The 2025 FKP roadshow is supported by KONEKSI, a collaborative initiative in the knowledge and innovation sector that supports partnerships between Australian and Indonesian organisations for inclusive and sustainable policy and technology.
The Development Studies Forum (Forum Kajian Pembangunan - FKP) is a fortnightly seminar series held in Indonesia, run by the ANU Indonesia Project and a consortium of Indonesian Institutes. In 2025, the FKP Roadshow will take the series on the road, travelling to Manokwari, Jayapura and Merauke in Papua. The three events will focus on addressing climate change from a national and Papuan perspective.
The 2025 FKP roadshow is supported by KONEKSI, a collaborative initiative in the knowledge and innovation sector that supports partnerships between Australian and Indonesian organisations for inclusive and sustainable policy and technology.
This event will be held in person (luring).
Event details
Thursday, 16 January 2025 at 10.00-12.30 WIT (GMT+9)
Venue: Pusat Kegiatan Mahasiswa, Universitas Musamus, Merauke
- Amelia Limbongan (Universitas Musamus): Climate change, pests, and diseases: threats to agriculture and pathways for biosecurity
- Julius Ary Mollet Universitas Cenderawasih): Blue carbon economy in Papua
- Milda Irhamni (Universitas Indonesia): Integrated climate change model for Indonesia: socio-economic implications on the path to net zero emissions
- Budy P Resosudarmo (The Australian National University): Energy transition prospects: national and regional perspectives in Indonesia
Image: WRI Indonesia