Wainger, M. Young, and C. R. Ziegler. 2014. Simulation games that integrate research, entertainment, and learning around ecosystem services. Ecosystem Services. 10:195-201
- Heckbert, S., R. Costanza, and L. Parrott. 2014. Achieving sustainable societies: Lessons from modelling the ancient Maya. Solutions 5(5):55-64.
- Stoeckl, N., M. Farr, S, Larson, V. Adams, I. Kubiszewski, M. Esparon, and R. Costanza. 2014. A new approach to the problem of overlapping values: a case study in Australia’s Great Barrier Reef. Ecosystem Services. 10:61-68.
- Costanza, R., J. McGlade, H. Lovins, and I. Kubiszewski. 2014. An Overarching Goal for the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Solutions 5(4):13-16.
- Costanza, R. and P. Atkins. 2014. Toward an integrated science and sociotecture of intentional change. Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 37:421-422.
- Ragnarsdottir, K. V., R. Costanza, E. Giovannini, I. Kubiszewski, H. Lovins, J. McGlade, K. E Pickett, D. Roberts, R. De Vogli, and R. Wilkinson. 2014. Beyond GDP. GeoScientist. Oct. 2014. Pp. 12-17
- Costanza, R., R. de Groot, P. Sutton, S. van der Ploeg, S. Anderson, I. Kubiszewski, S. Farber, and R. K. Turner. 2014. Changes in the global value of ecosystem services. Global Environmental Change 26:152-158.
- Costanza, R., I. Kubiszewski, E. Giovannini, H. Lovins, J. McGlade, K. E. Pickett, K. V. Ragnarsdóttir, D. Roberts, R. De Vogli, and R, Wilkinson. 2014. Time to leave GDP behind. Nature. 505:283-285.
- Costanza, R. M. Hart, I. Kubiszewski, and J. Talberth. 2014. Moving Beyond GDP to Measure Well-Being and Happiness. Solutions 5(1):91-97.
- Costanza, R. and S. Liu. 2014. Ecosystem services and environmental governance: comparing China and the U.S. Asia and Pacific Policy Studies. 1:160-170
- Costanza, R. 2014. A theory of socio-ecological system change. Journal of BioEconomics. 16:39-44.
- Bi, J., O. Young, R. Costanza, L. Liu, R. Kasperson, Y.Qj, D. Guttman, K. Jiang, D. Mazmanian, S. Zhang, J. Zhang, G. Osherenko, R. Percival, B. Zhang, H. Wang, P. He, and M. Liu. 2014. Same dream, different beds: Can America and China take effective steps to solve the climate problem? Global Environmental Change, 24:2-4
- Costanza, R. Achieving sustainable well-being. Solutions 4(6):1
- Costanza, R. J. McGlade, S. de Bonvoisin, P. Fagerholm, J. Farley, E. Giovannini, I. Kubiszewski, F. Moore Lappé, H. Lovins, K. Pickett, G. Norris, T. Prugh, K. V. Ragnarsdottir, D. Roberts, and R.Wilkinson. 2013. The future we really want. Solutions 4(4):37-43.
- Costanza, R. 2013. Sustainable Well-Being. Resurgence and Ecologist. 279:39-41
- Kubiszewski, I., R. Costanza, C. Franco, P. Lawn, J. Talberth, T. Jackson, and C. Aylmer. 2013. Beyond GDP: Measuring and Achieving Global Genuine Progress. Ecological Economics. 93:57-68
- Kubiszewski, I. R. Costanza, and T. Kompas. 2013. The university unbound: transforming higher education. Solutions. 4(2):36-43
- Kubiszewski, I., R. Costanza, L. Dorji, P. Thoennes, and K. Tshering. 2013. An Initial Estimate of the Value of Ecosystem Services in Bhutan. Ecosystem Services 3:e11-e21.
- Petrosillo, I., R. Costanza, R. Aretano, N. Zaccarelli, and G. Zurlini. 2013. The use of subjective indicators to assess how natural and social capital support residents’ quality of life in a small volcanic island. Ecological Indicators 24:609-620.
- Kubiszewski, I., R. Costanza, P. Paquet, and S. Halimi. 2013. Hydropower Development in the Lower Mekong Basin: Alternative Approaches to Deal with Uncertainty. Regional Environmental Change 13:3-15.
- de Groot, R., L. Brander, S. van der Ploeg, R. Costanza, F. Bernard, L. Braat, M. Christie, N. Crossman, A. Ghermandi, L. Hein, S. Hussain, P. Kumar, A. McVittie, R. Portela, L. C. Rodriguez, P. ten Brink, and P. van Beukering. 2012 Global estimates of the value of ecosystems and their services in monetary units. Ecosystem Services. 1:50-61
- Costanza, R. and I. Kubiszewski. 2012. The authorship structure of “ecosystem services” as a transdisciplinary field of scholarship. Ecosystem Services. 1:16-25
- Costanza, R. 2012. Ecosystem functions and services. Ekonomia i Srodowisko (Economics and Environment) 2:8-17
- Costanza, R. 2012. Ecosystem health and ecological engineering. Ecological Engineering 45:24– 29
- Dearing, J., S. Bullock, R. Costanza, T. Dawson, M. Edwards, G. Poppy, and G. Smith. 2012. Navigating the Perfect Storm: research strategies for social-ecological systems in a rapidly evolving world. Environmental Management. 49: 767-775.
- Daniel, T. C., A. Muhar, A. Arnberger, O. Aznar, J. W. Boyd, K.M.A. Chan, R. Costanza, T. Elmqvist, C. G. Flint, P. H. Gobster, A. Grêt-Regamey, R. Lave, S. Muhar, M. Penker, R.G. Ribe, T. Schauppenlehner, T. Sikor, I. Soloviy, M. Spierenburg, K. Taczanowska, J. Tam, and A. von der Dunk. 2012. Contributions of Cultural Services to the Ecosystem Services Agenda. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 109: 8812-8819.
- Costanza, R., S. van der Leeuw, K. Hibbard, S. Aulenbach, S. Brewer, M. Burek, S. Cornell, C. Crumley, J. Dearing, C. Folke, L. Graumlich, M. Hegmon, S. Heckbert, S. T. Jackson, I. Kubiszewski, V. Scarborough, P. Sinclair, S. Sörlin, and Will Steffen. 2012. Developing an Integrated History and future of People on Earth (IHOPE). Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 4:106–114.
- Burkhard, B., R. de Groot, R. Costanza, R. Seppelt, S. E. Jørgensen, and M. Potschin. 2012. Solutions for sustaining natural capital and ecosystem services. Ecological Indicators 21:1-6.
- Manes, F., G. Incerti, E. Salvatori, M. Vitale, C. Ricotta, and R. Costanza. 2012. Urban ecosystem services: tree diversity and stability of tropospheric ozone removal. Ecological Applications 22: 349-360
- Jarchow, M. E., G. L. D. Larsen, G. Zdorkowski, R. Costanza, S. R. Gailans, N. Ohde, R. Dietzel, S. Kaplan, J. Neal, M. R. Petrehn, T. Gunther, S. N. D’Adamo, N. McCann, A. Larson, P. Damery, L. Gross, I. Kubiszewski, M. Merriman, J. Post, M. Sheradin, and M. Liebman. 2012. The Future of Agriculture and Society in Iowa: Four Scenarios. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability. 10:76-92
- Martínez, M.L., R. A. Feagin, K. M. Yeager, J. Day, R. Costanza, J. A. Harris, R. J. Hobbs, J. López-Portillo, Walker, E. Higgs, P. Moreno-Casasola, J. Sheinbaum, A. Yáñez-Arancibia. 2012. Artificial modifications of the coast in response to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill: Quick solutions or long term liabilities? Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment.
- Brüll, A., H. van Bohemen, R. Costanza, W. J. Mitsch, R. van den Boomen, N. Chaudhuri, J. Heeb, P. Jenssen, M. Kalin, and A. Schönborn. 2011. Benefits of ecological engineering practices. Procedia Environmental Sciences. 9:16-20
- Posner, S.M. and R. Costanza. 2011. A summary of ISEW and GPI studies at multiple scales and new estimates for Baltimore City, Baltimore County, and the State of Maryland. Ecological Economics 70: 1972-1980.
- van der Leeuw, S., R. Costanza, S. Aulenbach, S. Brewer, M. Burek, S. Cornell, C. Crumley, J. A. Dearing, C. Downy, L. J. Graumlich, S. Heckbert, M. Hegmon, K. Hibbard, S. T. Jackson, I. Kubiszewski, P. Sinclair, S. Sörlin, and W. Steffen. 2011. Toward an Integrated History to Guide the Future. Ecology and Society. 16(4): 2
- de Groot, R., R. Costanza, D. van den Broeck, J. Aronson, B. Burkhard, E. Gomez-Baggethun, R. Haines-Young, I. Kubiszewski, F. Müller, I. Petrosillo, M. Potschin, S. van der Ploeg, and G. Zurlini. 2011. A Global Partnership for Ecosystem Services. Solutions 2(6):42-43
- Costanza, R. 2011. Needed: the solutions generation. Solutions, Oct 2100. Also reprinted in New American Dream
- Kubiszewski, I, T. Noordewier, and R. Costanza. 2011. Perceived credibility of internet encyclopedias. Computers & Education. 56:659–667
- Stoeckl, N., C. C. Hicks, M. Mills, K. Fabricius, M. Esparon, F. Kroon, K. Kaur, and R. Costanza. 2011. The economic value of ecosystem services in the Great Barrier Reef: our state of knowledge _ Ecological Economics Reviews in Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences_ 1219: 113–133.
- Steffen, W., J. Rockström, and R. Costanza. 2011. How Defining Planetary Boundaries Can Transform Our Approach to Growth. Solutions. Vol 2, No. 3, May 2011.
- Costanza, R. C. Cleveland, B. Cooperstein, and I. Kubiszewski. 2011. Can nuclear power be part of the solution? Solutions Vol 2, No. 3. Pp 29-31.
- Costanza, R, I. Kubiszewski, D. Ervin, R. Bluffstone, J. Boyd, D. Brown, H. Chang, V. Dujon, E. Granek, S. Polasky, V. Shandas, A. Yeakley. 2011. Valuing ecological systems and services. F1000 Biology Reports, 3:14.
- Bohensky, E. L., J. Butler, R. Costanza, I. Bohnet, A. Delisle, K. Fabricius, M. Gooch, I. Kubiszewski, G. Lukacs, P. Pert, E. Wolanski. 2011. Future makers or future takers? A scenario analysis of climate change and the Great Barrier Reef. Global Environmental Change 21: 876-893.
- Costanza, R. 2010. The search for real, integrative, solutions. Solutions. 1 (1): 1.
- Costanza, R. and J. Farley. 2010. What should be done with the revenues from a carbon cap and auction systems? Solutions. 1 (1): 33.
- Costanza, R. and K. Limburg. 2010. An introduction to the inaugural volume. Ecological Economics Reviews. in: Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1185: vii-viii
- Liu, S., R. Costanza, S. Farber, and A. Troy. 2010. Valuing ecosystem services: theory, practice and the need for a trans-disciplinary synthesis. Ecological Economics Reviews. in: Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1185: 54–78
- Costanza, R. 2010. Creating a sustainable and desirable future. Macalester International. 26: 3-22
- Hollender, J. G. Alperovitz, C. Asquith, B. Becker, R. Costanza, E. Hoffman, E. Kahler, D. Levine, H. Lovins, and D. Rapaport. 2010. Creating a game plan for the transition to a sustainable U.S. economy. Solutions. 1(3): 36-41. http://www.thesolutionsjournal.com/node/626
- Cornell, S., R. Costanza, S. Sörlin, and S. van der Leeuw. 2010. Developing a systematic “science of the past” to create our future. Global Environmental Change 20: 426-427.
- Liu, S., R. Costanza, A. Troy, J. D’Aagostino, and W. Mates. 2010. Valuing New Jersey’s ecosystem services and natural capital: a spatially explicit benefit transfer approach. Environmental Management. 45:1271-1285.
- Burkhard, B., I. Petrosillo, and R. Costanza. 2010. Ecosystem services – bridging ecology, economy and social science. Ecological Complexity. 7:257-259
- Kubiszewski, I., J. Farley, and R. Costanza. 2010. The production and allocation of information as a good that is enhanced with increased use. Ecological Economics 69:1344-1354
- Liu, S. and R. Costanza. 2010. Ecosystem services valuation in China. Ecological Economics 69:1387-1388
- Costanza, R. D. Batker, J. W. Day, Jr., Rusty Feagin, M. Luisa Martinez, and Joe Roman. 2010. The perfect spill: solutions for averting the next Deepwater Horizon. Solutions. Vol. 1, Issue 5, pp. 17-20.
- Farley, J. and R. Costanza. 2010. Payments for ecosystem services: from local to global. Ecological Economics. 69:2060-2068
- Batker, D., I. de la Torre, R. Costanza, P. Swedeen, J. Day, R. Boumans, and K. Bagstad. 2010. Gaining ground: wetlands, hurricanes, and the economy: the value of restoring the Mississippi River Delta. Environmental Law Reporter. 40:11106-11110
- Feagin, R., M. Martinez, G. Mendoza-Gonzalez, and R. Costanza. 2010. Salt marsh zonal migration and ecosystem service change in response to global sea level rise: A case study from an urban region. Ecology and Society 15(4): 14.
- Beddoe, R., R. Costanza, J. Farley, E. Garza, J. Kent, I. Kubiszewski, L. Martinez, T. McCowen, K. Murphy, N. Myers, Z. Ogden, K. Stapleton, and J. Woodward. 2009. Overcoming Systemic Roadblocks to Sustainability: the evolutionary redesign of worldviews, institutions and technologies. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106:2483-2489.
- Costanza, R. 2009. Toward a new sustainable economy. Real World Economics Review. 49:20-21.
- Porter, J., R. Costanza, H. Sandhu, L. Sigsgaard, and S. Wratten. 2009. The Value of Producing Food, Energy and Ecosystem Services within an Agro-Ecosystem. Ambio 38:186–193
- Costanza, R. 2009. Evolution is intelligent design. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 24:414-415
- Costanza, R. 2009. A new development model for a “full” world. Development 52:369–376.
- Pollock, N., E. Horn, R. Costanza, and M. Sayre. 2009. Envisioning Helps Promote Sustainability in Academia: A Case Study at the University of Vermont. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education 10:343-353
- Rockström, J., W. Steffen, K. Noone, Å. Persson, F. S. Chapin, III, E. F. Lambin, T. M. Lenton, M. Scheffer, C. Folke, J. Schellnhuber, B. Nykvist, C. A. de Wit, T. Hughes, S. van der Leeuw, H. Rodhe, S. Sörlin, P. K. Snyder, R. Costanza, U. Svedin, M. Falkenmark, L. Karlberg, R. W. Corell, V. J. Fabry, J. Hansen, D. Liverman, K. Richardson, P. Crutzen, and J. Foley. 2009. A safe operating space for humanity. Nature 461:472-475
- Rockström, J., W. Steffen, K. Noone, Å. Persson, F. S. Chapin, III, E. F. Lambin, T. M. Lenton, M. Scheffer, C. Folke, J. Schellnhuber, B. Nykvist, C. A. de Wit, T. Hughes, S. van der Leeuw, H. Rodhe, S. Sörlin, P. K. Snyder, R. Costanza, U. Svedin, M. Falkenmark, L. Karlberg, R. W. Corell, V. J. Fabry, J. Hansen, D. Liverman, K. Richardson, P. Crutzen, and J. Foley. 2009. Planetary Boundaries: Exploring the safe operating space for humanity. Ecology and Society 14(2): 32.
- Costanza, R. 2009. Science and ecological economics: integrating the study of humans and the rest of nature. Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 29:358-373.
- Costanza, R. B. Fisher, S. Ali, C. Beer, L. Bond, R. Boumans, N. L. Danigelis, J. Dickinson, C. Elliott, J. Farley, D. E. Gayer, L. MacDonald Glenn, T. Hudspeth, D. Mahoney, L. McCahill, B. McIntosh, B. Reed, S. A. T. Rizvi, D. M. Rizzo, T. Simpatico, and R. Snapp. 2008. An integrative approach to quality of life measurement, research, and policy. Surveys and Perspectives Integrating Environment and Society. 1:1-5.
- Costanza, R. 2008. Stewardship for a “full” world. Current History 107:30-35
- Costanza, R., 2008. Ecosystem Services: Multiple classification systems are needed. _ Biological Conservation_ 141:350-352
- Barnes, P. R. Costanza, P. Hawken, D. Orr, E. Ostrom, A. Umana, and O. Young. 2008. Creating an earth atmospheric trust. Science. 319:724
- Naidoo, R., A. Balmford, R. Costanza, B. Fisher, R. E. Green, B. Lehner, T. R. Malcom, and T. H. Rickets. 2008. Global mapping of ecosystem services and conservation priorities. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 105:9495-9500
- Costanza, R., O. Pérez-Maqueo, M. L. Martinez, P. Sutton, S. J. Anderson, and K. Mulder. 2008. The value of coastal wetlands for hurricane protection. Ambio 37:241-248.
- Costanza, R. B. Fisher, S. Ali, C. Beer, L. Bond, R. Boumans, N. L. Danigelis, J. Dickinson, C. Elliott, J. Farley, D. E. Gayer, L. MacDonald Glenn, T. Hudspeth, D. Mahoney, L. McCahill, B. McIntosh, B. Reed, S. A. T. Rizvi, D. M. Rizzo, T. Simpatico, and R. Snapp. 2007. Quality of Life: An Approach Integrating Opportunities, Human Needs, and Subjective Well-Being. Ecological Economics 61: 267-276
- Costanza, R. B. Fisher, K. Mulder, S. Liu, and T. Christopher. 2007. Biodiversity and ecosystem services: A multi-scale empirical study of the relationship between species richness and net primary production. Ecological Economics 61:478-491
- Voinov, A., R. Costanza, C. Fitz, and T. Maxwell. 2007. Patuxent Landscape Model: 1. Hydrological Model Development. Water Resources, 34:163–170..
- Voinov, A., R. Costanza, C. Fitz, and T. Maxwell. 2007. Patuxent Landscape Model: 2. Model development – nutrients, plants, and detritus. Water Resources, 34:268-276
- Voinov, A., R. Costanza, T. Maxwell, and H. Vladich. 2007. Patuxent Landscape Model: 3. Model calibration. Water Resources, 34:372-384.
- Voinov, A., R. Costanza, T. Maxwell, and H. Vladich. 2007. Patuxent Landscape Model: 4. Model application. Water Resources, 34:501-510.
- Costanza, R. and J. Farley. 2007. Ecological Economics of Coastal Disasters: Introduction to the Special Issue. Ecological Economics 63:249-253
- Costanza, R. 2007. Transdisciplinary systems science: toward a science of connection, integration, and synthesis._ Journal of Catholic Social Thought_ 4: 331-354
- Costanza, R. 2007. The need for a transdisciplinary synthesis of history. Ambio 36:521
- Costanza, R. L. Graumlich, W. Steffen, C. Crumley, J. Dearing, K. Hibbard, R. Leemans, C. Redman, and D. Schimel. 2007. Sustainability or Collapse: What Can We Learn from Integrating the History of Humans and the Rest of Nature? Ambio 36:522-527
- Costanza, R. 2007. Toward ecological economy. Chinese Journal of Population, Resources, and Environment. 5:20-25
- Turner, W. R., K. Brandon, T. M. Brooks, R. Costanza, G. A. B. da Fonseca, and R. Portela. 2007. Global conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem services. BioScience 57:868-873
- Farber, S., R. Costanza, D. L. Childers, J. Erickson, K. Gross, M. Grove, C. S. Hopkinson, J. Kahn, S. Pincetl, A. Troy, P. Warren, and M. Wilson. 2006 Linking Ecology and Economics for Ecosystem Management: A Services-Based Approach with Illustrations from LTER Sites. BioScience 56:117-129.
