Security and emergency
The emergency telephone number in Australia is 000 -- it is NOT the American number. We do things differently here.
The ANU Security and Emergency Telephone number is 612 5 2249. PUT IT IN YOUR PHONE NOW. WE MEAN IT. DO IT NOW.
ANU Security provides extensive security services for students, including after-hours security escorts and the On-campus, on-demand night bus.
Crawford main reception
The Main Reception desk is located on Level 2 of the JG Crawford Building (Bldg 132), next to Room 2.73 and close to the Ivy Cafe, which is in Old Canberra House (Bldg 73). There used to be a second reception desk, the Student Services Office desk, located in Room 1.45 on Level 1 of the Crawford Building, near the Weston Theatre, but this is now the stretchy gym. You will sometimes hear people refer to the 'old student services desk'.
Bicycle parking. Riding to Crawford is by far the best transport option for most students. There are approximately 80 spaces for parking bicycles around the Crawford School, but you should bring a bike lock if you want to park your bike in one of these spaces. Bikes do get stolen at ANU. There is also a swipe-card accessible, locked bike cage behind the Gardener's Cottage. To use the bike cage, email requesting permission, and your student card will be activated to allow access. Don't forget to provide your student number.
Car parking. Car parking at ANU isn't brilliant. Our advice is that you either ride a bike, catch a bus, or get a lift -- all are less frustrating, cheaper, and better for the environment than is driving. What's more, you reduce the risk of being in a car crash. Nevertheless, ANU has various kinds of motor vehicle parking space available:
Surface parking. Allows permit-holding, full-time students to park in designated areas on the ANU surface. Expensive, plus spaces fill up quickly (well before 9 am) during semester.
Parking stations. Multi-storey parking for permit-holding, full-time students. Expensive.
Resident parking. For permit-holding residents of student accommodation. First-come, first-served.
Casual parking. Pay-as-you-go ('Cell-o-Park') parking, free parking for specified time periods (e.g., 30 minutes, 2 hours, 3 hours, etc. -- this parking is limited and difficult to find), and 'pay and display' voucher parking. Expensive. Not a viable option for daily commuting.
Motorcycle parking. Free in designated areas, but you need to pay if you use a car space.
Disability parking. Available for permit holders. If you do not have a permit, do not park in disability parking spaces. If you do, we will call Security and they will come and fine you. Don't think we are kidding: the Chief Warden does this regularly. It is not cool if you take up a disability park when you have two arms, two legs, and a heartbeat and are perfectly capable of unimpaired ambulation. Disability parking enables disabled and mobility-impaired people to safely exit and enter their vehicles, so this is as much about safety as it is about being closer to a facility.
If you park in a no-parking area you risk being fined. For all ANU parking options, visit the ANU's Transport and Parking page.
PhD Common Room
The PhD Common Room is located on Level 2 of the Stanner Building and has kitchen facilities, including a coffee machine, toaster, microwaves, refrigerators, and a lovely view of Black Mountain. Feel free to use the facilities when you need to get away from your desk, but please do not use the Common Room to hold tutorials or student consultations.
We're pretty proud of our Common Room because people keep it clean, which can't be said for many similar facilities around campus. Common Room etiquette is nothing spectacular, so please follow it:
Help keep the room clean. Wipe over any spills you (or others) make and clean any food- or beverage-making equipment after use. Thanks.
Do not leave dirty dishes in the sink. They will be binned if left unwashed. Really. They will be put in the bin.
Take your dishes with you or put them away. Dishes left on the counter will also be put in the bin.
Leave others' food alone. They paid for it and brought it in, so clearly they want to enjoy it themselves.
Date any food that you put in the fridge. Food (and the container it is in) will be thrown out if it 1) is past its use-by or best before date, 2) has been in the fridge ten days or longer, 3) is not named and dated. Again, if you think we're joking, try us, and then you can scrabble around in the bin trying to find your undated lunch.
Dump any fridge food that is off. Everyone has permission do this (the food doesn't have to be yours) for health and safety reasons. Perishables stored in the fridges should be eaten within a week. Any food that has gone off can be thrown out by anyone as it represents an occupational health and safety hazard. If you find any food that has gone off, please throw it out.
