Podcast: The state of the environment

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This week on Policy Forum Pod, Mark Howden joins Arnagretta Hunter and Sharon Bessell to discuss the recent state of the environment report and the growing strain on the most important system of all – the planet.

With a general public demanding action on climate change, how can the government start delivering on its targets? Just how much leadership, and what legislative and policy responses will be enough to protect our environment? And can Australia move beyond the political polarisation that has historically dominated its climate policy? On this episode of Policy Forum Pod, Mark Howden joins Arnagretta Hunter and Sharon Bessell to explore the current state of Australia’s environment and outline a pathway forward. Listen here.

Mark Howden is the Director of the Institute for Climate, Energy & Disaster Solutions at ANU and Vice Chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). He is also the Chair of the ACT Climate Change Council.

Arnagretta Hunter is the Human Futures Fellow at ANU College of Health and Medicine, a cardiologist, physician, and a Senior Clinical Lecturer at ANU Medical School.

Sharon Bessell is Professor of Public Policy and Director of both the Children’s Policy Centre and the Poverty and Inequality Research Centre at ANU Crawford School of Public Policy.

Show notes | The following were mentioned during this episode:

Australia State of the Environment, 2021

Climate Change Bill 2022 

Seven megatrends that will shape the next 20 years, CSIRO (2022) 

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