- Costanza, R. 2006. Thinking broadly about costs and benefits in ecological management. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management. 2:166-173
- Costanza, R. 2006. Toward an ecological economy. The Futurist. 40:26
- Vemuri, A. W. and R. Costanza. 2006. The Role of Human, Social, Built, and Natural Capital in Explaining Life Satisfaction at the Country Level: Toward a National Well-Being Index (NWI). Ecological Economics 58:119-133
- Costanza, R., W. J. Mitsch, and J. W. Day, Jr. 2006. Creating a sustainable and desirable New Orleans. Ecological Engineering 26:317-320
- van den Belt, M., O. A. Bianciotto, R. Costanza, S. Demers, S. Diaz, G. A. Ferreyra, E. W. Koch, F. R. Momo, and M. Vernet. 2006. Mediated modeling of the impacts of enhanced UV-B radiation on ecosystem services. Photochemistry and Photobiology 82: 865-877
- Mulder, K., R. Costanza, and J. Erickson. 2006. The contribution of built, human, social and natural capital to quality of life in intentional and unintentional communities. Ecological Economics 59:13-23.
- Costanza, R., W. J. Mitsch, and J. W. Day, Jr. 2006. A new vision for New Orleans and the Mississippi delta: applying ecological economics and ecological engineering. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 4:465-472
- Fisher, B and R. Costanza. 2005. Regional commitment to reducing emissions. Nature 438:301-302
- Voinov, A., C. Fitz, R. Boumans, and R. Costanza. 2004. Modular ecosystem modeling. Environmental Modeling and Software. 19: 285-304
- Ferreira, D., S. Suslick, J. Farley, R. Costanza, and S. Krivov 2004. A decision model for financial assurance instruments in the upstream petroleum sector. Energy Policy 32: 1173-1184
- Costanza, R., D. Stern, B. Fisher, L. He and C. Ma. 2004. Influential publications in ecological economics: a citation analysis. Ecological Economics 50:261-292
- Costanza, R. J. Erickson, K. Fligger, A. Adams, C. Adams, B. Altschuler, S. Balter, B. Fisher, J. Hike, J. Kelly, T. Kerr, M. McCauley, K. Montone, M. Rauch, K. Schmiedeskamp, D. Saxton, L. Sparacino, W. Tusinski, and L. Williams. 2004. Estimates of the Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI) for Vermont, Chittenden County, and Burlington, from 1950 to 2000. Ecological Economics 51: 139-155.
- Binder, C., R. M. Boumans and R, Costanza. 2003. Applying the Patuxent Landscape Unit Model to human dominated ecosystems: the case of agriculture. Ecological Modelling, 159: 161-177
- Costanza, R. 2003. A vision of the future of science: reintegrating the study of humans and the rest of nature. Futures 35:651-671
- Costanza, R. 2003. Social goals and the valuation of natural capital. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 86:19-28
- Costanza, R. 2003. Ecological Economics is Post-Autistic. Post-autistic Economics Review, issue no. 20, 3 June 2003, article 2, http://www.btinternet.com/~pae_news/review/issue20.htm
- Morimoto, J., M. Wilson, H. Voinov, and R. Costanza 2003. Estimating Watershed Biodiversity: An Empirical Study of the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland, USA. Journal of Geographic Information and Decision Analysis 7:150 – 162.
- Costanza, R., A. Voinov, R. Boumans, T. Maxwell, F. Villa, L. Wainger, and H. Voinov. 2002. Integrated ecological economic modeling of the Patuxent River watershed, Maryland. Ecological Monographs 72:203-231.
- Costanza, R., and S. Farber. 2002. Introduction: The Dynamics and Value of Ecosystem Services: Integrating Economic and Ecological Perspectives Ecological Economics 41: 367-373
- Farber, S., R. Costanza, and M. Wilson. 2002. Economic and ecological concepts for valuing ecosystem services. Ecological Economics 41: 375-392 (also reprinted as pp. 18-40 in: L. Kalof and T. Satterfield. 2005. The earthscan reader in environmental values. Earthscan press, London.)
- Limburg, K. R. V. O’Neill, R. Costanza, and S. Farber. 2002. Complex systems and valuation. Ecological Economics 41:409-420
- Villa, F., M. Wilson, R. de Groot, S. Farber, R. Costanza, and R. Boumans. 2002. Design of an Integrated Knowledge Base to Support Ecosystems Services Valuation. Ecological Economics 41: 445-456
- Sutton, P. C. and R. Costanza. 2002. Global estimates of market and non-market values derived from nighttime satellite imagery, land use, and ecosystem service valuation. Ecological Economics 41: 509-527
- Boumans, R., R. Costanza, J. Farley, M. A. Wilson, R. Portela, J. Rotmans, F. Villa, and M. Grasso. 2002. Modeling the Dynamics of the Integrated Earth System and the Value of Global Ecosystem Services Using the GUMBO Model. Ecological Economics 41: 529-560
- Balmford, A., A. Bruner, P. Cooper, R. Costanza, S. Farber, R. E. Green, M. Jenkins, P. Jefferiss, V. Jessamy, J. Madden, K. Munro, N. Myers, S. Naeem, J. Paavola, M. Rayment, S. Rosendo, J. Roughgarden, K. Trumper, and R. K. Turner. 2002. Economic reasons for conserving wild nature. Science 297: 950-953
- Costanza, R. 2002. New editor for Ecological Economics. Ecological Economics 42: 351-352
- Farley, J. and R. Costanza. 2002. Envisioning shared goals for humanity: a detailed shared vision of a sustainable and desirable USA in 2100. Ecological Economics 43:245-259
- Costanza, R. 2001. Visions, values, valuation and the need for an ecological economics. BioScience 51:459-468
- Pickett, S. T. A., M. L. Cadenasso, J. M. Grove, C. H. Nilon, R. V. Pouyat, W. C. Zipperer, and R. Costanza. 2001. Urban ecological systems: Linking terrestrial ecology, physical, and socioeconomic components of metropolitan areas. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics. 32:127-157.
- Costanza, R. 2001. Introduction: Special Section in Memory of Donella (Dana) Meadows. Ecological Economics 38:161-164
- Pimm S.L., M. Ayres, A. Balmford, G. Branch, K. Brandon, T. Brooks, R. Bustamante, R. Costanza, R. Cowling, L. M. Curran, A. Dobson, S. Farber, G. A. B. da Fonseca, C. Gascon, R. Kitching, J. McNeely, T. Lovejoy, R. A. Mittermeier, N. Myers, J. A. Patz, B. Raffle, D. Rapport, P. Raven, C. Roberts, J. P. Rodríguez, A. B. Rylands, C. Tucker, C. Safina, C. Samper, M. L. J. Stiassny, J. Supriatna, D. H. Wall, and D. Wilcove. 2001. Can We Defy Nature’s End? Science 293: 2207-2208
- Costanza, R. and A. Voinov. 2001. Modeling ecological and economic systems with STELLA: Part III. Ecological Modeling 143:1-7
- Boumans, R. M., F. Villa, R. Costanza, A. Voinov, H. Voinov and T. Maxwell. 2001. Non-spatial calibrations of a general unit model for ecosystem simulations. Ecological Modeling 146:17-32
- Costanza, R., H. Daly, C. Folke, P. Hawken, C. S. Holling, A. J. McMichael, D. Pimentel, and D. Rapport. 2000. Managing our environmental portfolio. BioScience 50:149-155
- Costanza, R. 2000. Visions of alternative (unpredictable) futures and their use in policy analysis. Conservation Ecology 4(1):5. [online] URL: http://www.consecol.org/vol4/iss1/art5
- Costanza, R. 2000. The Dynamics of the Ecological Footprint Concept Ecological Economics 32:341-345.
- Costanza, R. 2000. Social goals and the valuation of ecosystem services. Ecosystems 3: 4-10
- Campbell, B. M., R. Costanza, and M. van den Belt. 2000. Land use options in dry tropical woodland ecosystems in Zimbabwe: Introduction, overview and synthesis. Ecological Economics, 33:341-351
- Villa, F. and R. Costanza. 2000. Design of multi-paradigm integrating modeling tools for ecological research. Environmental Modeling and Software 15:169-177
- Costanza, R. 1999. Four visions of the century ahead: will it be Star Trek, Ecotopia, Big Government, or Mad Max?. The Futurist 33:23-28.
- Costanza, R. and J. King. 1999. The first decade of ecological economics. Ecological Economics 28:1-9.
- McMichael, A.J., B. Bolin, R. Costanza, G. Daily, C. Folke, K. Lindahl-Kiessling, E. Lindgren, and B. Niklasson. 1999. Globalization and the sustainability of human health: an ecological perspective. BioScience 49:205-210
- Voinov. A, R. Costanza, L. Wainger, R. Boumans, F. Villa, T. Maxwell and H. Voinov. 1999. The Patuxent landscape model: Integrated ecological economic modeling of a watershed. Environmental Modelling and Software 14:473-491
- Costanza, R. and M. Mageau. 1999. What is ecosystem health? Aquatic Ecology 33:105-115.
- Voinov. A, H. Voinov and R. Costanza. 1999. Surface water flow in landscape models: 2. Patuxent watershed case. Ecological Modeling 119:211-221
- Voinov, A. and R. Costanza. 1999. Watershed management and the web. Journal of Environmental Management. 56:21-245.
- Rapport, D.J., G. Böhm, D. Buckingham, J. Cairns Jr., R. Costanza, J.R. Karr, H.A.M. de Kruijf, R. Levins, A.J. McMichael, N.O. Nielsen, W.G. Whitford. 1999. Ecosystem health: the idea, the international society (1992-99), and the important tasks ahead. Ecosystem Health 5:82-90
- Costanza, R. F. Andrade, P. Antunes, M. van den Belt, D. Boersma, D. F. Boesch, F. Catarino, S. Hanna, K. Limburg, B. Low, M. Molitor, G. Pereira, S. Rayner, R. Santos, J. Wilson, M. Young. 1999. Ecological economics and sustainable governance of the oceans. Ecological Economics 31:171-188.
- Costanza, R. 1999. The ecological, economic, and social importance of the oceans. Ecological Economics 31:199-214.
- Low, B., R. Costanza, E. Ostrom, and J. Wilson. 1999 Human-ecosystem interactions: a dynamic integrated model. Ecological Economics 31:227-242
- Wilson, J. B. Low, R. Costanza, and E. Ostrom. 1999. Scale misperceptions and the spatial dynamics of a social-ecological system Ecological Economics 31:243-258
- Costanza, R. and M. Ruth. 1998. Using dynamic modeling to scope environmental problems and build consensus. Environmental Management 22:183-195.
- Bernow, S., R. Costanza, H. Daly, R. DeGennaro, D. Erlandson, D. Ferris, P. Hawken, J. A. Horner, J. Lancelot, T. Marx, D. Norland, I. Peters, D. Roodman, C. Schneider, P. Shyamsundar, and J. Woodwell. 1998. Ecological tax reform. BioScience 48:193-196.
- Norton, B., R. Costanza, and R. Bishop. 1998. The evolution of preferences: why “sovereign” preferences may not lead to sustainable policies and what to do about it. Ecological Economics 24:193-211. (Also reprinted as pp. 249-276 in: B. G. Norton. Searching for Sustainability: Interdisciplinary essays in the philosophy of conservation biology. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge).
- Costanza, R. 1998. Introduction: The value of ecosystem services. Ecological Economics 25:1-2
- Costanza, R., R. d’Arge, R. de Groot, S. Farber, M. Grasso, B. Hannon, S. Naeem, K. Limburg, J. Paruelo, R.V. O’Neill, R. Raskin, P. Sutton, and M. van den Belt. 1998. The value of the world’s ecosystem services: putting the issues in perspective. Ecological Economics 25:67-72
- Voinov, A., H. C. Fitz, and R. Costanza. 1998. Surface water flow in landscape models: an Everglades case study. Ecological Modelling 108:131-144
- Costanza, R., D. Duplisea, and U. Kautsky. 1998. Modeling ecological and economic systems with STELLA. Ecological Modelling 110:1-4
- Costanza, R. F. Andrade, P. Antunes, M. van den Belt, D. Boersma, D. F. Boesch, F. Catarino, S. Hanna, K. Limburg, B. Low, M. Molitor, G. Pereira, S. Rayner, R. Santos, J. Wilson, M. Young. 1998. Principles for sustainable governance of the oceans. Science 281:198-199.
- Rapport, D. J., R. Costanza, and A. J. McMichael. 1998. Assessing ecosystem health: challenges at the interface of social, natural and health sciences. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 13:397-402.
- Mageau, M., R. Costanza, and R. Ulanowicz. 1998. Quantifying the trends expected in developing ecosystems. Ecological Modelling 112:1-22.
- Costanza, R., and S. Gottlieb. 1998. Modeling ecological and economic systems with STELLA: Part II. Ecological Modelling 112:81-84.
- Costanza, R. 1998. Ecological Economics Best Article Award for 1997. Ecological Economics 27:1-2
- Costanza, R. 1998. Beyond the argument culture. Ecological Economics 27:113-114
- Voinov, A., C. Fitz, and R. Costanza. 1997. Landscape model provides Everglades management tool. GIS World 10:48-50.
- Maxwell, T. and R. Costanza. 1997. An open geographic modeling environment. Simulation 68: 175-185.
- Folke, C, A. Jansson, J. Larsson, and R. Costanza. 1997. Ecosystem appropriation by cities. Ambio 26:167-172.
- Costanza, R. 1997. Just rewards: Herman Daly, the Heineken Environmental Prize, and the Ecological Economics Best Article Award. Ecological Economics 22:1-4.
- Costanza, R., R. d’Arge, R. de Groot, S. Farber, M. Grasso, B. Hannon, S. Naeem, K. Limburg, J. Paruelo, R.V. O’Neill, R. Raskin, P. Sutton, and M. van den Belt. 1997. The value of the world’s ecosystem services and natural capital. Nature 387:253-260. (Also reprinted as part of a Forum in Ecological Economics 1998, 25: 3-16, translated into Chinese in the Chinese Journal of Ecology 1999, 18:70-78, and reprinted as pp. 174-181 in: R. U. Ayres, K. Button and P. Nijkamp (eds.), 1999, Global Aspects of the Environment, Volume I, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 473 pp). The paper is currently ranked #2 in total citations in the field of Environment/Ecology by ISI Essential Science Indicators (ESI) with 1320 cites as of Dec 2008.
- Cowling, R. and R. Costanza. 1997. Introduction to the special section on valuation and management of fynbos ecosystems. Ecological Economics 22:103-104.
- Higgins, S. I., J. K. Turpie, R. Costanza, R. M. Cowling, D. C. le Maitre, C. Marais, and G. Midgley. 1997. An ecological economic simulation model of mountain fynbos ecosystems: dynamics, valuation, and management. Ecological Economics 22:155-169.
- Costanza, R. 1997. Answering Georgescu-Roegen. Ecological Economics 22:171.
- Maxwell, T. and R. Costanza. 1997. A language for modular spatio-temporal simulation. Ecological Modelling 103:105-113.
- Patten, B. C. and R. Costanza. 1997. Logical interrelations between four sustainability parameters: stability, continuation, longevity, and health. Ecosystem Health 3:136-142.
- Fitz, H. C., E. B. DeBellevue, R. Costanza, R. Boumans, T. Maxwell, L. Wainger, and F. H. Sklar. 1996. Development of a general ecosystem model (GEM) for a range of scales and ecosystems. Ecological Modelling 88:263-297.
- Costanza, R. 1996. The impact of ecological economics. Ecological Economics 19:1-2.
- Costanza, R. and R. V. O’Neill. 1996. Introduction: ecological economics and sustainability. Ecological Applications 6:975-977.
- Costanza, R. 1996. Ecological economics: reintegrating the study of humans and nature. Ecological Applications 6:978-990.
- Arrow, K., B. Bolin, R. Costanza, P. Dasgupta, C. Folke, C. S. Holling, B O. Jansson, S. Levin, K G. Maler, C. Perrings, and D. Pimentel. 1995. Economic growth, carrying capacity, and the environment. Science 268:520-521. (Also reprinted with a series of invited commentaries in: Ecological Economics 15:91-95, Ecological Applications 6:12-32 and Environment and Development Economics 1:104-110; also reprinted as pp. 489-490 in: Costanza, R., C. Cleveland, and C. Perrings (eds.), 1997. The Development of Ecological Economics. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham. and as pp. 43-44 in: R. K. Turner, K. Button, and P. Nijkamp (eds.) 1999. Ecosystems and Nature: Economics, Science, and Policy, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham)
- Costanza, R., J. Audley, R. Borden, P. Ekins, C. Folke, S. O. Funtowicz, and J. Harris. 1995. Sustainable trade: a new paradigm for world welfare. Environment 37:16-20, 39-44. (Also reprinted as pp. 473-486 in: Costanza, R., 1997. Frontiers in Ecological Economics: Transdisciplinary Essays of Robert Costanza, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 491 pp.).
- Bingham, G., R. Bishop, M. Brody, D. Bromley, E. Clark, W. Cooper, R. Costanza, T. Hale, G. Hayden, S. Kellert, R. Norgaard, B. Norton, J. Payne, C. Russell, and G. Suter. 1995. Issues in ecosystem valuation: improving information for decision making. Ecological Economics 14:73-90 (Also reprinted as pp. 570-590 in: Costanza, R., C. Cleveland, and C. Perrings (eds). 1997. The Development Of Ecological Economics. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham. . and as pp. 87-104 in: R. K. Turner, K. Button, and P. Nijkamp (eds.) 1999. Ecosystems and Nature: Economics, Science, and Policy, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham)
- Maxwell, T. and R. Costanza. 1995. Distributed modular spatial ecosystem modeling. International Journal in Computer Simulation 5:247-262.
- Costanza, R., J. Audley, R. Borden, P. Ekins, C. Folke, S. O. Funtowicz, and J. Harris. 1995. Commentary: Sustainable trade. Environment 37 (10):5, 38.
- Bockstael, N., R. Costanza, I. Strand, W. Boynton, K. Bell, and L. Wainger. 1995. Ecological economic modeling and valuation of ecosystems. Ecological Economics. 14:143-159. (Also reprinted as pp. 747-764 in: Costanza, R., C. Cleveland, and C. Perrings (eds.), 1997. The Development Of Ecological Economics. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham. . and as pp. 105-121 in: R. K. Turner, K. Button, and P. Nijkamp (eds.) 1999. Ecosystems and Nature: Economics, Science, and Policy, . Edward Elgar, Cheltenham)
- Mageau, M., R. Costanza, and R. E. Ulanowicz. 1995. The development, testing, and application of a quantitative assessment of ecosystem health. Ecosystem Health 1:201-213.
- Costanza, R. 1995. Forum: Economic growth, carrying capacity, and the environment. Ecological Economics 15:89-90.
- Ryan, P. G., R. M. Cowling, and R. Costanza. 1995. Valuing ecosytems: is the fynbos worth conserving? South African Journal of Science 91:572-573.
- Costanza, R. and B. C. Patten. 1995. Defining and predicting sustainability. Ecological Economics 15:193-196. (Also reprinted as pp. 96-102 in: Costanza, R., 1997. Frontiers in Ecological Economics: Transdisciplinary Essays of Robert Costanza, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 491 pp.).
- Ekins, P., C. Folke, and R. Costanza. 1994. Trade, environment and development: the issues in perspective. Ecological Economics 9:1-12.
- Costanza, R. and T. Maxwell. 1994. Resolution and predictability: an approach to the scaling problem. Landscape Ecology 9:47-57 (Also reprinted as pp. 341-351 in: Costanza, R., 1997. Frontiers in Ecological Economics: Transdisciplinary Essays of Robert Costanza, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 491 pp.).
- Cornwell, L. and R. Costanza. 1994. An experimental analysis of the effectiveness of an environmental assurance bonding system on player behavior in a simulated firm. Ecological Economics 11:213-226.