Save water. Don't leave the taps running, and if you need to wash up, please plug the sink. Water conservation is vital in Australia because of our climate and geography, and is not just a quaint cultural quirk.
Save energy. Only switch on the Common Room lights when necessary. The room receives lots of natural light, so enjoy it.
Recycle properly. There is a bin for garbage and a bin for recycling in the Common Room kitchen. Please recycle where possible.
Updating your SALTO office key card
If you are issued with a SALTO swipe card, please note that SALTO cards have a 90-day update period programmed into them upon issue and they must therefore be revalidated within this update period. You can update your SALTO card at a SALTO update point (the silver boxes near the upper entrance to the Weston Theatre and at Crawford Main Reception) for another 90 days of access.
Getting IT help
Please do not email individual IT people if you need IT help. Instead, you must log a job with the ANU's IT Service Desk. You can also call the IT Service Desk on 6125 4321.
Spam emails and 'phishing'
You might receive spam emails, some highly sophisticated, targeting ANU email accounts. In many cases these spam emails are generated from compromised accounts, so they may look like legitimate emails. An increasing number of staff and students have been tricked into providing their credentials (username and password) to malicious entities on external links, resulting in their email accounts becoming compromised. These accounts are then often used to send further phishing emails both inside and outside ANU.
Please be careful and check emails before responding, clicking on the links, or opening attachments. The ANU Cyber and Digital Security Team has published information about phishing emails detailing the steps you can take to identify a malicious email. See the ANU's Cyber Security notifications.
ANU IT will never:
Ask you to link your accounts to third party services
Require that you 'validate' your credentials through links in emails
Send notification to 'Terminate your account'
Block your email account if you did not login on a particular site
Send you a 'Mailbox is full' email and suggest that your email will be blocked if you do not take some action
Some things that ANU IT will always do:
Address you or your group by name
In the Signature block we will always provide a name and number of the person sending the email
Send emails in ANU User notification format providing
Date, time and system affected
Reason for the notification
Incident or change numbers that can be referenced in ANU systems
Precise description of tasks being performed
A contact point for the incident/change and a phone number in case you have questions
Links that will take you to ANU systems or ANU sites unlike the links in malicious emails
Give you enough warning through newsletters and email updates for any new changes coming into effect at ANU.
Staff or students who are unsure about the legitimacy of an email should always contact the ANU Service Desk at (02) 612 54321 (from outside of the ANU) or on extension 54321 (from within the ANU) before opening or responding to a suspicious email.
Reporting IT security incidents
If you come across any IT security breaches or incidents, you must report them by emailing
or calling 02 6125 6333. You can also forward any suspect e-mail to and they will investigate the matter. Should such an email prove false, IT Security will create a filter for the whole ANU and so no one else will get that style of message. Security incidents include:
Unauthorised access attempts (hacking)
Theft, or loss of critical data or IT equipment
Disclosure of passwords or other authentication credentials
Unmanaged virus or malware infections
Work practices that may breach ANU security policies
Suspicious activities or behaviour
What to include in reports
Please supply as much information as possible about the incident. This might include:
Times and dates of events
IP addresses or hostnames of computers
Usernames or identification of people
Operating system or software versions
Any error messages or behaviour displayed
Contact details where we can reach you for follow-up
Please DO NOT include passwords, PINs or other private information.
See Reporting an IT security incident for more information.
Getting software
Some software you can instal yourself, other software needs to be installed via the Service Desk, and yet other software needs an IT staff member to come to your office in order for it to be installed. Finally, there is software for which we need to arrange a special licence. So, stick with us, below, as it's quite a ride .
