Dr Charlotte Bedford
PhD in Geography (University of Adelaide) Graduate Certificate in Evaluation (University of Melbourne) BSocSc, BSocSc Hons (First Class) (University of Waikato, NZ) University of Adelaide John Lewis Silver Medal for Geography 2013
Research Fellow
Dr Charlotte Bedford is a Research Fellow in the Development Policy Centre at the Australian National University, working in the field of Pacific migration. Since 2007 Charlotte has been involved in research and evaluation work on New Zealand’s Recognised Seasonal Employer (RSE) scheme and, more recently, on Australia’s Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) scheme. Charlotte continues to have a strong interest in the New Zealand and Australian programmes as well as working on broader economic and social dimensions of migration in the Pacific region.
Research Interest
- Pacific migration,
- Migration and development,
- Temporary labour migration,
- Migration and the environment.
Expertise Area(s)
Human migration and mobility
Migration, work and employment