Manita Raut

Manita Raut

Manita Raut is a Ph.D. researcher and a John Allwright fellow at the Australian National University’s Crawford School of Public Policy. She is currently conducting research on the barriers and enablers of irrigation technology adoption. Manita has five years of experience in natural resource management and is committed to gender and socially inclusive water governance.

Manita worked as a Senior Research Officer at International Water Management Institute (IWMI). She researched on collective farming approaches, feminization of agriculture, agricultural technology adoption pertaining to marginal farmers and gendered and institutional access to ground water resource in Eastern Gangetic Plains. She was a project leader for Water for Women funded IWMI research on water system functionality through gendered lens in Eastern and Western Nepal.


Research Interest


Raut, M., Varady, R. G., & Rajouria, A. (2023). Gender and social inclusion in community water resource management: Lessons from two districts in the Himalayan foothills and the Terai in Nepal. Water International, 48(4), 547–566.

Raut, M., & Rajouria, A. (2023). Rural water supply systems in nepal: Factors affecting equitable access to water. New Angle: Nepal Journal of Social Science and Public Policy, 8(1), 1–17.

Suhardiman, D., Raut, M., Pradhan, P., & Meinzen-Dick, R. S. (2023). Irrigation systems management in Nepal: Women’s strategies in response to migration-induced challenges. Water Alternatives, 16(1).

Raut, & Dutt, K. L. (2022, September 23). Pakistan floods do nothing to dampen climate change. East Asia Forum.

van Koppen, B.; Raut, M.; Rajouria, A.; Khadka, M.; Pradhan, P.; GC, R. K.; Colavito, L.; O’Hara, C.; Rautanen, S.-L.; Nepal, P. R.; Shrestha, P. K. 2022. Gender equality and social inclusion in community-led multiple use water services in Nepal. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). 29p. (IWMI Working Paper 203). [doi:]

Raut, M., & Rajouria, A. (2020, July 30). Covid-19, handwashing, and access to water. The Himalayan Times. Bastakoti, Ram; Raut, Manita; Thapa, Bhesh Raj. 2020. Groundwater Governance and Adoption of Solar-Powered Irrigation Pumps: Experiences from the Eastern Gangetic Plains (English). Water Knowledge Note. Washington, D.C: World Bank Group.

Sugden, F., Agarwal, B.; Leder, S.; Saikia, P.; Raut, M.; Kumar, A.; Ray, D. (2020): “Experiments in farmer collectives in eastern India and Nepal: process, benefits and challenges” Journal of Agrarian Change (accepted April 7th, 2020) Leder, S. et al., 2018. Ambivalences of Collective Farming: Feminist Political Ecologies from the Eastern Gangetic Plains. IJC.

Bastakoti, R. C., Raut, M., Sudgen, F., & Shrestha, S. (2017). Key Constraints and Collective Action Challenges for Groundwater Governance in Eastern Gangetic Plains. In D. Suhardiman, N. (Ed.), & M. E. A., Water Governance and Collective Action (pp. 131-140). London: Routledge.

Sugden, F., David, S. & Raut, M., 2017. Mapping historical and contemporary Agrarian transformations and capitalist infiltration in a complex upland environment: A case from Eastern Nepal. Journal of Agrarian Change, 18(2), pp. 444-472.

Sugden, F., Leder, S. L., Raut, M., & Agarwal, B. (2017). Farmer Collectives to Overcome Agrarian Stress and inequalities: Learnings and Opportunities from the Eastern Gangetic Plains. IWMI .

Raut, M., 2018. The Migrant Wife. My Republica, 27 01, p. 6.

Scholarships and fellowships

Manita is a recipient of prestigious John Allwright Fellowship(JAF) offered by The Australian Center for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR).

HDR Supervisor/s

Kuntala Lahiri-Dutt

Thesis Title/Topic

How for marginal and tenant farmers adopt irrigation technology?

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