- Maxwell, T. and R. Costanza. 1994. Scaling spatial predictability: an approach to multi-resolution modelling. Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry 13:1875-1880.
- Costanza, R., M. Kemp, and W. Boynton. 1993. Predictability, scale, and biodiversity in coastal and estuarine ecosystems: implications for management. Ambio 22:88-96. (Also reprinted as pp. 309-329 in: Costanza, R., 1997. Frontiers in Ecological Economics: Transdisciplinary Essays of Robert Costanza, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 491 pp.).
- Costanza, R., L. Wainger, C. Folke, and K-G Mäler. 1993. Modeling complex ecological economic systems: toward an evolutionary, dynamic understanding of people and nature. BioScience 43:545-555. (Also reprinted as pp. 148-163 in: Sampson, F. B. and F. L. Knopf (eds.), 1996. Ecosystem Management. Springer, New York; and as pp. 209-222 in: Costanza, R., C. Cleveland, and C. Perrings (eds.), 1997. The Development of Ecological Economics. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham; and as pp. 330-340 in: Costanza, R., 1997. Frontiers in Ecological Economics: Transdisciplinary Essays of Robert Costanza, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 491 pp.).
- Maxwell, T. and R. Costanza. 1993. An approach to modeling the dynamics of evolutionary self organization. Ecological Modelling 69:149-161.
- Costanza, R. 1993. Developing ecological research that is relevant for achieving sustainability. Ecological Applications 3:579-581.
- Costanza, R. 1993. Beyond the limits: dealing with an uncertain future. Estuaries 16:919-922.
- Costanza, R., S. O. Funtowicz, and J. R. Ravetz. 1992. Assessing and communicating data quality in policy relevant research. Environmental Management 16:121-131. (Also reprinted as pp. 283-308 in: Costanza, R., 1997. Frontiers in Ecological Economics: Transdisciplinary Essays of Robert Costanza, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 491 pp.).
- Costanza, R. and H. E. Daly. 1992. Natural capital and sustainable development. Conservation Biology 6:37-46. (Also reprinted as pp. 238-247 in: D. Ehrenfield (ed.), 1995. Readings from Conservation Biology. Blackwell, Cambridge, MA; and as pp. 455-464 in: Costanza, R., C. Cleveland, and C. Perrings (eds.), 1997. The Development of Ecological Economics. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham; and as pp. 65-74 in: Costanza, R., 1997. Frontiers in Ecological Economics: Transdisciplinary Essays of Robert Costanza, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham; and as pp. 532-541 in H. Hagemann, M. Landesmann, and R. Scazzieri (eds.) 2003. The Economics of Structural Change, Vol. III, Economic Developments: Patterns and Empirics. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham).
- Gillett, J. W., J. B. Johnson, D. G. Arey, R. Costanza, I. J. Tinsley, J. S. Weis, and A. F. Yanders. 1992. The need for an integrated urban environmental policy. Journal of Urban Affairs.14:377-398.
- Costanza, R. and L. Cornwell. 1992. The 4P approach to dealing with scientific uncertainty. Environment 34:12-20,42. (Also reprinted in: Thomas Easton (ed.), 1994. Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Controversial Issues In Science, Technology, And Society, Dushkin Press, Guilford; and as pp.417-426 in: Costanza, R., 1997. Frontiers in Ecological Economics: Transdisciplinary Essays of Robert Costanza, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 491 pp.).
- Chmura, G. L., R. Costanza, and E. C. Kosters. 1992. Modelling coastal marsh stability in response to sea level rise: a case study in coastal Louisiana, USA. Ecological Modelling 64:47-64.
- Costanza, R. and L. Wainger. 1991. Ecological economics. Business Economics 26:45-48.
- Costanza, R. 1991. Energia, incertezza, ecologia ed economia. Oikos (Italia) 3:167-200.
- Hannon, B., R. Costanza, and R. Ulanowicz. 1991. A general accounting framework for ecological systems: a functional taxonomy for connectivist ecology. Theoretical Population Biology 40:78-104. (Also reprinted as pp. 1195-224 in: Costanza, R., 1997. Frontiers in Ecological Economics: Transdisciplinary Essays of Robert Costanza, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 491 pp.).
- Costanza, R. and T. Maxwell. 1991. Spatial ecosystem modeling using parallel processors. Ecological Modeling 58:159-183.
- Costanza, R. 1991. Ecological economics: a research agenda. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 2:335-357.
- Costanza, R., F. H. Sklar, and M. L. White. 1990. Modeling coastal landscape dynamics. BioScience 40:91-107. (Also reprinted as pp. 630-646 in: Costanza, R., C. Cleveland, and C. Perrings (eds.), 1997. The Development of Ecological Economics, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham; and as pp. 17-43 in: Costanza, R., 1997. Frontiers in Ecological Economics: Transdisciplinary Essays of Robert Costanza, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 491 pp.).
- Costanza, R. and C. Perrings. 1990. A flexible assurance bonding system for improved environmental management. Ecological Economics 2:57-76. (Also reprinted as pp. 398-416 in: Costanza, R., 1997. Frontiers in Ecological Economics: Transdisciplinary Essays of Robert Costanza, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 491 pp.).
- Costanza, R. 1989. What is ecological economics? Ecological Economics 1:1-7 (Also reprinted as pp. 161-163 in: C. A. S. Hall (ed.), 1995. Maximum Power: The Ideas and Applications of H. T. Odum. University Press of Colorado, and as pp. 10-16 in: Costanza, R., 1997. Frontiers in Ecological Economics: Transdisciplinary Essays of Robert Costanza, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 491 pp.).
- Costanza, R. 1989. Model goodness of fit: a multiple resolution procedure. Ecological Modelling 47:199-215. (Also reprinted as pp. 249-265 in: Costanza, R., 1997. Frontiers in Ecological Economics: Transdisciplinary Essays of Robert Costanza, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 491 pp.).
- Costanza, R., S. C. Farber, and J. Maxwell. 1989. The valuation and management of wetland ecosystems. Ecological Economics 1:335-361. (Also reprinted as pp. 191-204 in: C. A. S. Hall (ed.), 1995. Maximum Power: The Ideas and Applications of H. T. Odum. University Press of Colorado; and as pp. 493-519 in: Costanza, R., C. Cleveland, and C. Perrings (eds.), 1997. The Development of Ecological Economics, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham; and as pp. 17-43 in: Costanza, R., 1997. Frontiers in Ecological Economics: Transdisciplinary Essays of Robert Costanza, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 491 pp. and as pp. 198-224 in: R. K. Turner, K. Button, and P. Nijkamp (eds.) 1999. Ecosystems and Nature: Economics, Science, and Policy, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham).
- Turner, M. G., R. Costanza, and F. H. Sklar. 1989. Methods to evaluate the performance of spatial simulation models. Ecological Modelling 48:1-18.
- Turner, M. G., R. Costanza, T. M. Springer, and E. P. Odum. 1988. Market and nonmarket values of the Georgia landscape. Environmental Management 12:209-217.
- Costanza, R. and W. Shrum. 1988. The effects of taxation on moderating the conflict escalation process: an experiment using the dollar auction game. Social Science Quarterly 69:416-432. (Also reprinted as pp. 381-397 in: Costanza, R., 1997. Frontiers in Ecological Economics: Transdisciplinary Essays of Robert Costanza, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 491 pp.).
- Tyner, G., R. Costanza, and R. G. Fowler. 1988. The net-energy yield of nuclear power. Energy 13:73-81.
- Costanza, R. 1987. Social traps and environmental policy. BioScience 37:407-412. (Also reprinted as pp. 375-380 in: Costanza, R., 1997. Frontiers in Ecological Economics: Transdisciplinary Essays of Robert Costanza, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 491 pp.).
- Costanza, R. and H. E. Daly. 1987. Toward an ecological economics. Ecological Modeling 38:1-7. (Also reprinted as pp. 3-9 in: Costanza, R., 1997. Frontiers in Ecological Economics: Transdisciplinary Essays of Robert Costanza, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 491 pp.).
- Costanza, R. 1987. Simulation modeling on the Macintosh using STELLA. BioScience 37:129-132.
- Farber, S. and R. Costanza. 1987. The economic value of wetlands systems. Journal of Environmental Management 24:41-51.
- Hannon, B., R. Costanza, and R. A. Herendeen. 1986. Measures of energy cost and value in ecosystems. The Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 13:391-401. (Also reprinted as pp. 168-178 in: Costanza, R., 1997. Frontiers in Ecological Economics: Transdisciplinary Essays of Robert Costanza, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 491 pp.).
- Costanza, R., and F. H. Sklar. 1985. Articulation, accuracy, and effectiveness of mathematical models: a review of freshwater wetland applications. Ecological Modeling 27:45-68. (Also reprinted as pp. 225-248 in: Costanza, R., 1997. Frontiers in Ecological Economics: Transdisciplinary Essays of Robert Costanza, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 491 pp.).
- Sklar, F. H., R. Costanza, and J. W. Day, Jr. 1985. Dynamic spatial simulation modeling of coastal wetland habitat succession. Ecological Modeling 29:261-281.
- Costanza, R. and S. C. Farber. 1985. Theories and methods of valuation of natural systems: a comparison of willingness-to-pay and energy analysis based approaches. Man, Environment, Space, and Time 4:1-38.
- Hannon, B. M. and R. Costanza. 1985. Ecosystems with multiple products. ISEM Journal.7:27-49.
- Cleveland, C. J., and R. Costanza. 1984. Net energy analysis of geopressured gas resources in the U.S. Gulf coast region. Energy 9:35-51.
- Costanza, R., and C. Neill. 1984. Energy intensities, interdependence, and value in ecological systems: a linear programming approach. Journal of Theoretical Biology 106:41-57. (Also reprinted as pp. 151-167 in: Costanza, R., 1997. Frontiers in Ecological Economics: Transdisciplinary Essays of Robert Costanza, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 491 pp.).
- Costanza, R. 1984. The nuclear arms race and the theory of social traps. Journal of Peace Research 21:79-86.
- Costanza, R. and R. A. Herendeen. 1984. Embodied energy and economic value in the United States economy: 1963, 1967, and 1972. Resources and Energy 6:129-164. (Also reprinted as pp. 116-150 in: Costanza, R., 1997. Frontiers in Ecological Economics: Transdisciplinary Essays of Robert Costanza, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 491 pp.).
- Cleveland, C. J., R. Costanza, C. A. S. Hall, and R. Kaufmann. 1984. Energy and the United States economy: a biophysical perspective. Science 225:890-897. (Winner of 1985-86 National Wildlife Federation Outstanding Publication Award; also reprinted as pp. 295-302 in: Costanza, R., C. Cleveland, and C. Perrings (eds.), 1997. The Development of Ecological Economics, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham and as pp. 345-352 in: R. U. Ayres, K. Button and P. Nijkamp (eds.) 1999, Global Aspects of the Environment, Volume I., Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 473 pp)
- Scaife, W. W., R. E. Turner, and R. Costanza. 1983. Coastal Louisiana recent land loss and canal impacts. Environmental Management 7:433-442.
- Wang, F.C., H.T. Odum, R. Costanza. 1980. Energy criteria for water use. J. Water Res. Plan. and Mgt. 160:185-203
- Costanza, R. 1980. Embodied energy and economic valuation. Science 210:1219-1224. (Also reprinted as pp. 432-444 in: I. A. Sohn, (Ed.), 1986. Readings in Input-Output Analysis, Oxford University Press, and as pp. 103-115 in: Costanza, R., 1997. Frontiers in Ecological Economics: Transdisciplinary Essays of Robert Costanza, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 491 pp.)
- Costanza, R. 1979. The case for a constant embodied energy to dollar ratio. Journal of Geophysical Research. 1:320-327.
Books, Monographs, Special Issues, and Refereed Chapters (239)
Books (28)
- Costanza, R. J. D. Erickson, J. Farley, and I. Kubiszewski (eds). 2020. Sustainable Wellbeing Futures: A Research and Action Agenda for Ecological Economics. Edward Elgar.
- Costanza, R., J. C. Cumberland, H. E. Daly, R. Goodland, R. Norgaard, I Kubiszewski, and C. Franco. 2014. An Introduction to Ecological Economics, Second Edition. Taylor and Francis.
- Costanza, R. and I. Kubiszewski (eds). 2014. Creating A Sustainable and Desirable Future: Insights from 45 Global Thought Leaders. World Scientific, Singapore. http://www.worldscientific.com.virtual.anu.edu.au/worldscibooks/10.1142/...
- Costanza, R., G. Alperovitz, H. Daly, J. Farley, C. Franco, T. Jackson, I, Kubiszewski, J. Schor, and P. Victor. 2013. Building a Sustainable and Desirable Economy-in-Society-in-Nature. ANU ePress, Canberra, Australia. http://epress.anu.edu.au.virtual.anu.edu.au/titles/building-a-sustainabl...
- Wratten, S., H. Sandhu, R. Cullen and R. Costanza (eds). 2013. Ecosystem Services in Agricultural and Urban Landscapes. Wiley-Blackwell. Oxford, UK. www.wiley.com/buy/978-1-4051-7008-6
- Costanza, R., G. Alperovitz, H. Daly, J. Farley, C. Franco, T. Jackson, I, Kubiszewski, J. Schor, and P. Victor. 2013. Vivement 2050! Programme pour une économie soutenable et désirable. Les Petits Matins, Paris.
- van den Belt, M. and R. Costanza (Eds). 2011. Ecological Economics of Estuaries and Coasts, Volume 12 in: Tretise on Estuarine and Coastal Science, E. Wolanski and D. S. McLusky (Eds). Academic Press, Waltham, MA.
- Jørgensen, S. E., F-L Xu, and R. Costanza (eds). 2010. Handbook of Ecological Indicators for Assessment of Ecosystem Health, Second Edition. CRC Press/Taylor and Francis Group, Boca Raton, FL 484 pp.
- Costanza, R., L. J. Graumlich, and W. Steffen (eds.). 2007. Sustainability or Collapse? An Integrated History and Future of People on Earth. Dahlem Workshop Report 96. MIT Press. Cambridge, MA.
- Jørgensen, S. E., R. Costanza, and F-L Xu (eds). 2005. Handbook of Ecological Indicators for Assessment of Ecosystem Health. CRC Press, Boca Raton,FL 439 pp.
- Costanza, R. and A. Voinov (eds). 2003. Landscape Simulation Modeling: A Spatially Explicit, Dynamic Approach. Springer, New York. 330 pp
- Costanza, R. and S. E. Jørgensen (eds.) 2002. Understanding and Solving Environmental Problems in the 21st Century: Toward a New, Integrated Hard Problem Science. Elsevier, Amsterdam. 324 pp.
- Cleveland, C. J., D. I. Stern, and R. Costanza (eds.) 2001. The economics of nature and the nature of economics. Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, England 293 pp.
- Costanza, R., B. Low, E. Ostrom, and J. Wilson (eds). 2001. Institutions, Ecosystems, and Sustainability. Lewis/CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL 270 pp.
- Prugh, T., R. Costanza, and H. Daly. 2000. The Local Politics of Global Sustainability. Island Press, Washington, DC. 173 pp.
- Costanza, R. and F. Andrade (eds.). 1998. Ecological Economics and Sustainable Governance of the Oceans. (A Economia Ecolgica e a Governa o Sustentvel dos Oceanos) FLAD/IMAR/LPN, Lisbon, 294 pp.
- Rapport, D., R. Costanza, P. Epstein, C. Gaudet, and R. Levins, 1998. Ecosystem Health. Blackwell Scientific, New York, 372 pp.
- Costanza, R., J. C. Cumberland, H. E. Daly, R. Goodland, and R. Norgaard. 1997. An Introduction to Ecological Economics. St. Lucie Press, Boca Raton, 275 pp. (Also translated into German as: Einführung in die Ökologische Ökonomik. (Deutsche Ausgabe herausgegeben von T. W. Eser, J. A. Schwaab, I. Seidl und M. Stewen) 2001. Lucius & Lucius, Stuttgart)
- Costanza, R. 1997. Frontiers In Ecological Economics: Transdisciplinary Essays of Robert Costanza. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 491 pp.
- Costanza, R., C. Cleveland, and C. Perrings (eds.). 1997. The Development of Ecological Economics. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 777 pp.
- Costanza, R., O. Segura, and J. Martinez-Alier (eds.). 1996. Getting Down To Earth: Practical Applications of Ecological Economics. Island Press, 472 pp.
- Prugh, T., R. Costanza, J. C. Cumberland, H. E. Daly, R. Goodland, and R. Norgaard. 1995. Natural Capital and Human Economic Survival. ISEE Press, Solomons, MD, 216 pp. (distributed by Chelsea Green and Sinaurer Presses).
- Tognetti, S., R. Costanza, L. Arizpe, C. Cleveland, H. Daly, A. Gupta, J. Martinez-Alier, P. May, M. Richie, J. Ruitenbeek, and O. Segura. 1995. Poverty and the Environment: Reconciling Short-Term Needs with Long-Term Sustainability Goals. United Nations Environment Program, Nairobi, Kenya, 156 pp.
- Jansson, A. M., M. Hammer, C. Folke, and R. Costanza (eds.). 1994. Investing in Natural Capital: The Ecological Economics Approach to Sustainability. Island Press, Washington DC, 504 pp.
- Costanza, R., B. Norton, and B. J. Haskell (eds.). 1992. Ecosystem Health: New Goals for Environmental Management. Island Press, Washington DC, 269 pp.
- Costanza, R. (ed.). 1991. Ecological Economics: The Science and Management of Sustainability. Columbia University Press, New York, 525 pp.
- Costanza, R., C. Neill, S. G. Leibowitz, J. R. Fruci, L. M. Bahr, Jr., and J. W. Day, Jr. 1983. Ecological Models of the Mississippi Deltaic Plain Region: Data Collection and Presentation. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Division of Biological Services, Washington, D. C. FWS/OBS-82/68. 340 pp.
- Bahr, L. M., Jr., R. Costanza, J. W. Day, Jr., S. E. Bayley, C. Neill, S. G. Leibowitz, and J. Fruci. 1983. Ecological Characterization of the Mississippi Deltaic Plain Region: A Narrative with Management Recommendations. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Division of Biological Services, Washington, D. C. FWS/OBS-82/69. 189 pp.
Monographs (11)
- Costanza, R., G. Alperovitz, H. Daly, J. Farley, C. Franco, T. Jackson, I. Kubiszewski, J. Schor, and P. Victor. 2012. Building a Sustainable and Desirable Economy-in-Society-in-Nature. United Nations Division for Sustainable Development, New York. http://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/index.php?page=view&nr=627&type=400...
- Hibbard, K. A., Costanza, R., C. Crumley, S. van der Leeuw, S. Aulenbach, J. Dearing, J. Morais, W. Steffen and Y. Yasuda. 2010. Developing an Integrated History and Future of People on Earth (IHOPE): Research Plan. IGBP Report No. 59. IGBP Secretariat, Stockholm, Sweden. 40pp. http://www.aimes.ucar.edu/ihope/documents/
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Science Advisory Board. 2009. Valuing the Protection of Ecological Systems and Services: A Report of the EPA Science Advisory Board. EPA-SAB-09-012. Washington, DC: EPA. http://yosemite.epa.gov/sab/sabproduct.nsf/WebBOARD/ValProtEcolSys&Serv?...
- Costanza, R., M. Hart, S. Posner, and J Talberth. 2009. Beyond GDP: The need for new measures of progress. The Pardee Papers no. 4. The Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future. Boston University, Boston MA. 37pp http://www.bu.edu/pardee/publications/pardee-paper-004-beyond-gdp/
- Committee on Materials Flows Accounting of Natural Resources, Products and Residuals. 2004. Materials count: the case for material flows analysis. The National Academy Press, Washington DC. 124 pp.
