Associate Professor Andrew Kennedy

AsPr Andrew Kennedy

Ph.D. Department of Government, Harvard University

Andrew Kennedy specializes in international and comparative politics, with particular interest in China, India, and the United States. His recent work has focused primarily on the politics and policymaking surrounding science, technology, and innovation. This work has focused on several distinct themes, including the globalization of innovation, U.S.-China high-tech rivalry, and China’s rise as a technology power He has also published widely on the foreign policies of China and India in the Cold War and post-Cold War periods.

Andrew Kennedy is the author of three book manuscripts, including:

  • Rebellious Follower: China's Search for Science, Technology, and Innovation (under contract with Oxford University Press)
  • The Conflicted Superpower: America’s Collaboration with China and India in Global Innovation (New York: Columbia University Press, 2018). Published as a Nancy Bernkopf Tucker and Warren I. Cohen Book on American–East Asian Relations. Reviewed in Perspectives on Politics, Public Administration Review, Political Science Quarterly, and Kirkus Reviews. Published in Chinese by CITIC Press Group in 2021. Received the Kirkus Star Award in 2018.

  • The International Ambitions of Mao and Nehru: National Efficacy Beliefs and the Making of Foreign Policy (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2012). Reviewed in Perspectives on Politics, The China Quarterly, Journal of Cold War Studies, The China Journal, Asian Security, Pacific Affairs, Contemporary South Asia, Strategic Analysis, China Report, The Book Review, Canadian Foreign Policy, and The Hindu.

Expertise Area(s)

International Politics and Innovation
International Relations
Government and Politics of Asia and the Pacific

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