Dr Shiro Armstrong (ANU) chaired the panel discussion on ‘Australia and Japan in a new regional order’ against the backdrop of increasing US uncertainty and global economic headwinds. Professor Yasuyuki Todo (Waseda University) explained the risks of the US-China trade war and the Japan-ROK trade dispute from the perspective of negative propagation effects through global supply chains and financial networks and the need for Australia-Japan cooperation to promote the diversification of economic partnerships around the region and to avoid regional economic decoupling. Dr Amy King (ANU) argued for the need for a clearer vision for Japan-Australia cooperation beyond bilateralism, including expanded cooperation with Southeast Asia, in order to secure a liberal international order that provides security for all states big and small. Ms Melanie Brock (Melanie Brock Advisory) noted that amidst global uncertainty Australia and Japan maintain a stable business relationship, but a big push is needed in order to engage younger audiences, raise the profile of the relationship and build a solid foundation into the future.