Podcast: The price of a healthy life

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This week on Policy Forum Pod, Sharon Friel joins Arnagretta Hunter and Sharon Bessell to look at the health impacts of the cost of living crisis.

How is the current cost of living crisis impacting the health and wellbeing of Australians? How do the social determinants of health play out in the community? And how might policymakers respond to future socio-economic crises without compromising people’s health? On this episode of Policy Forum Pod, Sharon Friel joins Arnagretta Hunter and Sharon Bessell to explore the impacts of the current economic environment on health and wellbeing. Listen here: <https://bit.ly/3RApAe8>

Sharon Friel is an ARC Laureate Fellow, Professor of Health Equity and Director of the Menzies Centre for Health Governance at The Australian National University School of Regulation and Global Governance.

Arnagretta Hunter is the Human Futures Fellow at ANU College of Health and Medicine, a cardiologist, physician, and a Senior Clinical Lecturer at ANU Medical School.

Sharon Bessell is Professor of Public Policy and Director of both the Children’s Policy Centre and the Poverty and Inequality Research Centre at ANU Crawford School of Public Policy.

Show notes | The following were mentioned during this episode:

‘AMA warns inflation will put pressure on public hospital funding’, Samantha Donovan, ABC (2022)

Australia’s health 2022, Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2022)

Australian COVID-19 policy responses: A health equity report card, Menzies Centre for Health Governance, The Australian National University (2021)

Deaths of Despair and the Future of Capitalism, Anne Case and Angus Deaton, Princeton University Press (2020) 

Health costs outpace inflation, David Richardson, The Australia Institute (2019)

‘It’s time to fix social and health inequities’, Sharon Friel, Policy Forum (2022)

Not so universal: How to reduce out-of-pocket healthcare payments, Grattan Institute (2022)

Planetary Health Equity Hothouse lecture and launch, ANU School of Regulation and Global Governance (2022)

Reclaiming our Purpose: It’s time to talk about the public good, Australia reMADE (2022)

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