Standard software
This is software that should already be on your ANU desktop computer:
Microsoft Office
Google Chrome browser
Software you need to instal yourself
Go to the search box (lower left-hand corner) of your ANU desktop computer and type in 'software centre'. Go to the ANU's software centre to instal the following:
Adobe Reader and Acrobat
ArcGIS (online version)
Endnote (via the Wattle courses site. Log in and search for Endnote, then download the software from the course)
Python (known as 'Anaconda' in the software centre)
Software the helpdesk will need to instal for you
Call x54321 to get the following installed:
Adobe Digital Editions
Adobe Illustrator (may require a licence or payment or something -- ask the helpdesk and then check with Megan)
Google Drive
R Studio
Software that you will need permission to install
Let the PhD Academic and Research Skills Advisor know if you need any of the following:
EViews 11 (Crawford licence)
Contact Crawford Executive Services at for the following:
Stata/MP v17 (Crawford licence)
Stata/IC v 16 is available via the digital computer commons. See below for how to access it off-campus.
Crawford has an on-campus, concurrent user, network licence for Stata/MP v17. To organise access to this licence on your on-campus, ANU computer, please contact Crawford Executive Services at; include your name, uNumber, computer asset number (it's on a barcode on your machine), and a contact phone number. To access Crawford's Stata licence off-campus, you need to:
Download Global Protect
Instal Global Protect
Map network drive Stata 17 remote access (see specific instructions)
See the below relevant sections for instructions.
Apparently, you can download latex from the Latex Project website and you should be able to instal it on your home computer. There are different 'distributions' of the software. Most of the time MikTex is the one that is installed on ANU computers, apparently (again) without the need for administrator credentials. You can try all that if you are on campus, but if it doesn't work, then an IT person will have to remote into your on-campus machine to instal the software on that machine (call x54321).
You have to create a MathWorks account before IT can instal the network concurrent licence on your desktop computer. After you’ve created a MathWorks account, follow the rest of the instructions on the site. If you need a standalone licence (i.e., you need to use Matlab off-campus) then it’s a different process. Any problems, call the IT service desk on x54321.
The ANU has a ‘free’ ArcGIS licence and ANU staff and HDR students are eligible to request that the software ArcGIS desktop be installed on any ANU-owned Windows machine (desktop or laptop). To request the installation of ArcGIS desktop, contact CAP IT via the IT Service Desk. If you attend ArcGIS training at ANU, then you will be able to access ArcGIS Pro for free. Check the training catalogue in your ISIS account to sign up.
ArcGIS Online is a cloud-based mapping platform which is now also available. One very useful feature of ArcGIS Online -- which will be of interest to those wanting to tell the story of their research, online or in presentations, or as a teaching aid -- is story maps. View the gallery of examples to see how you can engage an audience with images, maps and text.Access to ArcGIS Online is by request to the licencing managers via the ANU Service desk . Logon with your uni ID and password, click Request Not in Catalogue > None of the above. Under the short description, type 'Require ArcGIS Online. Please direct to FES IT' > Submit.
Other software
If you need a specialist software program to complete your thesis please do the following. The process for installing ArcGIS is also a bit different; again, see below. Also see How to download and install Microsoft Office 365 via the Online Portal if you want to install Office.)
Please see the Crawford HDR student funding guidelines for information on how to make a request for software funding (which is different from making a request for software). Please note that, due to licensing considerations, most ANU-funded software cannot be installed on your personal laptop or private computer. You will need to make a separate request for each piece of software you require.
1. Find out if you need to pay for the software. Log on to the IT Service Desk. Go to Request services > Order something > Order or renew software. You will be asked to check the ANU's software agreements page. Please note that only software that has a 'yes' in the Secondary Use Rights column can be installed on your personal computer. If you don't need to pay for the software, proceed by filling out the form. If it’s not listed and you do need to provide the software, go to step 2.
You will need to provide the at least following information:
Computer operating system type (e.g., Windows, Mac, Linux)
Computer operating system version
ANU asset number (The ANU asset tag is a white barcode sticker with 6 digits located on your device)
IT should be able to remotely instal the software, at which point, you do not need to proceed any further.
2. Arrange funding for the software. If you need software outside of what is available for free to ANU students, then Crawford will consider providing up to $2,500 per student, as per the guidelines on Crawford HDR student funding. If your supervisor is paying for the software, then please talk to them about how to arrange payment for the software; you do not need to apply for Crawford HDR student funding in this case.