- Ecosystem Principles Advisory Panel. 1999. Ecosystem-based fishery management: a report to Congress. United States Department of Commerce, NOAA, National Marine Fisheries Service. Washington, DC 54 pp.
- Naeem, S., F. S. Chapin, Costanza, R., P. R. Ehrlich, F. B. Golley, D. U. Hooper, J. H. Lawton, R. V. O’Neill, H. A. Mooney, O. E. Sala, A. J. Symstad, and D. Tilman. 1999. Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning: maintaining natural life support processes. Issues in Ecology, No. 4, Fall 1999. Ecological Society of America, Washington, DC. 12 pp.
- Sklar, F.H., M.L. White and Costanza, R. 1991. The Coastal Ecological Landscape Spatial Simulation (CELSS) Model: Users Guide and Results for the Atchafalaya/Terrebonne Study Area. US Fish and Wildlife Service, National Wetlands Center Open File Report 91-04, 86 pp. plus appendices.
- Costanza, R., B. Haskell, L. Cornwell, H. Daly, and T. Johnson. 1990. The Ecological Economics of Sustainability: Making Local and Short-Term Goals Consistent with Global and Long-Term Goals. Environment Working Paper No. 32. The World Bank, Washington, DC, 20433.
- Costanza, R. 1979. Embodied Energy Basis for Economic-Ecologic Systems. Ph.D. Dissertation. University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, 254 pp. http://www.uflib.ufl.edu/UFDC/?b=UF00089540
- Costanza, R. 1975. The spatial distribution of land use subsystems, incoming energy and energy use in South Florida from 1900 to 1973. Masters thesis project. Department of Architecture, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, 204 pp.
Special Issues of Journals (18)
- Costanza, R., K. Limburg, and I. Kubiszewski (eds). 2011. Ecological Economics Reviews. Book Series: Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences Vol. 1219 http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com.virtual.anu.edu.au/doi/10.1111/nyas.2011....
- Farley, J. and R. Costanza. 2010. Payment for Ecosystem Services: from Local to Global. Special Section of Ecological Economics Vol 69. Pages 2060-2150
- Burkhard, B., I. Petrosillo, and R. Costanza. 2010. Ecosystem services – bridging ecology, economy and social science. Ecological Complexity, Vol. 7. Pages 257-420
- Liu, S. and R. Costanza. 2010. Ecosystem services valuation in China. Special Section of Ecological Economics Vol. 69, pages 1387-1470
- Limburg, K. R. Costanza, and I. Kubiszewski (eds). 2010. Ecological Economics Reviews. Book Series: Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences Vol. 1185 http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com.virtual.anu.edu.au/doi/10.1111/nyas.2010....
- Costanza, R. and J. Farley (eds.) 2007. Ecological Economics of Coastal Disasters. Special Section of Ecological Economics Vol 63, pp 249-373
- Costanza, R. and S. Farber (eds.) 2002. The Dynamics and Value of Ecosystem Services: Integrating Economic and Ecological Perspectives. Special Issue of Ecological Economics Vol. 41: pp. 367-560
- Costanza, R. and A. Voinov (eds.) 2001. Modeling ecological and economic systems with STELLA: Part III. Special issue of Ecological Modeling Vol. 143: pp1-146.
- Campbell, B. M., R. Costanza, and M. van den Belt (eds.) 2000. Land Use Options in Dry Tropical Woodland Ecosystems in Zimbabwe. Special section of Ecological Economics. Vol. 33, no. 3. Pp. 341-438.
- Costanza, R. (ed.) 2000 Forum: The Ecological Footprint. Special Section of Ecological Economics. Vol. 32, no. 3. Pp. 341-394.
- Costanza, R. (ed.) 1999. Ecological Economics and Sustainable Governance of the Oceans. Special issue of Ecological Economics Vol. 31, no. 2. Pp. 171-316.
- Costanza, R. and S. Gottlieb (eds). 1998. Modeling ecological and economic systems with STELLA: Part II. Special section of Ecological Modelling Vol. 112, no.2, 3. Pp. 81-247.
- Costanza, R., D. Duplisea, and U. Kautsky (eds.). 1998. Modeling ecological and economic systems with STELLA. Special issue of Ecological Modelling Vol. 110, no. 1, pp. 1-103.
- Costanza, R. 1998. The Value of Ecosystem Services. Special Issue of Ecological Economics vol. 25, no 1. 139 pp
- Cowling, R. and R. Costanza (eds). 1997. Valuation and Management of Fynbos Ecosystems. Special section of Ecological Economics Vol. 22, pp 103-155.
- Costanza, R. and R. V. O’Neill (eds.). 1996. Ecological economics and sustainability. Special Section of Ecological Applications Vol. 6, pp: 975-1033
- Folke, C., P. Ekins, and R. Costanza (eds.). 1994. Trade and Environment. Special Issue of Ecological Economics vol 9, no. 1, 92 pgs.
- Costanza, R. and H. E. Daly (eds.). 1987. Ecological Economics. Special Issue of Ecological Modelling, vol 38, nos. 1&2, 190 pgs.
Refereed Book Chapters and Encyclopedia Entries (193)
- Hernandez-Blanco, M and R. Costanza. 2019. Natural capital and ecosystem services, pp. 254-268 in: G.L. Cramer, K.P. Paudel, and A. Schmitz (eds). The Routledge Handbook of Agricultural Economics.
- Archer, R., J. Russell-Smith, S. Kerins, R. Costanza, A. Edwards, and K. Sangha. 2019. Change and Continuity: The North Australia Cultural Landscape. Chapter 2, pp. 9-34 in: Russell-Smith, G. James, J., H. Pedersen, and K.K. Sangha (editors). Sustainable Land Sector Development in Northern Australia: Indigenous Rights, Aspirations, and Cultural Responsibilities. . CRC Press/Taylor and Francis Group, Boca Raton, Fl.
- Russell-Smith, J., K.K. Sangha, R. Costanza, I. Kubiszewski, and A. Edwards. 2019. Towards a Sustainable, Diversified Land Sector Economy for North Australia. Chapter 5, pp. 85-132 in: in: Russell-Smith, G. James, J., H. Pedersen, and K.K. Sangha (editors). Sustainable Land Sector Development in Northern Australia: Indigenous Rights, Aspirations, and Cultural Responsibilities. . CRC Press/Taylor and Francis Group, Boca Raton, Fl.
- Heckbert, S., C. Isendahl, J. D. Gunn, S. Brewer, V. L. Scarborough, A. F. Chase, D. Z. Chase, R. Costanza, N. P. Dunning, T. Beach, S. Luzzadder-Beach, D. Lentz, and P. Sinclair. 2019. Growing the Ancient Maya Social- Ecological System from the Bottom Up. pp. 302-322 in: C. Isendahl and D. Stump (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Historical Ecology and Applied Archaeology. Oxford University Press.
- Costanza, R. 2018. Ecosystem Services in Theory and Practice. Pages 419-422 in: Dominick A. Dellasala, Michael I. Goldstein (Eds.) Encyclopedia of the Anthropocene, Elsevier.
- Costanza R., M. Hart, I. Kubiszewski, S. Posner, J. Talberth. 2018, Lessons from the history of GDP in the effort to create better indicators of Prosperity, Well-being and Happiness. Chapter 7, pp. 117-123: in S. Bell and S. Morse (ed.), Routledge Handbook of Sustainability Indicators, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, London
- Costanza, R. 2018. Forward: Deltas, Ecosystem Services, and the Sustainable Well-being of Humans and the Rest of Nature. Pp. vii-xi in: R. J. Nicholls, C. E Hutton, W. N. Adger, S. E. Hanson, M. M. Rahman, and M. Salehin (eds.) Ecosystem Services for Well-Being in Deltas. Palgrave Macmillan.
- Costanza, R. 2018. Ecological Economics 1. Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences. Elsevier.
- Costanza, R. 2018, Ecological Economics 2. Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences. Elsevier.
- Costanza, R. Natural Capital and Sustainable Well-Being of Humans and the Rest of Nature. 2018. Pp 3-14 in M. L. Paracchini, P. C. Zingari, and C. Blais (Eds.). Reconnecting Natural and Cultural Capital: Contributions from Science and Policy. Office of Publications of the European Union.
- Costanza, R. 2017. Claim the Sky!. Ch. 17, pp. 279-284 in: K. N. Ninan and M. Inoue (eds). Building a Climate Resilient Economy and Society: Challenges and Opportunities. Edward Elgar. Cheltenham, UK.
- de Groot, R., L. Braat, and R. Costanza. 2017. A short history of the ecosystem services concept. Ch. 2.1 pp. 31-34 in: in: B. Burkhard and J. Maes (eds). Mapping Ecosystem Services. Pensoft Press.
- Anderson, S., A. Giordano, R. Costanza, I. Kubiszewski, P. Sutton, J. Maes, and A. Neal. 2017. National ecosystem service mapping approaches. Ch. 5.7.2. pp. 239-245 in: B. Burkhard and J. Maes (eds). Mapping Ecosystem Services. Pensoft Press.
- Costanza, R. 2016. Toward a sustainable and desireable future: a 35-year collaboration with Herman Daly. Pp. 48-64 in: J. Farley and Deepak Malghan (eds.) Beyond uneconomic growth: economics, equity, and the ecological predicament. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK.
- Costanza, R. and I. Kubiszewski. 2016. A Nexus Approach to Urban and Regional Planning Using the Four Capital Framework of Ecological Economics. Chapter 4 pp. 79-111 in: H. Hettiarachchi and R. Ardakanian (eds.) Resource Management and the Nexus Approach: Managing Water, Soil, and Waste in the Context of Global Change. Springer. http://link.springer.com.virtual.anu.edu.au/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-28...
- Costanza R. 2016. Economy. Ch. 24 in: J. Admson, W. A. Gleason, and D. N. Pellow (eds). Keywords for Environmental Studies. NYU Press, New York. http://keywords.nyupress.org/environmental-studies/essay/economy/
- Costanza, R. 2016. Ecosystem Services in Theory and Practice. Pp. 15-24 In: Potschin, M., Haines-Young, R., Fish, R. and Turner, R.K. (eds) Routledge Handbook of Ecosystem Services. Routledge, London and New York.
- Costanza, R., G. Alperovitz, H. Daly, J. Farley, C. Franco, T. Jackson, I. Kubiszewski, J. Schor and P. Victor. 2015. Ecological Economics and Sustainable Development: Building a Sustainable and Desirable Economy-in-Society-in-Nature. Chapter 18, pp. 281-294 in M. Redclift and D. Springett (eds.). Routledge International Handbook of Sustainable Development. Routledge, New York. http://www.routledge.com/books/details/9780415838429/
- Nilsson, M. and R. Costanza. 2015. Overall framework for the sustainable development goals. Pp. 7-12 in: ICSU, ISSC (2015): Review of the Sustainable Development Goals: The Science Perspective. Paris: International Council for Science (ICSU). http://www.icsu.org/publications/reports-and-reviews/review-of-targets-f...
- Pert, P. L., R. Costanza, E. Bohensky, J. Butler, I. Kubiszewski, P. Sutton, and L. Maack. 2014. The ecosystem service value of protected areas for cyclone protection in Queensland, Australia. Pp. 1-14 in: R. Murti and C. Buyck (eds). Safe havens: protected areas for disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland www.iucn.org/publications
- Costanza, R. 2014. A Vision of the Future of Science: Reintegrating of the Study of Humans and the Rest of Nature. Pp. 3-24 in: M. J. Manfredo, J. J. Vaske, A. Rechkemmer and E. A. Duke (Eds.). Understanding Society and Natural Resources: Forging New Strands of Integration Across the Social Sciences. Springer, Dordrecht. DOI 10.1007/978-94-017-8959-2
- Ogilvy, S., and R Costanza. 2014. Accounting for Ecological Capital. In Oxford Bibliographies in Ecology. Ed. David Gibson. New York: Oxford University Press. Date Added: August 26, 2014. DOI: 10.1093/OBO/9780199830060-0106 http://www.oxfordbibliographies.com.virtual.anu.edu.au/view/document/obo...
- Costanza, R. 2014. Forward: The Importance of Valuing Ecosystem Services. Pp. xviii-xxiii In K. N. Ninan (ed). Valuing Ecosystem Services: Methodological Issues and Case Studies. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK.
- Batker, D., I. de la Torre, R. Costanza, J. W. Day, P. Swedeen, R. Boumans, and K. Bagstad. 2014. The threats to the value of ecosystem goods and services of the Missippi Delta. Pp. 155-173 in: J. W. Day, G. P. Kemp, A. M. Freeman, and D. P. Muth (Eds.) Perspectives on the restoration of the Mississippi Delta: the once and future delta. Springer, Dordrecht 194 pp.
- Costanza, R. and I. Kubiszewski. 2014. Why we need visions of a sustainable and desirable world. Pp. 3-8 in: R. Costanza and I. Kubiszewski (eds). Creating A Sustainable and Desirable Future. World Scientific, Singapore.
* Costanza, R., G. Alperovitz, H. Daly, J. Farley, C. Franco, T. Jackson, I, Kubiszewski, J. Schor, and P. Victor. 2014. What would a sustainable and desirable economy-in-society-in-nature look like? Pp. 33-50 in: R. Costanza and I. Kubiszewski (eds). Creating A Sustainable and Desirable Future. World Scientific, Singapore. - Costanza, R. 2014. A virtual visit to a sustainable 2050. Pp. 73-78 in: R. Costanza and I. Kubiszewski (eds). Creating A Sustainable and Desirable Future. World Scientific, Singapore.
- Costanza, R., G. Alperovitz, H. Daly, J. Farley, C. Franco, T. Jackson, I. Kubiszewski, J. Schor, and P. Victor. 2013. Building a Sustainable and Desirable Economy-in-Society-in-Nature. Chapter 11, pp. 126-142 in: State of the World 2013: Is Sustainability Still Possible? Island Press. Washington, D.C.
- Costanza, R., W. J. Mitsch, and J. W. Day, Jr. 2013. An ecosystem vision for New Orleans and the Mississippi Delta: applying ecological economics and ecological engineering. Chapter in: A. Yáñez-Arancibia, R. Dávalos Sotelo, John W. Day and E. Reyes (Eds.) Ecological Dimensions for Sustainable Socio Economic Development. WIT Press, Southampton.
- Wratten, S., H. Sandhu, R. Cullen and R. Costanza. 2013. Introduction. Pp. xvi-xviii in: S. Wratten, H. Sandhu, R. Cullen and R. Costanza (eds). Ecosystem Services in Agricultural and Urban Landscapes. Wiley-Blackwell. Oxford, UK.
- Wratten, S., H. Sandhu, R. Cullen and R. Costanza. 2013. Epilogue: Equitable and Sustainable Systems. Pp. 194-195 in: S. Wratten, H. Sandhu, R. Cullen and R. Costanza (eds). Ecosystem Services in Agricultural and Urban Landscapes. Wiley-Blackwell. Oxford, UK
- Costanza, R. 2012. The Value of Natural and Social Capital in Our Current Full World and in a Sustainable and Desirable Future. Pp. 99-109 in: Weinstein, M. P. and R. E. Turner (eds). Sustainability Science: The Emerging Paradigm and the Urban Environment. Springer, New York.
- Kubiszewski, I. and R. Costanza. 2012. Ecosystem Services for Sustainable Prosperity. Chapter 16, pp. 177-182 in: State of the World 2012: Moving Toward Sustainable Prosperity. Island Press. Washington, D.C.
- Costanza, R. 2012. The Ecosystem Promise: Introduction and overview. Pp. 18-25 in: M. Brouwer (Ed.) The Ecosystem Promise. Meindert Brouwer Partner in Communicatie, the Netherlands
- de Groot, R., J. Allen, J. DuVander, I. Kubiszewski, E. Ostrom, R. Costanza, and D. van den Broeck. 2012. Integrating ecology and economics. Pp. 38-43 in: M. Brouwer (Ed.) The Ecosystem Promise. Meindert Brouwer Partner in Communicatie, the Netherlands
- Farley, J., G. Flomenhoft, and R. Costanza. 2012. Ecosystem Services and Property Rights. Pp. 162-165 in: M. Brouwer (Ed.) The Ecosystem Promise. Meindert Brouwer Partner in Communicatie, the Netherlands
- Costanza, R. 2012. The Value of Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity Conservation: a Challenge for the Galapagos. Pp. 245-255 in: M. Wolff and M. Gardener (Eds.) The Role of Science for Conservation. Routledge, New York, NY.
- Kubiszewski, I. and R. Costanza. 2012. A Fair Share of the Information Commons. Pp 121-129 in: J. Murray, G. Cawthorne, C. Dey and C. Andrew (Eds.). Enough for all forever: A handbook for learning about sustainability. Common Ground Publishing, Champaign, Illinois.
- Costanza R., and Farley J. 2011. Common Asset Trusts and the World Environmental Constitution. Pp. 224-225 in: World Environmental Constitution. Methodological basics. Yuriy Tunytsya (Ed.). Lviv: Publishing House of UNFU. Lviv, Ukraine.
- Martinez, M. L., R. Costanza, and O. Pérez-Maqueo. 2011. Ecosystem services provided by Estuarine and Coastal Ecosystems: Storm protection as a Service from Estuarine and Coastal Ecosystems. Pp. 129-146 In: van den Belt M. and Costanza R. (eds) Volume 12, “Ecological Economics of Estuaries and Coasts”. In Wolanski E. and McLusky D.S. (eds) Treatise on Estuarine and Coastal Science. Academic Press, Waltham MA
- Heckbert, S., E. S. Poloczanska, R. Costanza, and A. J. Richardson. 2011. Climate Regulation as a Service from Estuarine and Coastal Ecosystems. Pp. 199-216 In: van den Belt M. and Costanza R. (eds) Volume 12, “Ecological Economics of Estuaries and Coasts”. In Wolanski E. and McLusky D.S. (eds) Treatise on Estuarine and Coastal Science. Academic Press, Waltham MA
- Costanza, R., E. Bohensky, J. Butler, I. Bohnet, A. Delisle, K. Fabricius, M. Gooch, I. Kubiszewski, G. Lukacs, P. Pert, and E. Wolanski. 2011. A scenario analysis of climate change and ecosystem services for the Great Barrier Reef. Pp. 305-326. In: van den Belt M. and Costanza R. (eds) Volume 12, “Ecological Economics of Estuaries and Coasts”. In Wolanski E. and McLusky D.S. (eds) Treatise on Estuarine and Coastal Science. Academic Press, Waltham MA
- Costanza, R., I Kubiszeswki, J. Roman, and P. Sutton. 2011. Changes in ecosystem services and migration in low-lying coastal areas over the next 50 years. Report DR7a as part of the UK Government’s Foresight Project, Migration and Global Environmental Change. http://www.bis.gov.uk/foresight/migration
- Costanza, R. 2011. Liability for environmental damages: toward principles of sustainable governance. Chapter in: C. R. Payne and P. Sand (eds.). Environmental liability: Gulf War reparations and the UN Compensation Commission. Oxford University Press.
- Costanza, R. J. Farley, and I. Kubiszewski. 2010. Adapting Institutions for Life in a Full World. Chapter in: State of the World 2010, Worldwatch Institute, Washington DC.
- Costanza, R. 2010. The value of a restored earth and its contribution to a sustainable and desirable future. Pp 78-90 In: F. A. Comin (ed), Ecological Restoration: A Global Challenge. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.
- Costanza, R. 2010. The Need for a Transdisciplinary Understanding of Development in a Hot and Crowded World. Pp. 136-148 In: Interdisciplinarity and Climate Change: Transforming Knowledge and Practice for Our Global Future. R. Bhaskar, C. Frank, K. G. Høyer, P. Naess, and J. Parker (eds). Routledge/Taylor & Francis, London.
