What does studying online at Crawford mean?
All graduate courses offered by the Crawford School are available for either On Campus (in-person) or Online enrolment.
All students are expected to attend real-time, live classes as per the published timetable. Crawford Online courses are not ‘study at your own pace' - they are interactive and synchronos.
Our Crawford Combined model of teaching ensures real connection for online students; all students receive the same interactive experience no matter where they are located.
How are online courses taught?
The following teaching activities are used for online teaching:
Live lectures - the convenor gives a live lecture in an on campus room at a particular time each week and online students tune in live via Zoom, or they watch the recording later.
Pre-recorded lectures - all students watch the lecture in their own time. The videos are posted on the Wattle site.
Dual delivery seminars - interactive sessions in which online students and on campus students interact with each other - and the convenor - in real-time. Online students are on zoom and on campus students are in the physical classroom. Attendance is expected and participation is often assessed. Not always recorded.
Dual delivery workshops or tutorials - interactive sessions which may contain in-depth group discussions in which online students and on campus students interact with each other - and the convenor - in real-time. Online students are on zoom and on campus students are in the physical classroom. Attendance is expected and participation is often assessed. Not recorded.
Separate on-campus and online activities - some convenors like to hold separate interactive seminars, workshops or tutorials where each cohort is taught separately by the convenor at different times. On campus students are in a classroom; online students are online. This often happens with larger courses.
Online-only activities - when all students are online via Zoom no matter what mode of delivery they are enrolled in. Used occasionally, for example if a convenor is away sick or for a public holiday make-up class.
How do I enrol in online courses?
When you go to enrol in a Crawford course on ISIS, you'll notice each course has two class numbers listed against it One class number is the On campus mode and the other class is the Online mode.
Class numbers are also published on ANU Programs and Courses - search the course code and select the Class tab.
Eg. POGO8016 in 2025 - the On Campus class number is 2201; the Online class number is 3606.
Can international students study online?
If you are on a student visa studying onshore there are strict limits on how many online courses you can take. You need to be studying On Campus (in person) in Canberra for the vast majority of your degree.
Please contact the Student Engagement Team for more information.
If you are studying offshore (without a student visa) you can enrol online.
Can I choose my attendance mode week to week?
- If you are enrolled in a course in online mode you must attend all teaching activities for that course online.
- If you are enrolled in a course in in-person, on campus mode you must attend all teaching activities for that course on campus.
You must stick with the mode of delivery you have enrolled in for each course. This is because the convenor structures their teaching around the number of students in each cohort and you can't just switch between as you like.
If you are unwell and cannot attend your on campus teaching activities that particular week, please contact your Convenor to ask if you can attend the online teaching activities for that week.
Can I choose to enrol in some courses as an online student and other courses as an on campus student?
Domestic students can. If you are living in Canberra you may like to take some of your courses on campus and some of your courses online.
If you relocate out of Canberra whilst completing your degree, you can simply continue your degree online.
For example:
NSPO8006 - enrol Online, attend all teaching activities for that course online.
NSPO8007 - enrol on Campus, attend all teaching activities for that course on campus.