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HDR Director

Hoa Nguyen

The HDR director is the delegated authority (DA) for most PhD matters. The HDR Director chairs the Crawford Research Committee where decisions concerning PhD students are made regarding applications, scholarships, research funding, extensions, student seminars, and events.

HDR Administrators

The HDR administrators manage the paperwork to do with PhD applications, annual reports, candidature milestone progress, and other things. The HDR administrators are your first port of call for general information relating to your PhD paperwork and admin questions, such as applying for leave, research funding, and extensions.

Email with a subject line that begins with 'CRAWFORD PhD' and that also includes your uni ID/student number.

CAP facilities
CAP Facilities can help you with keys, building maintenance, furniture, and other services. Email with a subject line that begins with 'CRAWFORD PhD' and that clearly states the issue, e.g., 'CRAWFORD PhD: Chair needs removing from Room 2.06 Stanner'; also include your uni ID/student number in your message. Feel free to Cc the PhD academic and research skills advisor into your request, so we can make sure the job gets done.

IT service desk

The IT service desk assists with computer problems, printers, software, network connections, and so on. Please do not email individual IT people if you need IT help, and do not 'drop in and see them'. See the section on IT help for information on how to log an IT job via the IT service desk.

CRAWFORD main reception
Contact Crawford Main Reception if there are issues with the photocopiers, e.g., the machines have run out of toner or paper, or there is a jam that you can't clear yourself. Email with a subject line that begins with 'CRAWFORD PhD' and that clearly states the issue, e.g., 'CRAWFORD PhD: Canon copier, Level 1, Stanner, out of toner'; also includes your uni ID/student number in your message. Read more about the Photocopiers and printers in Stanner. Feel free to Cc the PhD academic and research skills advisor into your request, so we can make sure the job gets done.

PHD Academic and Research Skills Advisor

Megan Poore

o: Room 2.383, Coombs Building
t: +61 2 6125 4762
h: Monday - Friday, 9 am - 5 pm. 

The PhD academic and research skills advisor can help you with things such as thesis writing, journal article writing and publication, research project management, reading strategically, structuring text, compiling literature reviews, time management, oral presentations, thesis completion, supervision, and more. To organise a consultation time, contact the PhD academic and research skills advisor.

​HDR Convenors

ACDE: Sheng Yu

NSC: James Mortensen

POGO: Grant Walton

RE&D: John McCarthy

​The convenors advise on academic matters relating to the PhD, and are members of the Crawford Higher Degree Research (HDR) Committee. See the full HDR convenor position description.

PhD seminar co-ordinators

Contact your seminar co-ordinator to schedule a seminar in your program area.

ACDE: Toan Nguyen
NSC: James Mortensen
POGO: Grant Walton
RE&D: Christina Griffin

HDR student representatives

Your student representatives are members of the Higher Degree Research (HDR) Committee. For more information, see Higher Degree Research (HDR) Committee student representation. Your current HDR student representatives are Yating Deng and Kevin Huang.