- Costanza, R. 2010. Toward a new sustainable economy. Pp. 40-50 in: S. Kates (ed). Macroeconomic Theory and its Failings: Alternative Perspectives on the Global Financial Crisis. Edward Elgar, UK. http://www.e-elgar.co.uk/Bookentry_Main.lasso?id=13728
- Costanza, R. 2010. Ecosystem services and ecological indicators. Pp. 189-200 in. Jørgensen, S. E., F-L Xu, and R. Costanza (eds). 2010. Handbook of Ecological Indicators for Assessment of Ecosystem Health, Second Edition. CRC Press/Taylor and Francis Group, Boca Raton, FL 484 pp.
- Costanza, R. 2010. Contributor (1 of 50) to: J. Jäger and S. Cornell (eds). The Planet in 2050: The Lund Discourse of the Future. Routledge, London.
- Costanza, R. 2009. Ecological economics: creating a sustainable and desirable future. Pp. 29-39 in: I.P. Soloviy and W.S. Keeton (Eds) Ecological economics and sustainable forest management: developing a transdisciplinary approach for the Carpathian Mountains. Ukrainian National Forestry University Press, Lviv. 432 p.
- Costanza, R. (Lead Author). J. Farley (Topic Editor). 2009. Herman Daly Festschrift: Toward a sustainable and desirable future: a 30 year collaboration with Herman Daly. In: Encyclopedia of Earth. Cutler J. Cleveland, Ed. (Washington, D.C.: Environmental Information Coalition, National Council for Science and the Environment). http://www.eoearth.org/article/Herman_Daly_Festschrift:_Toward_a_sustain...
- Costanza, R. 2008. Ecological economics 1. Pp. 999-1006 in Jorgensen, S. E. and B. Fath (eds). Encyclopedia of Ecology. Elsevier, Amsterdam.
- Costanza, R. 2008. Ecological economics 2. Pp. 1006-1011 in Jorgensen, S. E. and B. Fath (eds). Encyclopedia of Ecology. Elsevier, Amsterdam.
- Ceroni, M., S. Liu, and R. Costanza. 2007. Ecological and Economic Roles of Biodiversity in Agroecosystems. Pp. 446-472 In Jarvis, DI, C Padoch, and D Cooper (eds): Managing Biodiversity in Agricultural Ecosystems. Columbia University Press, New York.
- Costanza, R., L. Graumlich, and W. Steffen. 2007. Sustainability or Collapse: Lessons from Integrating the History of Humans and the Rest of Nature. Pp. 3-18 in: R. Costanza, L. Graumlich, and W. Steffen (eds.). Sustainability or Collapse? An Integrated History and future Of People on Earth. MIT Press. Cambridge, MA.
- Costanza, R. 2007. Assessing and Communicating Data Quality: Toward a System of Data Quality Grading. Pp 39-50 in: R. Costanza, L. Graumlich, and W. Steffen (eds.). Sustainability or Collapse? An Integrated History and future Of People on Earth. MIT Press. Cambridge, MA.
- Costanza, R., R. Leemans, R. Boumans, and E. Gaddis. 2007. Integrated global models. Pp 417-446 in: R. Costanza, L. Graumlich, and W. Steffen (eds.). Sustainability or Collapse? An Integrated History and future Of People on Earth. MIT Press. Cambridge, MA.
- M. N. Young, R. Leemans, R. M. J. Boumans, R. Costanza, B. J. M. de Vries„ J. Finnigan, U. Svedin, and M. D. Young 2007. Group Report: Options for the Future of Humans on Earth. Pp 447-470 in: R. Costanza, L. Graumlich, and W. Steffen (eds.). Sustainability or Collapse? An Integrated History and future Of People on Earth. MIT Press. Cambridge, MA.
- van den Belt, M., R. Costanza, S. Demers, S. Diaz, G. A. Ferreyra, S. M. F. Gianesella, E. W. Koch, F. R. Momo, and M. Vernet. 2007. Mediated modeling for integrating science and stakeholders: Impacts of enhanced Ultraviolet-B radiation on ecosystem services. Pp.179-186 in: H. Tiessen, M. Brklacich, G. Breulmann, and R. S. C. Menezes (eds). Communicating global change science to society: an assessment and case studies. SCOPE 68. Island Press, Washington DC. 217 pp.
- Costanza, R. (Lead Author); C. J. Cleveland (Topic Editor). 2007. Toward an ecological economy. In: Encyclopedia of Earth. C. J. Cleveland (Ed) (Washington, D.C.: Environmental Information Coalition, National Council for Science and the Environment). <http://www.eoearth.org/article/Toward_an_ecological_economy>
- Costanza, R. (Lead Author); C. J. Cleveland (Topic Editor). 2007. Natural capital. In: Encyclopedia of Earth. C. J. Cleveland,) (Washington, D.C.: Environmental Information Coalition, National Council for Science and the Environment). [Published February 26, 2007; Retrieved August 6, 2007]. <http://www.eoearth.org/article/Natural_capital>
- Costanza, R. (Lead Author); C. J. Cleveland (Topic Editor). 2007. Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI) for Chittenden County and Burlington, Vermont, United States. In: Encyclopedia of Earth. C. J. Cleveland (Ed.) (Washington, D.C.: Environmental Information Coalition, National Council for Science and the Environment). <http://www.eoearth.org/article/Genuine_Progress_Indicator_(GPI)_for_Chittenden_County_and_Burlington,_Vermont,_United_States>
- Costanza, R, W. Mitsch and J. W. Day (Lead Authors). C. J. Cleveland (Topic Editor). 2007. Rebuilding New Orleans: applying ecological economics and ecological engineering. In: Encyclopedia of Earth. Cutler J. Cleveland, Ed. (Washington, D.C.: Environmental Information Coalition, National Council for Science and the Environment). http://www.eoearth.org/article/Rebuilding_New_Orleans:_applying_ecologic...
- Costanza, R. (Lead Author). N. Golubiewski and C. J. Cleveland (Topic Editors). 2007. Value of the world’s ecosystem services: the influence of a single paper. In: Encyclopedia of Earth. Cutler J. Cleveland, Ed. (Washington, D.C.: Environmental Information Coalition, National Council for Science and the Environment). http://www.eoearth.org/article/Value_of_the_world’s_ecosystem_services:_the_influence_of_a_single_paper
- Costanza, R. and J. Farley (Lead Authors). N. Golubiewski and C. J. Cleveland (Topic Editors). 2007. Need for a shared vision of a sustainable and desirable future. In: Encyclopedia of Earth. Cutler J. Cleveland, Ed. (Washington, D.C.: Environmental Information Coalition, National Council for Science and the Environment). http://www.eoearth.org/article/Need_for_a_shared_vision_of_a_sustainable...
- Costanza, R. (Lead Author). N. Golubiewski and C. J. Cleveland (Topic Editors). 2007. Maximum power principle. In: Encyclopedia of Earth. Cutler J. Cleveland, Ed. (Washington, D.C.: Environmental Information Coalition, National Council for Science and the Environment). http://www.eoearth.org/article/Maximum_power_principle
- Costanza, R. (Lead Author). N. Golubiewski and C. J. Cleveland (Topic Editors). 2007. Lisbon principles of sustainable governance. In: Encyclopedia of Earth. Cutler J. Cleveland, Ed. (Washington, D.C.: Environmental Information Coalition, National Council for Science and the Environment). http://www.eoearth.org/article/Lisbon_principles_of_sustainable_governance
- Costanza, R. (Lead Author). N. Golubiewski and C. J. Cleveland (Topic Editors). 2007. Limits of “consumer sovereignty”. In: Encyclopedia of Earth. Cutler J. Cleveland, Ed. (Washington, D.C.: Environmental Information Coalition, National Council for Science and the Environment). http://www.eoearth.org/article/Limits_of_“consumer_sovereignty
- Costanza, R., W. Steffen, K. Hibbard, C. Crumley, R. Leemans, L. Graumlich, J. Dearing, C. Redman and D. Schimel (Lead Authors); Cutler J. Cleveland (Topic Editor). 2007. Evolution of the human-environment relationship. In: Encyclopedia of Earth. Cutler J. Cleveland, Ed. (Washington, D.C.: Environmental Information Coalition, National Council for Science and the Environment). http://www.eoearth.org/article/Evolution_of_the_human-environment_relati...
- House J.I., V. Brovkin, R. Betts, R. Costanza, M.A. Silva Dias, E.,Holland, C. le Que´re´, N. Kim Phat, U. Riebesell, M. Scholes, 2006. Air Quality and Climate, Chapter 13 in R. Hassan, R. Scholes and N. Ash (eds), Ecosystems & Human Well-Being: Volume 1 Current Status and Trends, Island Press, Washington.
- Costanza, R., B. Fisher, S. Liu, and T. Christopher. 2006. Biodiversity and ecosystem services: a multiscale empirical study of the contribution of species richness to net primary production. Pp. 9-26 in: P. Lebrun (ed). Biodiversité: État, enjeux et perspectives. De Boeck, Brussels, Belgium. 238pp.
- Costanza, R. 2006. pp. 90-92, 102,111-112, 120, 229-230, and 236-237 in: Beeley, F, M. Colwell, and J. Stevens (eds). Planet earth: the future. BBC books, London.
- Wilson, M. A., R. Costanza, R. Boumans, and S. Liu. 2005. Integrated assessment and valuation of ecosystem goods and services provided by coastal systems. Pp. 1-24 in J. G. Wilson (ed) The Intertidal Ecosystem, Royal Irish Academy Press, Dublin 206 pgs.
- House, J., V. Brovkin, R. Betts, R. Costanza, M. Assunçao Silva Dias, B. Holland, C. Le Quéré, N. Kim Phat, U. Riebesell, M. Scholes, A. Arneth, D. Barratt, K. Cassman, T. Christensen, S. Cornell, J. Foley, L. Ganzeveld, T. Hickler, S. Houweling, M. Scholze, F. Joos, K. Kohfeld, M. Manizza, D. Ojima, I. C. Prentice, C. Schaaf, B. Smith, I. Tegen, K. Thonicke, N. Warwick. 2005. Climate and Air Quality. Chapter 13 in: Ecosystems and Human Well-Being: Current State and Trends: Findings of the Condition and Trends Working Group of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. Island Press, Washington, DC.
- Costanza, R. 2004. Value theory and energy. Pp. 337-346 In: C. Cleveland (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Energy. vol 6 Elsevier, Amsterdam
- Wilson, M., A. Troy, and R. Costanza. 2004. The economic geography of ecosystem goods and services. Pp 69-95 in: J. Dieterich and J. van der Straaten (eds) Cultural landscapes and land use: the nature conservation – society interface. Kluwer, Amsterdam.
- Costanza, R. 2004. Changing visions of humans’ place in the world and the need for an ecological economics. Pp. 237-246 in: E. Fullbrook (ed). A guide to what’s wrong with economics. Anthem Press, London, 323 pgs.
- Maxwell, T. P., J. Berkson, T. Schoennagel, F. A. Poiani, and R. Costanza. 2003. Educational Investments in Environmental Science and Management. Pp. 263-285 in: V. Dale (ed.) Ecological modeling for resource management. Springer, New York, NY. 328 pp.
- Costanza, R. and A. Voinov. 2003. Introduction: spatially explicit landscape simulation models. Pp. 3-20 in: R. Costanza and A. Voinov (eds). Landscape Simulation Modeling: A Spatially Explicit, Dynamic Approach. Springer, New York. 330 pp
- Maxwell, T., C. Fitz, R. Boumans, and R. Costanza. 2003. Spatial simulation using the SME. Pp. 21-42 in: R. Costanza and A. Voinov (eds). Landscape Simulation Modeling: A Spatially Explicit, Dynamic Approach. Springer, New York. 330 pp
- Voinov, A., C. Fitz, R. Boumans, and R. Costanza. 2003. Modular ecosystem modeling. Pp. 43-76 in: R. Costanza and A. Voinov (eds). Landscape Simulation Modeling: A Spatially Explicit, Dynamic Approach. Springer, New York. 330 pp
- Villa, F., A. Voinov, C. Fitz, and R. Costanza. 2003. Calibration of large spatial models: a multistage, multiobjective optimization technique. Pp. 77-118 in: R. Costanza and A. Voinov (eds). Landscape Simulation Modeling: A Spatially Explicit, Dynamic Approach. Springer, New York. 330 pp
- Fitz, C., F. Sklar, T. Waring, A. Voinov, R. Costanza, and T. Maxwell. 2003. Development and application of the Everglades landscape model. Pp. 143-172 in: R. Costanza and A. Voinov (eds). Landscape Simulation Modeling: A Spatially Explicit, Dynamic Approach. Springer, New York. 330 pp
- Voinov, A., R. Costanza, R. Boumans, T. Maxwell, and H. Voinov. 2003. The Patuxent landscape model: Integrated modeling of a watershed. Pp. 197-232 in: R. Costanza, and A. Voinov (eds). Landscape Simulation Modeling: A Spatially Explicit, Dynamic Approach. Springer, New York. 330 pp
- Costanza, R. 2002. Visions of alternative (unpredictable) futures and their use in policy analysis. Pp. 22-39 in: S. Bondrup-Nielsen, N. W. P. Munro, G. Nelson, J.H. M. Willison, T. B. Herman, and P. Eagles (eds.), Managing protected areas in a changing world. Science and Management of Protected Areas Association, Nova Scotia, Canada.
- Costanza, R. and S. E. Jørgensen. 2002. Introduction. Pp. 1-3 in: R. Costanza and S. E. Jørgensen (eds.) Understanding and Solving Environmental Problems in the 21st Century: Toward a New, Integrated Hard Problem Science. Elsevier, Amsterdam. 324 pp
- Costanza, R., J. Farley, and P. Templet. 2002. Background: Quality of life and the distribution of wealth and resources. Pp. 221-258 in: R. Costanza and S. E. Jørgensen (eds.) Understanding and Solving Environmental Problems in the 21st Century: Toward a New, Integrated Hard Problem Science. Elsevier, Amsterdam. 324 pp
- Farley, J., R. Costanza, P. Templet, M. Corson, P. Crabbe, R. Esquivel, K. Furusawa, W. Fyfe, O. Loucks, K. MacDonald, L. MacPhee, L. McArthur, C. Miller, Pl O’Brien, G. Patterson, J. Ribemboim, and S. J. Wilson. 2002. Consensus: Quality of life and the distribution of wealth and resources. Pp. 259-302 in: R. Costanza and S. E. Jørgensen (eds.) Understanding and Solving Environmental Problems in the 21st Century: Toward a New, Integrated Hard Problem Science. Elsevier, Amsterdam. 324 pp
- Jørgensen, S. E and R. Costanza. 2002. Conclusions. Pp. 303-308 in: R. Costanza and S. E. Jørgensen (eds.) Understanding and Solving Environmental Problems in the 21st Century: Toward a New, Integrated Hard Problem Science. Elsevier, Amsterdam. 324 pp
- Costanza, R. 2002. Valuing the earth: reintegrating the study of humans and the rest of nature. Pp. 47-75 in: Managing the earth: the Linacre Lectures 2001. J. C. Briden and T. E. Downing (eds.). Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.
- Costanza, R. B. Low, E. Ostrom, and J. Wilson. 2001. Ecosystems and human systems: a framework for exploring the linkages. Pp. 3-20 in: R. Costanza, B. Low, E. Ostrom, and J. Wilson (eds). 2001. Institutions, Ecosystems, and Sustainability. Lewis/CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL 270 pp.
- Costanza, R. and M. Ruth. 2001. Dynamic systems modeling. Pp. 21-32 in: Costanza, R., B. Low, E. Ostrom, and J. Wilson (eds). 2001. Institutions, Ecosystems, and Sustainability. Lewis/CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL 270 pp.
- Low, B., E. Ostrom, R. Costanza, and J. Wilson. 2001. Human-ecosystem interactions: a basic dynamic integrated model. Pp. 33-58 in: Costanza, R., B. Low, E. Ostrom, and J. Wilson (eds). 2001. Institutions, Ecosystems, and Sustainability. Lewis/CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL 270 pp.
- Wilson, J. R. Costanza, B. Low, and E. Ostrom. 2001. Scale misperceptions and the spatial dynamics of a social-ecological system. Pp. 59-76 in: Costanza, R., B. Low, E. Ostrom, and J. Wilson (eds). 2001. Institutions, Ecosystems, and Sustainability. Lewis/CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL 270 pp.
- Costanza, R. and M. Ruth. 2001. Modeling for scoping, research, and management. Pp. 169-178 in: Costanza, R., B. Low, E. Ostrom, and J. Wilson (eds). 2001. Institutions, Ecosystems, and Sustainability. Lewis/CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL 270 pp.
- Costanza, R., A. Voinov, R. Boumans, T. Maxwell, F. Villa, L. Wainger, and H. Voinov. 2001. Case study: Patuxent River watershed, Maryland. Pp. 179-232 in: Costanza, R., B. Low, E. Ostrom, , and J. Wilson (eds). 2001. Institutions, Ecosystems, and Sustainability. Lewis/CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL 270 pp.
- Costanza, R. B. Low, E. Ostrom, and J. Wilson. 2001. Future directions. Pp. 233-246 in: R. Costanza, B. Low, E. Ostrom, and J. Wilson (eds). 2001. Institutions, Ecosystems, and Sustainability. Lewis/CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL 270 pp.
- Costanza, R. O. Segura, and J. Martinez-Alier. 2001. Envisioning and implementation of a sustainable society. Pp: 17-23 in: R. C. Dorf (Ed.) Technology, humans, and society: toward a sustainable world. Academic Press, New York.
- Costanza, R. 2001. Four visions of the century ahead: will it be Star Trek, Ecotopia, Big Government, or Mad Max? Pp: 190-197 in: R. C. Dorf (Ed.) Technology, humans, and society: toward a sustainable world. Academic Press, New York.
- Cleveland, C. J., R. Costanza and D. I. Stern. 2001. Introduction: the changing nature of economics – towards an ecological economics. Pp. 1-14 in: Cleveland, C. J., D. I. Stern and R. Costanza (eds.) The economics of nature and the nature of economics. Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, England
- Costanza, R., S. Farber, B. Castaneda and M. Grasso. 2001. Green national accounting: goals and methods. Pp. 262-282 in: Cleveland, C. J., D. I. Stern and R. Costanza (eds.) The economics of nature and the nature of economics. Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, England
- Costanza, R., C. Perrings, and C. J. Cleveland. 2000. Ecosystem and economic theories in ecological economics. Pp. 547-560 in: S. E. Jørgensen and F. Müeler (eds) Handbook of Ecosystem Theories and Management. Lewis Press, Boca Raton, FL.584 pp.
* Costanza, R. 2000. Environmental sustainability, indicators, and climate change. Pp. 109-142 in: M. Munasinghe and R. Swart (eds.) Climate change and its linkages with development, equity, and sustainability. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Geneva, Switzerland. - Fisher, T. R. D. Correll, R. Costanza, J. T. Hollibaugh, C. S. Hopkinson Jr., R. W. Howarth, N. N. Rabalais, J. E. Richey, C. J. Vörösmarty, and R. Wiegert. 2000. Synthesizing drainage basin inputs to coastal systems. Pp. 81-106 in: J. Hobbie (ed.) Estuarine science: a synthetic approach to research and practice. Island Press. 539 pp.
- Costanza, R. and A. Voinov. 2000. Integrated ecological economic regional modeling: linking consensus building and analysis for synthesis and adaptive management. Pp. 461-506 in: J. Hobbie (ed.) Estuarine science: a synthetic approach to research and practice. Island Press. 539 pp.
- Costanza, R. 2000. The ecological, economic, and social importance of the oceans. Pp. 393-403 in: C. Sheppard (ed) Seas at the millennium: an environmental evaluation. Volume III: Global Issues and Processes. Elsevier, Amsterdam.
- Cornwell, L. and R. Costanza. 1999. Environmental bonds: implementing the precautionary principle in environmental policy. Pp. 220-240 in: C. Raffensperger and J. Tickner (eds.) Protecting public health and the environment: implementing the precautionary principle. Island Press. Washington DC, 385 pp.