3. Get the licence. Once you have secured funding for the software, you should then log on to the IT Service Desk. Go to Request services > Order something > Order or renew software, and fill out the form. If your software is approved as part of your Crawford HDR student funding (see step 2), the HDR Administrator will provide you with a charge code and the name of the financial delegate.
4. Get the software installed. Once the form is filled out, IT should be able to remotely instal the software.
To update software
Please contact the IT Service Desk.
Accessing your files via the Global Connect VPN
You can access your ANU and CAP files and folders using a virtual private network (VPN). To get access to the ANU's Global Connect VPN, do the following.
1. Download, instal, and connect to the ANU's Global Connect VPN software
To download, instal, and connect to the VPN software, do the following:
Go to (, if you are using the staff portal)
Log in with your university ID and ISIS/HORUS password
Download appropriate installer for Windows or Mac
Instal the software and for portal address enter '' ('', if you are using the staff portal)
Enter your university ID and ISIS/HORUS password again
2. Map your drives
For PC users, do the following to access access your Homefile and Capfile01 drives:
Go to File Explorer > This PC > [right click] Map network drive … > Drive
Click the drop-down menu under ‘Drive’. Choose any ‘unassigned’ letter for your drive
To access your personal drive, type in \\\cap_users$\u1234567. [Note that ‘u1234567’ should be replaced
To access your shared drive, type in \\\cap_shares$\ , if you are a staff member -
Check the ‘Reconnect at sign-in’ box
Click on 'Finish'
Under ‘Enter network credentials’, type in ‘UDS\u1234567’ [Note that ‘u1234567’ should be replaced by your own student ‘U’ number] and your ISIS password
Click OK
For Mac users, do the following to access access your Homefile and Capfile01 drives:
Go to Finder > Go > Connect to server > Server address
To access your personal drive drive type in smb://$/u1234567. [Note that ‘u1234567’ should be replaced by your own student ‘U’ number.]
To access your shared drive, type in smb://$/ , if you are a staff member -
Connect as a 'Registered User' using Name: 'u1234567' and your ISIS password. [Note that ‘u1234567’ should be replaced by your own staff ‘U’ number.]
Click ‘Connect’
You should now be able to access your folders and files from your home computer or laptop. If you have any problems, read the instructions again, carefully, and make sure you have followed the steps correctly. Next, try uninstalling and reinstalling the Global Protect software. If that fails, contact the IT service desk.
Remote desktop protocol (RDP) access
Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) allows you to access your on-campus PC from home so that you can access things such as the Crawford School Stata licence and ANU networked software such as EViews. Some students are able to access RDP, and some are not: we're not quite sure why that is. If you want to try to access RDP from your home computer, please do the following.
Things you will need
The ANU's Global Connect VPN software
A connection to the ANU's Global Connect VPN via the staff OR student portal (it will depend on how your profile has been set up with IT)
Your computer's asset number, which is listed on your computer under the barcode sticker. If you cannot get to campus and you have an ANU desktop PC in Stanner, email the PhD Academic and Research Skills Advisor for your asset number.
Your university ID (i.e., student or staff number) and your ISIS/HORUS password)
1. Download, instal, and connect to the ANU's Global Connect VPN software.
To download, instal, and connect to the VPN software, do the following:
Log in with your university ID and ISIS/HORUS password.
Download appropriate installer for Windows.
Instal the software and for portal address enter ''.
Enter your university ID and ISIS/HORUS password again.
Please note that ANU's Global Connect VPN software is different from the VMware Horizon client that you use to connect to the information commons. NB: you must use the ANU's version of Global Connect, as it is configured for the ANU. If there is already a version of Global Connect on your machine and Microsoft tries to instal your machine's version, click on 'Continue installing from outside the Microsoft Store'.
2. Connect to your remote desktop.
Open up Remote Desktop Connection in Windows.
Under 'Computer' type in '' [where 'XXXXXX' is your computer's asset number: this can be found on the white barcode tag on your ANU computer; alternatively, contact the PhD Academic and Research Skills Advosor for your number].
