Science and National Security - Crawford Graduate closes the knowledge gap

Grace Law

Grace Law has used her scientific background to understand national security considerations in the field.

During her bioscience degree Grace discovered her fascination with policy and security while learning about the privacy concerns surrounding biometric data collection and, storage, and how policy and security relate to all aspects of modern society. She says this motivated her to learn about national security policy in general, finding Crawford’s Master of National Security Policy standing out as the best fit for her aspirations.

“What particularly impressed me about the degree was the diversity of courses available. It struck a balance between the theoretical foundations in strategy and security studies and the practical applications of this knowledge to address the geographic or thematic issues concerning Australia,” she says. The classes, she added, are structured to encourage the exchange and contestation of ideas, allowing students to engage with the content and formulate their own opinions and perspectives. “My peers’ care and support have further enriched my time at Crawford. It is a fulfilling experience to be able to discuss with and learn from friends in the classroom and then continue our conversations down the road at the cafe or the pub!”

There’s a growing discussion in Australia about national security considerations around scientific and technological issues. “Recent incidents of cyberattacks and the rapid expansion of AI technology have also underscored the gap between technical and scientific expertise and the understanding of these topics among policymakers,” she explains. It’s an expanding field that will require a lot of work in the coming years, and it’s where she believes she can make a meaningful contribution by combining both her scientific expertise and new knowledge of national security policy.

“We are seeing a new range of global policy challenges, so we need to think beyond the usual challenges like military or economic concerns. Policymakers in Australia and the region must adopt a forward-thinking perspective and focus on areas like emerging technologies and climate change, which will have a profound impact for many years to come.”

Individuals considering enrolment at Crawford can explore a diverse array of degrees and courses. “If you want to learn more about Australia and the world from a policy and governance perspective, then Crawford is the place to be,” she says.

As for Grace, she’s off to Asia to immerse herself in the diverse cultures to gain a deeper understanding of the region, with a little shopping and lots of eating. When she returns, she aims to work in the national security field, excited by the extensive range of areas and sectors that now incorporate a national security dimension.

Congratulations on graduating, Grace! We can’t wait to see where your knowledge takes you.