- Costanza, R. and M. Mageau. 1999. What is a healthy ecosystem? Pp. 385-415 in: H. Kumpf, K Steidinger, and K. Sherman (eds.) The Gulf of Mexico large marine ecosystem: Assessment, sustainability, and management. Blackwell Science, New York. 704 pp.
- Costanza, R. and J. Greer. 1998. The Chesapeake Bay and its watershed: a model for sustainable ecosystem management? pp. 261-302 in D. Rapport, R. Costanza, P. Epstein, C. Gaudet, and R. Levins (eds.), Ecosystem Health. Blackwell Scientific, New York, 372 pp.
- Costanza, R., M. Mageau, B. Norton, and B. C. Patten. 1998. What is sustainability? pp. 231-239 in: D. Rapport, R. Costanza, P. Epstein, C. Gaudet, and R. Levins (eds.), Ecosystem Health. Blackwell Scientific, New York, 372 pp.
- Costanza, R., M. Mageau, B. Norton, and B. C. Patten. 1998. Predictors of ecosystem health. pp. 240-250 in: D. Rapport, R. Costanza, P. Epstein, C. Gaudet, and R. Levins (eds.), Ecosystem Health. Blackwell Scientific, New York, 372 pp.
- Costanza, R., M. Mageau, B. Norton, and B. C. Patten. 1998. Social decision making. pp. 251-260 in: D. Rapport, R. Costanza, P. Epstein, C. Gaudet, and R. Levins (eds.), Ecosystem Health. Blackwell Scientific, New York, 372 pp.
- Costanza, R. and C. Folke. 1997. Valuing ecosystem services with efficiency, fairness and sustainability as goals. pp: 49-70 in: G. Daily (ed.), Nature’s Services: Societal Dependence on Natural Ecosystems. Island Press, Washington, DC, 392 pp.
- Cowling, R. M., R. Costanza, and S. I. Higgins. 1997. Services supplied by South African fynbos ecosystems. pp. 345-364 in: G. Daily (ed.), Nature’s Services: Societal Dependence on Natural Ecosystems. Island Press, Washington, DC, 392 pp.
- Costanza, R. 1997. Valuation of ecological systems with sustainability, fairness, and efficiency as goals. pp: 524-525 in: G. K. Meffe and C. R. Carroll (eds.), Principles of Conservation Biology, Second Edition. Sinauer, Sunderland, MA.
- Costanza, R., C. J. Cleveland, and C. Perrings. 1997. Introduction to the development of ecological economics. pp: xiii-xxix in: R. Costanza, C. J. Cleveland, and C. Perrings (eds.), The Development of Ecological Economics. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham. (also reprinted as pp. 87-110 in: P. N. Nemetz (ed.) Bringing business on board: sustainable development and the B-school curriculum. JBA Press, Vancouver, BC, Canada)
- Costanza, R. and M. Ruth. 1997. Dynamic systems modeling for scoping and consensus building. pp. 281-308 in: Dragun, A.K. and Jakobsson, K.M (eds.), Sustainability and Global Environmental Policy: New perspectives. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 319 pp.
- Costanza, R. 1997. Building transdisciplinary bridges at the frontiers of ecology and economics. pp. xiii - xxvi in: Frontiers in Ecological Economics: Transdisciplinary Essays of Robert Costanza. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham.
- Costanza, R. and A. Voinov. 1996. Interaction between economics and the environment from the point of view of sustainable development. pp. 33-58 in: V. A. Koptyug and M. Uppenbrink (eds.), Sustainable Development of the Lake Baikal Region: A Model Territory for the World. Springer, Berlin, 372 pp.
- Costanza, R. 1996. Designing sustainable ecological economic systems. pp 79-95 in: P. Schulze (ed.), Engineering within Ecological Constraints. National Academy Press, Washington, DC, 213 pp.
- Opschoor, J. B. and R. Costanza. 1996. Environmental performance indicators, environmental space and the preservation of ecosystem health. pp. 157-190 in: Global environmental Change and Sustainable Development in Europe. European Commission Press, Luxembourg.
- Reyes, E., R. Costanza, L. Wainger, E. DeBellevue, and N. Bockstael. 1996. Integrated ecological economics regional modelling for sustainable development. pp. 253-277 in: S. Faucheux, D. Pearce, and J. Proops (eds.), Models of Sustainable Development. Edward Elgar Press, Cheltenham, UK.
- Costanza, R., O. Segura, and J. Martinez-Alier. 1996. Integrated envisioning, analysis, and implementation of a sustainable and desirable society. pp. 1-16 in: R. Costanza, O. Segura, and J. Martinez-Alier (eds.), Getting Down to Earth: Practical Applications of Ecological Economics. Island Press, 472 pp.
- Costanza, R., L. Wainger, and N. Bockstael. 1996. Integrating spatially explicit ecological and economic models: theory and applications in the Patuxent River Watershed, Maryland. pp. 249-284 in: R. Costanza, O. Segura, and J. Martinez-Alier (eds.), Getting Down to Earth: Practical Applications of Ecological Economics. Island Press, 472 pp.
- Costanza, R. 1996. Ecological economics: creating a transdisciplinary science. pp 139-169 in: P. H. May and R. Seroa da Motta (eds.), Pricing the Planet: Economic Analysis for Sustainable Development. Columbia University Press, NY, 220 pp.
- Costanza, R. and C. Folke. 1996. The structure and function of ecological systems in relationship to property rights regimes. pp 133-34 in: S. Hanna, C. Folke, and K-G. Mäler (eds.), Rights to Nature: Ecological, Economic, Cultural, and Political Principles of Institutions for the Environment. Island Press, Washington, DC, 298 pp.
- Steer, A. and R. Costanza. 1996. Forward. pp. vi in: Munasinghe, M. (ed.), Environmental Impacts of Macroeconomic and Sectoral Policies. The World Bank, Washington, DC.
- Costanza, R. and B. Hannon. 1995. Multicommodity ecosystem analysis: dealing with the “mixed units” problem in flow and compartmental analysis. pp. 485-507 in: B. C. Patten and S. E. Jørgensen (eds.), Complex Ecology: The Part-Whole Relation in Ecosystems. Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 705 pp.
- Costanza, R., M. Kemp, and W. Boynton. 1995. Scale and biodiversity in coastal and estuarine ecosystems. pp: 84-125 in: C. A. Perrings, K.-G. Mäler, C. Folke, C. S. Holling, and B.-O. Jansson (eds.), Biodiversity Loss: Economic and Ecological Issues. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 325 pp.
- Costanza, R., L. Wainger, and N. Bockstael. 1995. Integrated ecological economic systems modeling: theoretical issues and practical applications. pp 45-66 in: J. Walter Milon and J. Shogren (eds.), Integrating Economic and Ecological Indicators: Practical Methods for Environmental Policy Analysis. Praeger Press, Westport, CT, 216 pp. (Also reprinted as pp. 352-374 in: Costanza, R. 1997. Frontiers in Ecological Economics: Transdisciplinary Essays of Robert Costanza. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 491 pp.).
- Costanza, R. 1995. Ecological economics: toward a new transdisciplinary science. pp 323-348 in: R. L. Knight and S. F. Bates (eds.), A New Century for Natural Resources Management. Island Press, Washington, DC, 398 pp.
- Costanza, R. 1995. Ecological and economic system health and social decision making. pp 103-125 in: D. J. Rapport, C.L. Gaudet, and P. Calow (eds.), Evaluating and Monitoring the Health of Large-Scale Ecosystems. Springer-Verlag, 454 pp.
- Costanza, R. and P. P. Principe. 1995. Methods for economic and sociological considerations in ecological risk assessment. pp. 395-406 in: R. A. Linthurst, P. Bourdeau, and R. G. Tardiff (eds.), Methods to Assess the Effects of Chemicals on Ecosystems. John Wiley, New York.
- Costanza, R. and J. Greer. 1995. The Chesapeake Bay and its watershed: a model for sustainable ecosystem management? pp. 169-213 in: L. H. Gunderson, C. S. Holling and S. Light (eds.), Barriers and Bridges to the Renewal of Ecosystems and Institutions. Columbia University Press, New York, 593 pp. (Also reprinted as pp. 427-472 in: Costanza, R. 1997. Frontiers in Ecological Economics: Transdisciplinary Essays of Robert Costanza. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 491 pp.).
- Costanza, R. 1995. Guest essay: Defining sustainability. pp. 8 in: G. T. Miller. Living in the Environment, Ninth edition. Wadsworth, Belmont, CA.
- Costanza, R. 1994. Valuation of ecological systems. pp. 449-450 in: G. K. Meffe and C. R. Carroll (eds.), Principles of Conservation Biology. Sinauer, Sunderland, MA, 600 pp. (Also reprinted as pp. 93-95 in: Costanza, R. 1997. Frontiers in Ecological Economics: Transdisciplinary Essays of Robert Costanza. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 491 pp.).
- Folke, C., M. Hammer, R. Costanza, and A. M. Jansson. 1994. Investing in natural capital: why, what, and how? pp 1-20 in: A. M. Jansson, M. Hammer, C. Folke, and R. Costanza (eds.), Investing in Natural Capital: The Ecological Economics Approach to Sustainability. Island Press, Washington, DC, 504 pp.
- Costanza, R. 1994. Three general policies to achieve sustainability. pp 392-407 in: A. M. Jansson, M. Hammer, C. Folke, and R. Costanza (eds.), Investing in Natural Capital: The Ecological Economics Approach to Sustainability. Island Press, Washington, DC, 504 pp.
- Maxwell, T. and R. Costanza. 1994. Spatial ecosystem modeling in a distributed computational environment. pp. 111-138 in: van den Bergh, J.C.J.M. and J. van der Straaten (eds.), Toward Sustainable Development: Concepts, Methods, and Policy. Island/ISEE Press, Washington, DC, 287 pp.
- Sklar, F. H., K. K. Gopu, T. Maxwell, and R. Costanza. 1994. Spatially explicit and implicit dynamic simulations of wetland processes. pp: 537-554 in: W. J. Mitsch (ed.), Global Wetlands: Old World and New. Elsevier, Amsterdam.
- Costanza, R. 1994. Ecological economics and the management of coastal and estuarine systems. pp: 387-394 in: K. R. Dyer and R. J. Orth (eds.), Changes in Fluxes in Estuaries: Implications from Science to Management. Olsen and Olsen, Fredensborg, Denmark, 485 pp.
- Costanza, R. 1993. The limits of ecological economics: toward a policy of sustainable elaboration. pp. 323-330 in: L. Bonati, U. Cosentino, M. Lasagni, G. Moro, D. Pitea, and A. Schiraldi (eds.), Trends in Ecological Physical Chemistry. Elsevier, Amsterdam.
- Day, J. W., W. H. Conner, R. Costanza, G. P. Kemp, and I. A. Mendelssohn. 1993. Impacts of sea level rise on coastal systems with special emphasis on the Mississippi River deltaic plain. pp. 276-296 in: R. A. Warrick, E. M. Barrow, and T. M. L. Wigley (eds.), Climate and Sea Level Change: Observations, Projections, and Implications. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England, 424 pp.
- Jackson, T. R. Costanza, M. Overcash, and W. Rees. 1993. The ‘biophysical’ economy: aspects of the interaction between economy and environment. pp. 3-28 in: T. Jackson (ed.), Clean Production Strategies. Lewis Press, Boca Raton, 415 pp.
- Perrings, C. R. Costanza, T. Jackson, and W. Rees. 1993. Economic policy and environmental assurance: managing the environmental impacts of economic systems. pp. 323-344 in: T. Jackson (ed.), Clean Production Strategies. Lewis Press, Boca Raton, 415 pp.
- Costanza, R. 1993. Ecological economic systems analysis: order and chaos. pp. 29-45 in: E. B. Barbier (ed.), Economics and Ecology: New Frontiers and Sustainable Development. Chapman and Hall, London, 205 pp.
- Costanza, R. and L. Wainger. 1993. Ecological economics. pp. 9-3.1 - 9-3.7 in: W. F. Christopher and C. G. Thor (eds.), Handbook for Productivity Measurement and Improvement. Productivity Press, Cambridge, MA.
- Costanza, R., L. Cornwell, J. Echeverría, R. Solórzano, and I. Strand. 1993. Ecological and economic valuation of protected areas. pp. 133-158 in: V. Barzetti (ed.), Parks and Progress: Protected Areas and Economic Development in Latin America and the Caribbean. IUCN-The World Conservation Union press, Washington, DC, 240 pp.
- Costanza, R. 1992. Ecological economic issues and considerations in indicator development, selection, and use: toward an operational definition of system health. pp. 1491-1502 in: D. H. McKenzie, D. E. Hyatt, and V. J. McDonald (eds.), Ecological Indicators. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1567 pp.
- Tennenbaum, S. and R. Costanza. 1992. The plight of the Chesapeake. pp. 98-109 in: L. Grant (ed.), Elephants in the Volkswagen: Facing the Tough Questions About Our Overcrowded Country. Freeman, New York, 272 pp.
- Costanza, R. 1992. Balancing humans in the biosphere pp. 50-59 in: L. Grant (ed.), Elephants in the Volkswagen: Facing the Tough Questions About Our Overcrowded Country. Freeman, New York, 272 pp.
- Costanza, R. 1992. Escaping the overpopulation trap. pp. 197-200 in: L. Grant (ed.), Elephants in the Volkswagen: Facing the Tough Questions About Our Overcrowded Country. Freeman, New York, 272 pp.
- Arizpe, L., R. Costanza, and W. Lutz. 1992. Population and natural resource use. pp. 63-78 in: J. C. I. Dooge, G. T. Goodman, J. W. M. la Rivére, J. Marton-Lefévre, T. O’Riordan and F. Praderie (eds.), An Agenda of Science for Environment and Development into the 21st Century. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England, 331 pp.
- Haskell, B. J., B. Norton, and R. Costanza. 1992. What is ecosystem health and why should we worry about it? pp 3-20 in: Costanza, R., B. Norton, and B. J. Haskell (eds.), Ecosystem health: New Goals for Environmental Management. Island Press, Washington DC, 269 pp.
- Costanza, R. 1992. Toward an operational definition of ecosystem health. pp. 239-256 in: Costanza, R., B. Norton, and B. J. Haskell (eds.), Ecosystem health: New Goals for Environmental Management. Island Press, Washington DC, 269 pp. (Also reprinted as pp. 75-92 in: Costanza, R. 1997. Frontiers in Ecological Economics: Transdisciplinary Essays of Robert Costanza. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 491 pp.).
- Costanza, R. 1992. The ecological economics of sustainability: investing in natural capital. pp. 106-118 in: R. Goodland, H. E. Daly, and S. El Serafy (eds.), Population, Technology, and Lifestyle: the Transition to Sustainability. Island Press, Washington, DC, 154 pp.
- Sklar, F. H. and R. Costanza. 1991. The development of dynamic spatial models for landscape ecology: a review and prognosis. pp 239-288 in: Turner, M. G. and R. Gardner (eds.), Quantitative Methods in Landscape Ecology. Springer-Verlag Ecological Studies 82, New York, NY, 536 pp.
- Costanza, R. and L. Wainger. 1991. Ecological economics: a new approach to understanding and managing the interactions of humans and nature. pp. 50-60 in: P. Rothkrug and R. L. Olson (eds.), Mending the Earth: A World for Our Grandchildren. North Atlantic Books, Berkeley, CA. (Also reprinted as pp. 44-49 in: Costanza, R. 1997. Frontiers in Ecological Economics: Transdisciplinary Essays of Robert Costanza. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 491 pp.).
- Costanza, R., H. E. Daly, and J. A. Bartholomew. 1991. Goals, agenda, and policy recommendations for ecological economics. pp. 1-20 in: R. Costanza (ed.), Ecological Economics: The Science And Management Of Sustainability. Columbia University Press, New York, 525 pp. (Also reprinted as pp. 50-64 in: Costanza, R. 1997. Frontiers in Ecological Economics: Transdisciplinary Essays of Robert Costanza. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 491 pp.).
- Costanza, R. 1991. Assuring sustainability of ecological economic systems. pp. 331-343 in: R. Costanza (ed.), Ecological Economics: The Science And Management Of Sustainability. Columbia University Press, New York, 525 pp
- Costanza, R. 1991. The ecological economics of sustainability: investing in natural capital. pp. 72-79 in: R. Goodland, H. E. Daly, and S. El Serafy (eds.), Environmentally Sustainable Economic Development: Building on Bruntland. Environment Working Paper No. 46. The World Bank, Washington, DC, 20433; also as pp: 83-90 in UNESCO version, Paris.
- Costanza, R. 1991. Energy, Uncertainty, and Ecological Economics. pp. 203-227 in: C. Rossi and E. Tiezzi (eds.), Ecological Physical Chemistry. Elsevier, Amsterdam.
- Costanza, R. 1990. Escaping the overspecialization trap: creating incentives for a transdisciplinary synthesis. pp. 95-106 in: M. E. Clark and S. Wawrytko (eds.), Rethinking the Curriculum: Toward an Integrated, Interdisciplinary College Education. Greenwood Press, 272 pp.
- Maxwell, J. and R. Costanza. 1989. An ecological economics for ecological engineering. pp. 57-77 in: Ecological Engineering: an Introduction to Ecotechnology. W J. Mitsch and S E. Jørgensen (eds.), John Wiley, New York.
- Costanza, R. and B. M. Hannon. 1989 Dealing with the “mixed units” problem in ecosystem network analysis. pp. 90-115 in: F. Wulff, J. G. Field, and K. H. Mann (eds.), Network Analysis Of Marine Ecosystems: Methods And Applications. Coastal and Estuarine Studies Series, Springer-Verlag, Heidleberg. 284 pp. (Also reprinted as pp. 1179-194 in: Costanza, R. 1997. Frontiers in Ecological Economics: Transdisciplinary Essays of Robert Costanza. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 491 pp.).
- Leibowitz, S. G., F. H. Sklar, and R. Costanza. 1989. Perspectives on Louisiana land loss modeling. pp. 729-753 in: R.R. Sharitz and J.W. Gibbons (eds.), Freshwater Wetlands and Wildlife. CONF-8603101, DOE Symposium Series No. 61, USDOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information, Oak Ridge, TN, 1265 pp.
- Costanza, R., F. H. Sklar, M. L. White, and John W. Day, Jr. 1988. A dynamic spatial simulation model of land loss and marsh succession in coastal Louisiana. pp. 99-114 in: Wetland Modelling. W J. Mitsch, M. Straskraba, and S E. Jørgensen (eds.), Elsevier, Amsterdam.
- Day, J. W., F. H. Sklar, C. Neill, W. H. Conner, C. H. Hopkinson, G. P. Kemp, and R. Costanza. 1988. Modeling of Louisiana swamp forests (USA). in: B. C. Patten and S. E. Jørgensen (eds.), Wetlands and Continental Water Bodies. SPB Academic Publishing, The Hague, Netherlands.
- Costanza, R., F. H. Sklar, and J. W. Day, Jr. 1988. Using the Coastal Ecological Landscape Spatial Simulation (CELSS) model for wetland management. pp. 443-454 in: A. Marani (ed.), Advances in Environmental Modelling. Elsevier, Amsterdam.
- Costanza R. 1979. The case for a constant embodied energy to dollar ratio. pp 320-327 in: Changing Energy Use Futures. R. A. Fazzolare and C. B. Smith (eds.), Pergammon Press, New York.
- Costanza, R. 1981. Embodied energy, energy analysis, and economics. pp. 119-146 in: Energy, Economics and the Environment: Conflicting Views of an Essential Interrelationship. H. E. Daly and A. F. Umaña (eds.), Westview Press, Boulder, CO.
- Costanza, R. 1981. Reply: an embodied energy theory of value. pp. 187-192 in: Energy, Economics, and the Environment: Conflicting Views of an Essential Interrelationship. H. E. Daly and A. F. Umaña (eds.), Westview Press, Boulder Co.