Under 'Username', type in 'uds\u1234567' [where 'u1234567' is your university ID].
Click 'Connect'.
Enter your ISIS password.
You should now be connected to your on-campus PC.
It doesn't work!
Did you use the ANU version of Global Protect? Only use the ANU's version!
Did you try to access your remote desktop via VMware Horizon? If so, you are using the wrong client!
Did you use the student portal? You need to use the staff portal!
Did you use the staff portal? You need to use the student portal!
Did you add 'uds\' in front of your uNumber? If not, you need to! Make sure you use a backslash!
Things you will need
Microsoft Remote Desktop software from the App store.
The ANU's Global Connect VPN software
A connection to the ANU's Global Connect VPN via the staff OR student portal (it will depend on how your profile has been set up with IT)
Your computer's asset number, which is listed on your computer under the barcode sticker. If you cannot get to campus and you have an ANU desktop PC in Stanner, email the PhD Academic and Research Skills Advisor for your asset number.
Your university ID (i.e., student or staff number) and your ISIS/HORUS password
1. Download and instal Microsoft Desktop from the App Store.
2. Download, instal, and connect to the ANU's Global Connect VPN software.
To download, instal, and connect to the VPN software, do the following:
Log in with your university ID and ISIS/HORUS password.
Download appropriate installer for Mac.
Instal the software and for portal address enter ''. You must use the staff portal.
Enter your university ID and ISIS/HORUS password again.
Please note that ANU's Global Connect VPN software is different from the VMware Horizon client that you use to connect to the information commons. NB: you must use the ANU's version of Global Connect, as it is configured for the ANU.
3. Connect to your remote desktop.
Open Microsoft Remote Desktop.
Either allow or do not allow access to your microphone and/or camera.
Under 'PC name' type in '' [where 'XXXXXX' is your computer's asset number: this can be found on the white barcode tag on your ANU computer; alternatively, contact the PhD Academic and Research Skills Advosor for your number].
Under 'User account', choose 'Add user account'
For User, type in 'uds\u1234567' [where 'u1234567' is your university ID]; for Password, enter your ISIS/HORUS password.
Add a 'friendly' name if you want.
Click on 'Add PC'
At the next screen, double-click on the computer you have just added.
Under 'Enter Your User Account', for 'Username' type in 'uds\u1234567' [where 'u1234567' is your university ID]; for 'Password', enter your ISIS/HORUS password.
Click continue.
You should now be connected to your on-campus PC.
It doesn't work!
Did you use the ANU version of Global Protect? Only use the ANU's version!
Did you try to access your remote desktop via VMware Horizon? If so, you are using the wrong client!
Did you use the student portal? You need to use the staff portal!
Did you use the staff portal? You need to use the student portal!
Did you add 'uds\' in front of your uNumber? If not, you need to! Make sure you use a backslash!
Your ANU desktop's IP address and RDP: a work-around
Some of the problems that occur with RDP access might be with your CAP asset (i.e. computer) number. You can try this as a work-around:
- When you are next on campus, note your computer's IP (internet protocol) address (you can google where to find it).
- When you get home, type in the IP address instead of the computer asset number when you are trying to connect to the remote desktop.
Please note that your ANU computer's IP address will change if your machine has not been accessed for 60 days, so this is not an ideal work-around, but at least it's a start.
The ANU has a site licence for EndNote, meaning you can install it on your home computer: go to the Wattle courses site, log in and search for Endnote, then download the software from the course. That's triff, but EndNote also has bit of a reputation for deleting all your references in the week before submission, so we suggest you also check out other reference managers such as Zotero and Mendeley. See information about recovering and re-synching your EndNote library if and when everything disappears in the dead of night for no apparent reason.
Photocopiers and printers
You are provided access to the photocopiers and printers on Levels 1 and 2 at the lake-end of the Stanner Building. Again, recalling the Crawford PhD ethic of mutual responsibility, there are some basic courtesies we ask you to observe around the use of these facilities:
Check the paper tray after each copy or print job and re-fill it if necessary.
