RSE/TTPI Applied Economics workshop, hosted by the Research School of Economics (RSE).

On Friday 21 February 2025, the inaugural RSE/TTPI Applied Economics workshop was held at the ANU College of Business and Economics and featured preliminary work from junior and mid-career academic economists from across the university. Below is an outline of the presentations held.

  • Kristen Sobeck, 'The impact of domestic violence on the employment, educational and mental health outcomes of young women'
  • Ashley Craig, 'Using Network Data to measure social returns and improve targeting of crime-reduction interventions'
  • Chris Hoy, 'Political polarization, wage inequality and preferences for redistribution'
  • Yu Sheng, 'Financial market reform, investment choices and agricultural Total Factor Productivity (TFP)'
  • Maathumai Ranjan, 'Disability funding and learning outcomes: a study of Australian students'
  • Alyssa Leng, 'Narratives, information and immigration policy preferences'
  • Huaping Sun, 'Exploring the effect of geopolitical risks on energy efficiency'

Event Speakers

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Variety as per the program





Allan Barton Forum room Level 2, CBE

Event speakers

Variety as per the program