- Costanza, R. and C. Neill. 1981. The energy embodied in the products of ecological systems: a linear programming approach. pp 661-670 in: Energy and Ecological Modeling. W. J. Mitsch, R. W. Bosserman, and J. M. Klopatek (eds.), Elsevier Scientific, New York.
- Costanza, R. and C. Neill. 1981. The energy embodied in the products of the biosphere. pp 745-755 in: Energy and Ecological Modeling. W. J. Mitsch, R. W. Bosserman, and J. M. Klopatek (eds.), Elsevier Scientific, New York.
- Turner, R. E., R. Costanza, and W. Scaife. 1982. Canals and wetland erosion rates in coastal Louisiana. pp 73-84 in: Proceedings of the Conference on Coastal Erosion and Wetland Modification in Louisiana: Causes, Consequences, and Options. D. F. Boesch (ed.). U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Biological Services Program, Washington, DC, FWS/OBS-8⅖9, 256 pp.
- Cleveland, C. and R. Costanza. 1983. Net energy analysis of geopressured gas resources in the gulf coast region. pp. 889-900 in: Analysis of Ecological Systems: State-of-the-Art in Ecological Modelling. W. K. Lauenroth, G. V. Skogerboe, and M. Flug (eds.), Elsevier Scientific, New York.
- Costanza, R., L. M. Bahr, Jr., S. G. Leibowitz, and J. Fruci. 1983. The Mississippi deltaic plain egion (MDPR) study: an application of ecological models to the analysis and management of a complex coastal region. pp. 669-674 in: Analysis of Ecological Systems: State-of-the-Art in Ecological Modelling. W. K. Lauenroth, G. V. Skogerboe, and M. Flug (eds.), Elsevier Scientific, New York.
- Deegan, L. A., H. M. Kennedy, and R. Costanza. 1983. Factors contributing to marsh land loss in Louisiana’s coastal zone. pp. 915-920 in: Analysis of Ecological Systems: State-of-the-Art in Ecological Modelling. W. K. Lauenroth, G. V. Skogerboe, and M. Flug (eds.), Elsevier Scientific, New York.
- Fruci, J. R., R. Costanza, S. G. Leibowitz. 1983. Quantifying the interdependence between material and energy flows in ecosystems. pp. 241-250 in: Analysis of Ecological Systems: State-of-the-Art in Ecological Modelling. W. K. Lauenroth, G. V. Skogerboe, and M. Flug (eds.), Elsevier Scientific, New York.
- Leibowitz, S. and R. Costanza. 1983 An input-output model of salt marshes in the Mississippi deltaic plain region. pp. 771-780 in: Analysis of Ecological Systems: State-of-the-Art in Ecological Modelling. W. K. Lauenroth, G. V. Skogerboe, and M. Flug (eds.), Elsevier Scientific, New York.
- Sklar, F. H., R. Costanza, J. W. Day, and W. H. Conner. 1983. Dynamic simulation of aquatic material flows in an impounded swamp habitat in the Barataria Basin, LA. pp. 741-750 in: Analysis of Ecological Systems: State-of-the-Art in Ecological Modelling. W. K. Lauenroth, G. V. Skogerboe, and M. Flug (eds.), Elsevier Scientific, New York.
- Costanza, R. 1984. Natural resource valuation and management: toward an ecological economics. pp. 7-18 in: Integration of Economy and Ecology: An Outlook for the Eighties. A. M. Jansson (ed.), University of Stockholm Press.
- Costanza, R. 1986. Understanding and controlling the conflict escalation process and the nuclear arms race: experiments with the dollar auction game. pp 237-257 in: Toward a World of Peace: People Create Alternatives. J. P. Maas and R. A. C. Stewart (eds.), The University of the South Pacific Press, Suva, Fiji.
- Costanza, R., F. H. Sklar, and J. W. Day, Jr. 1986. Modeling spatial and temporal succession in the Atchafalaya/Terrebonne marsh/estuarine complex in south Louisiana. pp. 387-404 in: Estuarine Variability, D. A. Wolfe (ed.), Academic Press, New York.
- Costanza, R. 1987. Review of modeling studies in the Barataria Basin. pp. 110-122 in: The Ecology of the Barataria Basin, Louisiana: An Estuarine Profile. W. H. Conner and J. W. Day, Jr. (eds.), U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service Biological Report 85(7.13), 165 pp.
Book Reviews, Letters and Short Correspondence (59)
- Costanza, R. 2018. The reinvention of value: Review of The Value of Everything: Making and taking in the global economy, by Mariana Mazzucato. Nature. 556:300-301.
- De Groot, R., R. Costanza, L. Braat, L. Brander, B. Burkhard, L. Carrasco, N. Crossman, B. Egoh, D. Geneletti, B. Hansjuergens, L. Hein, S. Jacobs, I. Kubiszewski, B. Leimona, B.-L. Li, J. Liu, S. Luque, J. Maes, C. Marais, S. Maynard, L. Montanarella, S. Moolenaar, C. Obst, M. Quintero, O. Saito, F. Santos-Martin, P. Sutton, P. van Beukering, M. van Weelden, L. Willemen. 2018. RE: Ecosystem Services are Nature’s Contributions to People. Science 359 (6373): 27 February, 2018.
- Costanza, R., L. Fioramonti, H. Lovins, I. Kubiszewski, M. Göpel, D. Philipsen, and S. Wallis. 2017. Trump: a confluence of tipping points? Nature. 542:295. http://rdcu.be/phKx
- Costanza, R. 2016. Review of: Ecosystem Services: From Concept to Practice. Edited by J. A. Bouma and P. J. H. van Beukering. Quarterly Review of Biology. 91:502-503
- Costanza, R. 2016. Land Matters, Review of: Land Restoration: Reclaiming Landscapes for a Sustainable Future, by I. Chabay, M. Frick, and J. Helgeson. Solutions Sept-Oct. Vol 7, Issue 5 pp. 80-81 www.thesolutionsjournal.com
- Costanza, R. 2016. How do cultures evolve, and can we direct that change to create a better world? Wildlife Australia. Winter 2016. Page 46-47
- Costanza, R., L. Fioramonti, and I. Kubiszewski. 2016. The UN Sustainable Development Goals and the Dynamics of Wellbeing. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 14:59
- Kubiszewski, I. and R. Costanza. 2016. The next solutions. Solutions 7:1 http://thesolutionsjournal.com/node/237434
- Costanza, R. (on behalf of 31 signatories). 2016. Climate Adaptation: Hold atmosphere in trust for all. Nature 529:466 doi:10.1038/529466c
- Costanza, R. 2014. The public trust doctrine, reivew of “Nature’s Trust: Environmental Law for a New Ecological Age” by Mary Christina Wood. Solutions 5(1):88-89
- Costanza, R. and I Kubiszewski. 2012. Conference report: The Ecosystem Services Partnership (ESP) 5th Annual Conference. Ecosystem Services. 2:83-84. http://dx.doi.org.virtual.anu.edu.au/10.1016/j.ecoser.2012.09.002
- Daniel, T. C., A. Muhar, O. Aznar, J. W. Boyd, K.M.A. Chan, R. Costanza, C. G. Flint, P. H. Gobster, A. Grêt-Regamey, M. Penker, R.G. Ribe, and T. Schauppenlehner. 2012. Reply to Kirchhoff: Cultural values. and ecosystem services. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 109:147 http://www.pnas.org.virtual.anu.edu.au/content/109/46/E3147
- Costanza, R. 2009. Call for a culture climate shift. Review of: Down to the wire: confronting climate collapse. by David Orr. Nature 461:174-175
- Beddoe, R., R. Costanza, J. Farley, E. Garza, J. Kent, I. Kubiszewski, L. Martinez, T. McCowen, K. Murphy, N. Myers, Z. Ogden, K. Stapleton, and J. Woodward. 2009. Reply to Knecht: Achieving sustainable health. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106: E81.
- Costanza, R. 2009. Could climate change capitalism? Review of: A Blueprint for a Safer Planet: How to Manage Climate Change and Create a New Era of Progress and Prosperity. by Nicholas Stern. Nature 458:1107-1108
- Costanza, R. 2008. Review of: The law and politics of ecosystem services, by J. B. Ruhl, S. E. Kraft, and C. L. Lant. Ecological Restoration 26:168-170
- Costanza, R. 2008. Sustainable complexity. Review of: Seeking Sustainability in an Age of Complexity, by Graham Harris. Trends in Ecology in Evolution 24:69-70
- Costanza, R. 2007. Avoiding system failure: an upgraded version of capitalism is needed to protect the world’s resources. Review of: Capitalism 3.0: a guide to reclaiming the commons. By Peter Barnes. Nature 446: 613-614
- Costanza, R. 2006. Enough is enough. Review of: The Logic of Sufficiency by Thomas Princen. Nature. 439: 789
- Costanza, R. 2006. Why are students leaving politics out of economics? Adbusters. #65, May 10, 2006
- Hagens, N. R. Costanza, and K. Mulder. 2006 Energy returns on ethanol production. Science 312: 1746
- Costanza, R. 2006. Review of: Limits to Growth: the 30-Year Update, by Donella Meadows, Jørgen Randers, and Dennis Meadows and Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed by Jared Diamond. Ecological Economics 59:397-399
- Costanza, R. 2006. An Extraordinary Experiment in Human Development. Review of: 1491: New revelations of the Americas before Columbus by Charles Mann. BioScience 56:846-847
- Costanza, R. 2006. Nature: ecosystems without commodifying them. Nature 443:749
- Czech, B., D. L. Trauger, J. Farley, R. Costanza, H. E. Daly, C. A. S. Hall, R. F. Noss, L. Krall, and P. R. Krausman. 2005. Establishing indicators for biodiversity. Science 308:791-792.
- Costanza, R. 2005. When Scoundrels Rule: Review of The Last Refuge: Patriotism, politics, and the environment in an age of terror, by David W. Orr. BioScience 55:449-450
- Costanza, R. 2005. Global crises, unfortunately unrecognized and unsolved: Review of Global crises, global solutions, by Bjørn Lomborg. Environmental Change and Security Program Report, Issue 11, pp 81-84. Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington, DC
- Costanza, R. 2002. Sex, Politics, and Sustainability: Review of Why Sex Matters: A Darwinian Look at Human Behavior. by Bobbi S. Low. BioScience 52:298-299
- Costanza, R. 2001. Economics as a life science: Review of You Can’t Eat GNP: Economics As If Ecology Mattered by Eric A. Davidson and The Nature of Economies by Jane Jacobs. BioScience 51:154-155
- Costanza, R. 2001. Review of: Human Natures: Genes, Cultures, and the Human Prospect by Paul R. Ehrlich. Ecological Economics 37:473-478.
- Costanza, R. 2001. Government sponsored perversity. Review of: Perverse Subsidies: How Tax Dollars Can Undercut the Environment and the Economy by Norman Myers and Jennifer Kent. BioScience 51:408-410
- Costanza, R. 2000. Smart for one, dumb for all. Review of: Luxury Fever: Why Money Fails to Satisfy in an Era of Excess by Robert H. Frank. BioScience 50:259-260
- Costanza, R. 2000. Future Visions of Earth from Mars. Review of the trilogy: Red Mars, Green Mars, Blue Mars by Kim Stanley Robinson. Ecological Economics 33:167-169
- Costanza, R. 1999. One giant leap. Review of: Consilience: the Unity of Knowledge by Edward O. Wilson. BioScience 49:487-488
- Rapport, D.J., A.J. McMichael, and R. Costanza R. 1999. Assessing ecosystem health – Reply. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 14: 69-70
- Costanza, R. 1999. Human history as a natural science. Review of: Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies by Jared Diamond. BioScience 49:828-829.
- Rapport, D. J., A. J. McMichael, and R. Costanza. 1999. Assessing Ecosystem Health: Reply from D. J. Rapport, A. J. McMichael, and R. Costanza. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 14: 69-70
- Costanza, R., R. d’Arge, R. de Groot, S. Farber, M. Grasso, B. Hannon, S. Naeem, K. Limburg, J. Paruelo, R.V. O’Neill, R. Raskin, P. Sutton, and M. van den Belt. 1998. Auditing the earth: Costanza and his coauthors reply. Environment 40:26-27.
- Costanza, R. 1998. The Selfish Book. Review of: The Origins of Virtue: Human Instincts and the Evolution of Cooperation by Matt Ridley. BioScience 48:318-319.
- Costanza, R. 1998. Beyond Reciprocity. Review of: Cooperation Among Animals: An Evolutionary Perspective by Lee Alan Dugatkin. BioScience 48:564-565.
- Costanza, R., R. d’Arge, R. de Groot, S. Farber, M. Grasso, B. Hannon, S. Naeem, K. Limburg, J. Paruelo, R.V. O’Neill, R. Raskin, P. Sutton, and M. van den Belt. 1997. Valuing ecosystem services: a response. Regulation20:2-3
- Costanza, R. 1997. Review of: Climate Change 1995: Economic and Social Dimensions of Climate Change by James P. Bruce, Hoesung Lee, and Erik. F. Haites (eds.). Ecological Economics 23:75-77.
- Costanza, R. 1996. Review of: Managing the Commons: The Economics of Climate Change by William D. Nordhaus. Environment and Development Economics 1:381-384.
- Costanza, R. 1996. Review of: The Future Eaters: An Ecological History of the Australasian Lands and People by Timothy F. Flannery. Ecological Economics 18:263-265.
- Costanza, R. 1995. An unbalanced debate. Review of: Scarcity or Abundance: A Debate on the Environment by Norman Myers and Julian Simon. BioScience 45:633-634.
- Costanza, R. 1994. Review of: Integrated Environmental and Economic Accounting by United Nations. Ecological Economics 10:178-179.
- Costanza, R. 1994. Review of: Ishmael. by Daniel Quinn. Ecological Economics 10:177-178.
- Costanza, R. 1994. Review of: From Catastrophe to Chaos: A General Theory of Economic Discontinuities, by J. Barkley Rosser, Jr. Ecological Economics 10:179-180.
- Costanza, R. 1994. Review of: The Politics of Nature: Explorations in Green Political Theory by Andrew Dobson and Paul Lucardie (eds.). Ecological Economics 10:267-268.
- Costanza, R. 1994. Review of: The Ecology of Commerce: A Declaration of Sustainability by Paul Hawken. Ecological Economics 11:251-253.
- Costanza, R. 1993. Review of: Sustainable Investment and Resource Use: Equity, Environmental Integrity and Economic Efficiency by Michael D. Young. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 8:72-73.
- Costanza, R. 1993. Response to Sonja Boehmer-Christiansen on the “Precautionary Principle.” Environment 35:42-44.
- Costanza, R. and T. Maxwell. 1993. Review of: Dynamics of Complex Interconnected Biological Systems edited by Thomas L. Vincent, Alistair I. Mees, and Leslie S. Jennings. Ecological Economics 7:257-258.
- Costanza, R. 1993. Review of: International Banks and the Environment: From Growth to Sustainability, An Unfinished Agenda by Raymond F. Mikesell and Larry Williams. Ecological Economics 7:259-260.
- Costanza, R. 1993. Review of: Ecology, Economics, Ethics: The Broken Circle edited by F. Herbert Bormann and S. R. Kellert. Environment 35:29.
- Costanza, R. 1993. Review of: Privatization as a Conservation Policy: A Market Solution to the Mass Extinction Crisis by Joseph Henry Vogel. Ecological Economics 8:181-188.
- Cleveland, C. J., R. Costanza, C. A. S. Hall, and R. Kaufmann. 1985. Energy and economic activity. Letter. Science 230:740.
- Costanza, R. 1982. Economic values and embodied energy: reply to D. A. Huettner. Science 216:1141-1143.
- Costanza, R. 1981. Extraterrestrial intelligence: where is everybody? American Scientist 69:8-9.
Conference Proceedings, Non-Refereed Book Chapters, and Reports (27)
- Costanza, R. 2010. Forward: Solving South Africa’s interlinked energy, climate, and water problems. Pp. 4-5 in: S. de Villiers and M. de Wit: H2O-CO2 – Energy Equations for South Africa: present status, future scenarios, and proposed solutions. AEON (Africa Earth Observatory Network) Report Series No. 2. University of Cape Town, Rondebosch, South Africa.
- Boumans, R. and R. Costanza. 2007. The multiscale integrated Earth Systems model (MIMES): the dynamics, modeling and valuation of ecosystem services. Pp. 104-107 in: Van Bers, C., Petry, D. & Pahl-Wostl, C. (eds.), 2007. Global Assessments: Bridging Scales and Linking to Policy. Report on the joint TIAS-GWSP workshop held at the University of Maryland University College, Adelphi, USA, 10 and 11 May 2007. GWSP Issues in Global Water System Research, No.2. GWSP IPO, Bonn. Available at: www.gwsp.org
- Costanza, R. 2006. Linking ecology and economics for aquatic ecosystem management. Pp. 6-31 in: Rotorua Lakes 2006 – Wonderful Lakes – What value? – Who Pays? Proceedings from a conference held March 6-7 2006, Rotorua, New Zealand. Published by Lakes Water Quality Society, Rotorua, New Zealand. ISBN 0-473-11132-2
- Costanza, R. 2002. Using integrated dynamic modeling to scope environmental problems and build consensus. Pp. 110-132 in: M. Jaffe and D. Mir (Eds.) Improved decision-making for water resources: the key to sustainable development for metropolitan regions. Proceedings from a conference held September 16-17, 1999, University of Chicago, Chicago IL. Sea Grant Publication No. IISG-02-02
- Voinov, A., R. Costanza, L. Wainger, R. Boumans, F. Villa, T. Maxwell, and H. Voinov. 1998. Integrated ecological economic modeling of watersheds. pp. 35-40 in: A Sydow and J-Y Yu (eds.), 1998 Conference on Mission Earth: Modeling and Simulation of the Earth System. The Society for Computer Simulation International, San Diego, CA.
- Voinov, A. and R. Costanza. 1998. Watershed management over the web. pp. 167-168 in: P. A. Fishwick, D. R. C. Hill, and R. Smith (eds.), 1998 International Conference on Web Based Modeling and Simulation: Simulation and Modeling Technology for the Twenty-First Century. The Society for Computer Simulation International, San Diego, CA.
- Costanza, R. 1998. The ecological, economic, and social importance of coastal and marine systems. Pp. 237-252 in: With Rivers to the Sea: Interaction of Land Activities, Fresh Water, and Enclosed Coastal Seas. Proceedings of the Stockholm Water Symposium/EMECS, Stockholm, August 10-15, 1997. Stockholm International Water Institute, Stockholm, Sweden.
- Cleveland, C. J., R. Costanza, T. Eggertsson, L. Fortmann, B. Low, M. McKean, E. Ostrom, J. Wilson, and O. Young. 1996. A framework for modeling the linkages between ecosystems and human systems. Beijer Discussion Paper Series No. 76. The Beijer International Institute of Ecological Economics, Box 50005, S-10405 Stockholm, Sweden.
- Costanza, R. and C. Folke. 1996. The structure and function of ecological systems in relationship to property rights regimes. Beijer Discussion Paper Series No. 77. The Beijer International Institute of Ecological Economics, Box 50005, S-10405 Stockholm, Sweden.
- Folke, C., A. Jansson, J. Larsson, and R. Costanza. 1996. Ecosystem appropriation by cities. Beijer Discussion Paper Series No. 86. The Beijer International Institute of Ecological Economics, Box 50005, S-10405 Stockholm, Sweden.
- McMichael, A. J., B. Bolin, R. Costanza, G. C. Daily, C. Folke, K. Lindahl-Kiessling, E.Lindgren, and B. Niklasson. 1996. Sustainable health in a globalized world. Beijer Discussion Paper Series No. 87. The Beijer International Institute of Ecological Economics, Box 50005, S-10405 Stockholm, Sweden.