Order paper and toner if either or both are low. Email
Clear your paper jams. Don't just walk away -- it only makes you feel guilty, and rightly so. If you can't clear a jam, ask someone else to help. If, despite your best efforts, the machine still isn't working, then contact and let them know there's a problem. It's real easy.
People get really frustrated when copiers and printers don't work, but they mostly don't work because no-one really cares to do much of the above. Let's aim to be the first workplace in Australia where we solve our own print and copy problems by not walking away from them. What a goal.
Building heating and airconditioning
The WEH Stanner Building (Bldg 37) sometimes experiences air conditioning problems (usually too cold). If you find this to be the case, please contact so they can address the problem. Please do not bring in your own heater. Personal heaters are not permitted in Stanner for the following reasons. Please take the time to read and understand them.
Several rooms at once are linked together on one airconditioning unit and thermostat. This means that if you bring in a heater, then your room will heat up and the thermostat will read the room as being too hot. The system will then blow cold air to all the rooms on the same unit. While your toes might be warm, everyone else in a room with airconditioning linked to yours will have cold air blown at them.
If you use a heater that you bring in from home and it causes a hazard, fire, or similar, then you could be liable for a fine; if your heater is inspected and determined at fault by COMCARE, the penalty is around $18,000 for the regulations violating body corporate (i.e., the Crawford School) and around $3,600 for an individual.
After-hours heating can be found in the After-Hours Air Conditioning Panel located on Level 1, Stanner, in the corridor to the left of Seminar Room 1, in the wall opposite the staff kitchen. Please do not remove the key to the panel and please do not leave the panel door open.
ANU Green, recycling, and energy conservation
ANU Green promotes sustainable environmental practices on campus. Please help us build a more sustainable future by not wasting water and energy.
Water conservation
If you haven't heard, Australia is a very dry place. The Australian Capital Territory is under permanent water conservation restrictions. If you are found to be in breach of these restrictions, you could be fined. Please help us save this precious resource:
Turn taps off fully. Don't over-tighten them, though, or you will damage the washers, causing even more leaks.
Don't leave taps running while you do the dishes or brush your teeth or similar. Aussies will not be amused if they see you doing this kind of thing.
Report drips and leaks, including leaking taps and showers or toilets and urinals that continually flush, to
Take shorter showers -- 3 - 5 minutes will do!
Do not defrost food under running water. Not does it waste shedloads of water, it's unhygienic and compromises food safety.
Use a plug. Don't wash your dishes under running water. Wait until you have enough dishes to wash, then plug the sink and get to it. Again, you will become an object of derision if an Australian sees you not using a plug in your sink.
Energy and climate
Dirty forms of energy still provide most of our power. Sad smiley. Help us reduce energy usage:
Switch off lights. Photocopiers and toilets do not need to see their way through the dark.
Switch off your computer monitor. So simple, yet the number of monitors that are left on whenever someone is out of the office is unbelievable.
Switch off your computer at the end of the day. It doesn't need to be left on overnight: it's not there to keep the walls company. Unless, of course, you are doing a whole lot of data crunching or accessing a VPN from elesewhere or whatever and the machine needs to be on; the point is to make a judgement about whether or not your computer should stay on -- don't just leave it on without deciding whether or not it's necessary.
Enable energy saving settings on your computer. If you don't know how, either google it or ask someone.
- Put on a jumper. Or singlet, or thermal layer. Scandinavians know all about layering, so ask a Scando how to do it. And use a lap rug. Also, refer to earlier sections on Building heating and Electrical safety, as you are not permitted to bring in heaters to the office.
Like other places in Australia, Canberra has excellent recycling programs in place. The Crawford School has recycling bins scattered around the complex, and there is a recycling bin in the Common Room. Be sure to separate your waste (i.e., do not put food and other garbage in any recycling bin). One of the most headshakingly inexplicable things we see at Crawford PhD is when people put paper in a garbage bin next to a copier -- when there is a massive, blue, paper recycling bin in even closer proximity. You can recycle paper, aluminium cans, plastics, drink cartons, glass, toner cartridges, small electronic devices, and heaps more.
Room bookings
To make a room booking, follow the following procedure:
Check room availability at the timetabling website. Go to Visit t imetable viewer > Locations > Location Timetables > Select Location(s) > Select period(s) > Select day(s). To find the Crawford conference rooms (i.e., Canberry and Springbank), the location is listed as '/Crawford Conference Rooms' at the top of the drop-down menu.
Once you have found an available venue, contact with a subject line beginning, 'ROOM BOOKING:' and ask to book that room. You should state the purpose for which you want to make the booking. Cc the PhD Academic and Research Skills Advisor, just so that CAP Facilities knows that the request has been noted by PhD staff.
If it's all too hard, just contact and tell them the type of room you are after; but it's a courtesy to have some kind of idea of what's available to start with. Besides, it can save both you and CAP Facilities lots of back-and-forth (and potential frustration) if you have checked room availability yourself beforehand.
To book the Murdoch Room, make a request via Outlook by sending a meeting request to 'Building 73, Old Canberra House, Rm 2.112, Murdoch Board Room'. The system will prompt you if the room is not available, and will suggest an alternative time.
Academic and research skills
The Crawford School has a strong tradition of integrated academic skills delivery. Many of our students are mid-career, and while they may not have studied formally for some time, they bring many skills and experiences with them. Participation in Academic and Research Skills will help you to make a successful transition to the demands of academic study and will also enhance professional skills.
For PhD students, academic and research skills training is available in the form of workshops and intensive courses offered throughout the year for students at all stages of their degrees. Whether you're just starting out, right in the middle of things, or ready to submit, hopefully there will be something for you. Workshop topics include Finishing and submitting, Grants and awards, The literature review, Research proposals, Writing your thesis introduction, conclusion, and abstract, Thesis writing, Grammar essentials, and much more.
You can also consult the PhD Academic and Research Skills Advisor for an individual consultation to discuss the development of research proposals, thesis writing, field reports, seminar presentations, and to arrange copyediting of the final thesis (if deemed necessary), as well as general academic progress issues. The PhD Academic and Research Skills Advisor can help you with things such as thesis writing, journal article writing and publication, research project management, reading strategically, structuring text, compiling literature reviews, time management, oral presentations, thesis completion, supervision, and more. To organise a consultation time, contact the PhD Academic and Research Skills Advisor.
Crawford PhD thesis collection
One of the smartest things you can do for your PhD is to check out other people's theses, and at Crawford we have a whole cabinet full of them just for your edification and delight. The thesis collection is housed in the PhD Common Room in what we are pleased to call the 'Thesis Pantry' and can be accessed by contacting the PhD Academic and Research Skills Advisor, who will give you the key and take your photo so we can keep a track of who has borrowed what, so make sure you brush your hair and do your makeup before you ask to borrow a thesis. You should look over past theses several times during your candidature, just to get a sense of, amongst other things,
The types of problems others have tackled and how they've tackled them
How a thesis in your area is organised
The level of detail necessary for the various chapters and sections
Typical length
How a thesis is formatted and presented
Don't confine yourself to looking at theses only on your topic because you are not looking for information or argument, really, but more for what a thesis actually is.
You can also search the ANU Digital Thesis Collection for non-Crawford (as well as Crawford) theses.
The Stretchy Gym
Many of us are well on the path to crook backs, necks, and shoulders caused by repetitious desk work, so at Crawford PhD we encourage a 'culture of stretch' that gets people up from their desks, away from their computers, and out of their offices. So, working on the principle that individual effort is generally not as effective and motivating as group effort, we have a Stretchy Gym that emboldens people to stretch in public. It's a pretty daring concept, but we're like that at Crawford PhD.
The Stretchy Gym is located in the Chauffer's Cottage and comprises yoga mats, body balls, foam rollers, and resistance tubing. There is only one rule: You must remove your shoes before using the gym. But once you've done that, you can go nuts. Importantly, we don't have weights: firstly, we see it as too much of a risk management thing, but more significantly, the Stretchy Gym is not about exercise, it's not about building muscle, and it's not even about flexibility, really (although flexibility can a good thing). Instead, it's about stretch.