- Costanza, R. 1995. Measurement of sustainability. pp. 49-52 in: Proceedings of the Colloquium on Economics, Ecology, and Sustainability Policies. Environmental Law Institute. Washington, DC.
- A review of the U.S. global change research program and NASA’s mission to planet earth/earth observing system. Committee on Global Change Research (member) and Board on Sustainable Development, National Research Council. National Academy Press, Washington, DC. 1995.
- Reyes, E., R. Costanza, L. Wainger, and E. DeBellevue. 1994. Integrated ecological economics regional modeling for sustainable development. pp. 127-140 in: Models of Sustainable Development: Exclusive or Complementary Approaches of Sustainability. Proceedings of an International Symposium, Université Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris, March 16-18, 1994. ISBN 2-903677130-8.
- Sklar, F.H., R. Costanza, D.L. Childers, E.B. DeBellevue, M.S. Jacobsen, T. Maxwell and M.L. White. 1993. Developments in regional scale simulation and analysis: Case studies from coastal wetlands. In: R.B. Singh (ed.), Monitoring Geosystems. Proceedings of the 1991 International Geographical Union. Dec. 6-9, 1991. Delhi, India.
- Sklar, F. H. and R. Costanza. 1993. Modeling Natural and Human Impacts on Wetlands. National Association of Interpreters. Federal Interagency Council Proceedings of the Workshop: “Interpretation and the Future of Wetlands” May 8-11 1990, US Fish and Wildlife Service, Arlington, VA.
- Sklar, F. H., R. Costanza, and T. Maxwell. 1993. State-of-the-art spatial modeling for wetland management. pp. 354-366 in: Barataria-Terrebonne National Estuary Program, Scientific-Technical Committee Data Inventory Workshop Proceedings. BTNEP Publication 5, October 1991. Thibodaux, LA 70310.
- DeBellevue, E. and R. Costanza. 1991. Unified Generic Ecosystem and Land Use Model (UGEALUM): a modeling approach for simulation and evaluation of landscapes with an application of the Patuxent River watershed. pp. 265-275 in: J. A. Mihursky and A. Chaney (eds.), New Perspectives in the Chesapeake System: A Research and Management Partnership. CRC Publication No. 137., Chesapeake Research Consortium, Solomons, MD 20688.
- White, M. L., T. Maxwell, R. Costanza, and T. W. Doyle. 1991. Ecosystem modeling of Barataria Basin, Louisiana. pp. 225-234 in: D. Dhamotharan (ed.), Resource Development of the Lower Mississippi River. TPS 91-3, American Water Resources Association, Bethesda, MD.
- Costanza, R. 1991. Economic evaluation of wetlands. pp: 20-25 in: T. Schlichter (ed.), Proceedings of the International Workshop on Ecology and Economics. CATIE, Turrialba, Costa Rica. In English and Spanish.
- Tennenbaum, S. and R. Costanza. 1990. The plight of the Chesapeake. NPG Forum #13. Negative Population Growth, Inc., PO Box 1206, Teaneck, NJ 07666.
- Costanza, R. 1990. Balancing humans in the biosphere: escaping the overpopulation trap. NPG Forum #8. Negative Population Growth, Inc., PO Box 1206, Teaneck, NJ 07666.
- Costanza, R., F. H. Sklar, M. L. White, and J. W. Day, Jr. 1989. A dynamic spatial simulation model of land loss and marsh succession in coastal Louisiana. pp. 190-200 in: J. W. Day, Jr. and W. H. Conner (eds.), Physical Processes, Ecological Dynamics, and Management Implications: Results of Research in the Atchafalaya Delta Region. Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Baton Rouge, LA 70803.
- Day, J. W. Jr., C. J. Madden, W. H. Conner, and R. Costanza. 1989. Management implications of research in the Atchafalaya delta region. pp. 212-228 in: J. W. Day, Jr. and W. H. Conner (eds.), Physical Processes, Ecological Dynamics, and Management Implications: Results of Research in the Atchafalaya Delta Region. Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Baton Rouge, LA 70803.
- Costanza, R., F. H. Sklar, and J. W. Day, Jr. 1987. Using the Coastal Ecological Landscape Spatial Simulation (CELSS) model for wetland management. pp 3879-3890 in: O. T. Magoon, H. Converse, D. Miner, L T. Tobin, D. Clark, and G. Domurat (eds.), Coastal Zone 87: Proceedings of the Fifth Symposium on Coastal and Ocean Management., ASCE, New York.
- Sklar, F. H. and R. Costanza. 1986. A spatial simulation of ecosystem succession in a Louisiana Coastal landscape. pp. 467-472 in: R. Crosbie and P. Luker (eds.), Proceedings of the 1986 Summer Computer Simulation Conference. Society for Computer Simulation.
- Costanza, R. 1978. Energy, value and exchange. pp. 70-74 in: Systems in Socio-cultural Development. Kosmas Balkus (ed.), Proceedings of the Society for General Systems Research 1978 Southeastern Meeting, Tallahassee, FL.
Technical Reports (47)
- Crossman, N.D., N. Stoeckl, K. Sangha, and R. Costanza. 2018. Economic Values of the Northern Territory Marine and Coastal Environments. Australian Marine Conservation Society, Darwin, Australia.
- Roberts, L. A. Brower, G. Kerr, S. Lambert, W. McWilliam, K. Moore, J. Quinn, D. Simmons, S. Thrush, M. Townsend, P. Blaschke, R. Costanza, R. Cullen, K. Hughey and S. Wratten 2015. The nature of wellbeing: how nature’s ecosystem services contribute to the wellbeing of New Zealand and New Zealanders. Department of Conservation, Wellington. 145 p. http://www.doc.govt.nz/about-us/science-publications/books-posters-and-f...
- Costanza, R., S. Anderson, E. Bohensky, J. Butler, K. Edyvane, S. Howe, H. Kirkman, I. Kubiszewski, P. Pert, N. Stoeckl, P. Sutton, and T. Walshe. 2014. Ecosystem Services From Healthy Oceans and Coasts. White Paper to Support the Australian National Marine Science Plan.
- Turner, K. G., S. Anderson, M. G. Chang, R. Costanza, S. Courville, E. Dominati, I. Kubiszewski, S. Ogilvy, L. Porfirio, N. Ratna, H. Sandhu, P. C. Sutton, G. M. Turner, Y-D Varennes, A. Voinov, and S. Wratten. 2014. Toward an Integrated Ecology and Economics of Land Degradation and Restoration: Methods, Data, and Models. Report to the ELD Project, GIZ, Berlin, Germany.
- Costanza, R., I. Kubiszewski, P. Paquet, J. King, S. Halimi, H. Sanguanngoi, N.L. Bach, R. Frankel, J. Ganaseni, A. Intralawan, and D. Morell. 2011. Planning Approaches for Hydropower Development in the Lower Mekong Basin. Institute for Sustainable Solutions, Portland State University, Portland, OR. http://www.pdx.edu/sustainability/lower-mekong-report
- Batker, D. P., I. de la Torre, R. Costanza, P. Swedeen, J. W. Day, Jr., R. Boumans, and K. Bagstad. 2010. Gaining Ground - Wetlands, Hurricanes and the Economy: The Value of Restoring the Mississippi River Delta. Earth Economics, Tacoma, WA
- Batker, D., P. Swedeen, R. Costanza, I. de la Torre, R. Boumans, and K. Bagstad. 2008. A new view of the Puget Sound Economy: the economic value of nature’s services in the Puget Sound basin. Earth Economics, Tacoma, WA. http://www.eartheconomics.org/projects/PugetSound/index.html
- Costanza, R. Wilson, M. Troy, A., Voinov, A., Liu, S., and D’Agostino, J. 2006. The Value of New Jersey’s Ecosystem Services and Natural Capital. Report to New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Science, Research, and Technology, Trenton, NJ. http://www.nj.gov/dep/dsr/naturalcap/
- Costanza, R. 2000. The valuation of ecosystem services from an ecological economics perspective. Report to the “F4” Panel of Commissioners United Nations Compensation Commission Geneva, Switzerland. 31 pp.
- Costanza, R., A. Voinov, R. Boumans, T. Maxwell, F. Villa, L. Wainger, and H. Voinov. 1999. Integrated ecological economic modeling of the Patuxent River watershed, Maryland. Final report to EPA. University of Maryland Institute for Ecological Economics, Center for Environmental and Estuarine Studies, University of Maryland, Box 38, Solomons, MD 20688-0038.
- Cornwell, L.L. and R. Costanza. 1997. A Futures Outlook of the Banff-Bow Valley: A Modelling Approach to Ecological, Economic and Social Issues. Chapter 10 in: Green, J., C. Pacas, S. Bayley and L. Cornwell (eds.), Ecological Outlooks Project. A Cumulative Effects Assessment and Futures Outlook of the Banff-Bow Valley. Prepared for the Banff-Bow Valley Study. Department of Canadian Heritage, Ottawa, ON.
- Costanza, R. N. Bockstael, C. Binder, R. Boumans, T. Maxwell, F. Villa, A. Voinov, H. Voinov, L. Wainger, and S. Walters. 1997. Integrated Ecological Economic Modeling and Valuation of Watersheds: Year 2 Progress Report to EPA. USEPA, Washington, DC.
- Wainger, L., T. Maxwell and R. Costanza. 1996. Development of a Landscape Model to Evaluate the Effects of Land Conversion on Hydrology in Sawmill Creek Watershed, Anne Arundel County, Maryland. Final Report to Maryland Department of Natural Resources.
- Fitz, H.C., A. Voinov, and R. Costanza. 1995. The Everglades Landscape Model: Final Report. Report to the Everglades Systems Research Division, South Florida Water Management District, 3301 Gun Club Road, West Palm Beach, FL 33416.
- Fitz, H.C., A. Voinov, and R. Costanza. 1995. The Everglades Landscape Model: Verification Analysis Report. Report to the Everglades Systems Research Division, South Florida Water Management District, 3301 Gun Club Road, West Palm Beach, FL 33416. 16 pages.
- Fitz, H.C., A. Voinov, and R. Costanza. 1995. The Everglades Landscape Model: Calibration Analysis Report. Report to the Everglades Systems Research Division, South Florida Water Management District, 3301 Gun Club Road, West Palm Beach, FL 33416. 13 pages and binary files.
- Fitz, H.C., A. Voinov, and R. Costanza. 1995. The Everglades Landscape Model: Multiscale Sensitivity Analysis. Report to the Everglades Systems Research Division, South Florida Water Management District, 3301 Gun Club Road, West Palm Beach, FL 33416. 88 pages.
- Costanza, R., H. C. Fitz, T. Maxwell, A. Voinov, H. Voinov, and L. A. Wainger. 1995. Patuxent Landscape Model: Sensitivity Analysis and Nutrient Management Scenarios. Interim Report for U.S. EPA Cooperative Agreement #CR 821925010. University of Maryland Institute for Ecological Economics, Center for Environmental and Estuarine Studies, University of Maryland, Box 38, Solomons, MD 20688-0038.
- Fitz, H.C., R. Costanza, and E. Reyes. 1994. The Everglades Landscape Model (ELM): Compilation of Verification Data. Report to the Everglades Systems Research Division, South Florida Water Management District, 3301 Gun Club Road, West Palm Beach, FL 33416. 2 pages and 57 Mb binary files.
- Fitz, H.C., R. Costanza, and E. Reyes. 1994. The Everglades Landscape Model (ELM): Compilation of Calibration Data. Report to the Everglades Systems Research Division, South Florida Water Management District, 3301 Gun Club Road, West Palm Beach, FL 33416. 7 pages and 48 Mb binary files.
- Costanza, R., E. DeBellevue, T. Maxwell and M. Jacobsen, 1993. Development of the Patuxent Landscape Model (PLM) Phase I. Report of the Ecological Landscape Models for Evaluating the Interactive Dynamics of the Patuxent River Watershed and Estuary Project. The Chesapeake Bay Research & Monitoring Division, Tidewater Administration, Maryland Department of Natural Resources. Maryland International Institute for Ecological Economics, Center for Environmental and Estuarine Studies, University of Maryland, Solomons, MD.
- Fitz, H.C., R. Costanza, and E. Reyes. 1993. The Everglades Landscape Model (ELM): Summary Report of Task 2, Model Development. Report to the Everglades Systems Research Division, South Florida Water Management District, 3301 Gun Club Road, West Palm Beach, FL 33416, 109 pages.
* Costanza, R., H. C. Fitz, J. A. Bartholomew, and E. DeBellevue. 1992. The Everglades Landscape Model (ELM): Summary Report of Task I Model Feasibility Assessment. Center for Environmental and Estuarine Studies, University of Maryland, Solomons, MD. - Costanza, R. and E. B. DeBellevue. 1990. Environmental Evaluation of the CAR Proposal for Integrated Wastewater Treatment, Irrigation, and Conservation Projects in the Bogota, Colombia region. Report to the Interamerican Development Bank, Washington, DC.
- Day, J. W. Jr., R. Costanza, K. Teague, N. Taylor, G. P. Kemp, R. Day, and R. E. Becker. 1986. Wetland Impoundments: A Global Survey for Comparison with the Louisiana Coastal Zone. Final Report to the Geological Survey Division, Louisiana Department of Natural Resources, Baton Rouge, LA 70803.
- Turner, R. E., I. A. Mendelssohn, K. L. McKee, R. Costanza, C. Neill, J. P. Sikora, W. B. Sikora, and E. Swenson. 1986. Backfilling Canals in Coastal Louisiana. Proceedings of the Coastal Society Tenth National Conference: Estuarine and Coastal Management: Tools of the Trade. International Hotel, New Orleans, LA, 10/12/86-10/1⅝6.
- Costanza, R. and S. C. Farber. 1985. The Economic Value of Coastal Wetlands in Louisiana. Final Report to the Louisiana Department of Natural Resources. Center for Wetland Resources, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803.
- Costanza, R. and S. C. Farber. 1985. The Economic Value of Wetlands in Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana. Final Report to the Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium. Center for Wetland Resources, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803.
- Turner, R. E., I. A. Mendelssohn, R. Costanza, K. L. McKee, C. Neill, J. P. Sikora, W. B. Sikora, and E. Swenson. 1984. Evaluation of Backfilling Canals as a Means of Mitigating the Environmental Impact of Canals. Final Report, Coastal Management Section, Louisiana Department of Natural Resources, Baton Rouge, LA 70808.
- Costanza, R. and C. J. Cleveland. 1983. Ultimate Recoverable Hydrocarbons in Louisiana: A Net Energy Approach. Contract Report to LSU Center for Energy Studies, Baton Rouge, LA 70803.
- Costanza, R. 1982. Cross-Sectional Analysis of Embodied Energy Contribution to Economic Activity in the United States. Subcontract Report to Cornell University for NSF project PRA-8003845. Center for Environmental Research and Dept. of Environmental Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853.
- Costanza, R. 1981. Environmental Impacts and Costs of OCS Natural Gas Activities on the State of Louisiana. Prepared for the First Use Tax Defense Legal Team, State of Louisiana. Gulf South Research Institute, Baton Rouge, LA 70808.
- Costanza, R. 1981. Discussion of: A Case for the Systems Approach to Improving the Energy Efficiency of Fisheries. Fishing Industry Energy Conservation Conference. Oct. 25-27, Seattle, WA.
- Costanza, R. 1981. Integrating Economics and Ecology for Improved Evaluation of Alternative Technologies. pp. 62-63 in: Research Needs for a Basic Science of the System of Humanity and Nature and Appropriate Technology for the Future: Results Of A Workshop At Gainesville, Fla. May 14-16, 1981. M. T. Brown and H. T. Odum (eds.), Energy Analysis Workshop, Center for Wetlands of Florida at Gainesville.
- Day, J. W., R. Costanza, and L. A. Deegan. 1980. The Use of a Systems Approach for Quantifying Environmental Impacts. Prepared for U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Coastal Ecology Lab. Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803.
- Costanza, R. 1979. Embodied Energy in Goods and Services Calculated from the 1967 Input-Output Data Including Labor and Government Service Feedbacks and Solar Energy Inputs. pp. 209-254 in: Energy Basis for the United States. H. T. Odum (ed.), Annual Report to the Department of Energy. Contract No. EY-76-5-05-4398. Energy Analysis and Systems Ecology Group, Department of Environmental Engineering Sciences. University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611.
- Costanza, R. 1979. Power-Maximizing Energy Exchange Simulation Model with Applications to the U.S. Economy-Environment and the South Florida Region. pp. 259-319 in: Energy Basis for the United States. H. T. Odum (ed.), Annual Report to the Department of Energy. Contract No. EY-76-5-05-4398. Energy Analysis and Systems Ecology Group, Department of Environmental Engineering Sciences. University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611.
- Costanza, R., and D. Hornbeck. 1979. Input-Output Analysis as a Tool for Evaluating the Economic Effects of Supply Constraints. Report to Florida Governor’s Energy Office. 301 Bryant Bldg. Tallahassee, FL 32301.
- Costanza, R. and D. Hornbeck. 1979. An Energy Data Base System for Florida: Preliminary System Design and Implementation. Report to Florida Governor’s Energy Office. 301 Bryant Bldg. Tallahassee, FL 32301.
- Wang, F. C., H. T. Odum, and R. Costanza. 1978. Concepts for Assessment of Energy Related Impacts of Water. American Society of Civil Engineers Spring Convention. Reprint #3246. Pittsburgh, PA.
- Costanza, R. 1978. Energy Costs of Goods and Services in 1967 Including Solar Energy Inputs and Labor and Government Service Feedbacks. Document No. 262, Center for Advanced Computation, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
- Costanza, R. 1977. Energy Models of Exchange with Simulation of the Role of Exchange in Spatial Organization. In: Energy Analysis of Models of the United States. H.T. Odum and J. Alexander (eds.), Annual Report to the Department of Energy. Contract No. EY-76-5-05-4398. Systems Ecology and Energy Analysis Group. Department of Environmental Engineering Sciences. University of Florida, Gainesville, FL.
- Odum, H. T., C. Kylstra, J. Alexander, N. Sipe, P. Lem, M. Brown, S. Brown, M. Kemp, M. Sell, W. Mitsch, E. DeBellevue, T. Ballentine, T. Fontaine, S. Bayley, J. Zucchetto, R. Costanza, G. Gardner, T. Dolan, A. March, W. Boynton, M. Gilliland, and D. Young. 1976. Net Energy Analysis of Alternatives for the United States. pp. 254-304. In: Middle and Long-Term Energy Policies and Alternatives. 94th Congress 2nd Session Committee Print. Prepared for the Subcommittee on Energy and Power of the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce of the U.S. House of Representatives. Serial No. 94-63. U.S. Gov. Printing Office.
- Bayley, S., R. Costanza, T. Dolan, R. Gutierrez, and D. Barile. 1975. A Comparison of Energetics vs. Economic Cost-Benefit Analysis for the Upper St. Johns River. Contract No. DACW17-75-C-0073, U. S. Army Corps of Engineers.
- Brown, M., S. Brown, R. Costanza, E. DeBellevue, K. Ewell, R. Gutierrez, D. Layland, W. Mitch, H. Odum, and M. Sell. 1975. Natural Systems and Carrying Capacity of the Green Swamp. Report to Florida Department of Administration, Division of State Planning. Contract No. M74-30317. Center for Wetlands. Univ. of Florida, 336 pp.
- Brown, M., R. Costanza, and C. Wojick. 1975. Construction and Evaluation of Housing in Cypress Wetlands. In: Cypress Wetlands for Water Management, Recycling and Conservation. Second Annual Report to the National Science Foundation, Grant AEN 73-07823 AOI, and the Rockefeller Foundation, Grant RF-73029. H. T. Odum and K. C. Ewel, Principal Investigators.
- Costanza, R. 1975. The Spatial Distribution of Land Use Subsystems, Incoming Energy and Energy Use in South Florida from 1900 to 1973. Master’s Research Project. Department of Architecture, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, 204pp.