We encourage you to find 'stretchy buddies', because it's true that you can feel like bit of a dork when you're standing around in your socks pulling on a giant rubber band. But if you have a partner to stretch with, then you are more likely to use the Stretchy Gym. Feel free also to post a notice in our ANU Crawford PhD Facebook group along the lines of, 'Me and Pat are going to stretch at 3 pm -- feel free to join us'.
The Stretchy Gym has been designed to model and to 'normalise' stretching as a legitimate, important, and above all, necessary workplace health and safety practice. If you want a tour of the Stretchy Gym or want some tips on how to use the equipment, just ask around. You can see some pictures of the Stretchy Gym on the Crawford School Facebook page and you can read more about the Stretchy Gym on the Crawford website.
Equipment library
Crawford PhD operates a small equipment exchange where you can borrow items for an agreed period of time. Certain items (such as digital voice reorders or cameras) can only be borrowed with the outlay of a 'deposit'. In these instances, the 'deposit' is taken against any Crawford HDR student funding you are applying for; the deposit is returned to you upon the safe return of the borrowed items. Items in the exchange include things such as:
Transcription pedal (software required)
Ergonomic equipment, such as keyboards and 'mice'
Digital cameras (deposit required)
Digital voice recorder (deposit required)
To borrow from -- or to donate items to -- the exchange, contact the PhD Academic and Research Skills Advisor.
Stationary exchange
A stationery exchange is located in the Level 1 Resource Room of the Stanner Building. Check there for binders, notepads, pens, folders, files, and other items. Please donate any unused or unwanted stationery to the stationery exchange; just don't dump any junk there -- the items should be useful, clean, and viable. That said, sometimes you can unearth some quite ancient and interesting relics in there, such as micro-tape recorders and typewriter ribbons. You could probably sell this stuff on eBay and make a fortune.
Book exchange
There is a small book exchange located in the Common Room. Feel free to take and keep anything that is of interest to you. If you want to leave anything, make sure it is likely to be either useful or wanted by others -- don't just dump out-of-date government reports there: recycle them instead.
Prayer rooms and chaplaincy
A multi-faith prayer room is located in the Gardener’s Cottage in Block B at Old Canberra House. There is an ANU Muslim Association Prayer Room located at H Block, Old Administration Area (3H). A pin number is required to enter, so please contact MSA-ANU (Muslim Students' Association -- ANU).
The ANU Chaplaincy team and support currently includes the Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Jewish, Baha'i, and Buddhist faith traditions. The Chaplaincy welcomes all people, all cultures and lifestyles, all faiths or no faith, with no discrimination in respect of racial and/or ethnic background.
Parents' room
The parents' room is located on the ground floor in Building 26C (the CBE building) in room 1.01 B, just near the elevator. This room requires staff and students to use their swipe card for access. This room is equipped with a sink, baby changing table, microwave, a comfy chair and some play equipment for young children. Telephone number: x57357. Please leave the room clean and tidy before you depart. The breast-feeding facility at Crawford is in Room 2.66 on Level 2 of the Crawford Building, where there is a sink.
Lost and found
If you find an item in the Crawford School teaching areas, please hand it in to Crawford Main Reception. If you have lost an item, please check main reception: it may be waiting to be claimed.
For property lost or found in other areas of the ANU please see the ANU Security Lost and Found webpage.
Recreational facilities
Shops and cafes
National Museum of Australia Café, Lawson Crescent, Acton Peninsula
The God’s Café, Hedley Bull Centre, Building 130, Liversidge Street
The Licensed Grocer on Balmain, Building 64B, Balmain Cres
University House, Building 1, Balmain Cres
Kambri Concessions and student facilities – bakery, banks, cafes, Co-op bookshop, newsagency, pharmacy, post office, etc., Buildings, 16, 17 and 20, Union Court
Tennis court
To use the Old Canberra House tennis court, please book by emailing
Shower facilities
Shower facilities are available throughout the Crawford complex.
Washing facilities
Washing facilities are located in the Gardener’s Cottage in Block B at Old Canberra House.