Amna devoted her studies to global prosperity and a brighter future

Arman Juragat, a native of Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, is taking her Master of International and Development Economics degree and will use it to ensure the betterment of our global population.
Starting her career as an economist at the Bank of Mongolia, Amna was inspired by the highly educated and skilled professionals around her, which motivated her to further develop her economic skills. She was particularly influenced by predecessors who began at the Central Bank and later contributed to the global economy’s prosperity through roles in international organisations.
This motivation led her to pursue the Master of International and Development Economics (MIDEC) program at Crawford School of Public Policy. Amna emphasized that the degree “provides a rich curriculum, including a wide range of economic studies with a focus on applied analysis of both macro and microeconomics, combined with various aspects of economic policy.”
“Crawford School is one of the top schools of public policy in the world, with skilled teaching staff that includes world-class professors and practitioners.”
The topic of monetary theories and policy piqued her interest, and the MIDEC program at Crawford helped Amna learn more about the various branches of macroeconomy and policy studies.
Crawford’s diversity also became part of the learning experience. She said, “Being part of such a diverse community allowed me to learn about new cultures and beliefs, helping me understand everything, from a small individual problem to big policy issues, from different perspectives.”
Amna acknowledged that the degree is not easy to get through, saying that it requires a significant effort to achieve your study goals. However, throughout your time at Crawford, you will be surrounded by supportive teachers and academic staff who are always ready to help and advise you.
She highlighted one of her significant insights from the program, mentioning an observation she made during her two years in Australia. “I observed the differences between the policies of developing and developed countries and realized the importance of adopting a humanistic attitude of policy implications while addressing the inclusiveness and fundamental issues of a country’s macroeconomic policy.”
“Although each country has its domestic problems, we all share one planet. I believe it is time to prioritize the importance of international issues and their impact on social welfare to ensure the prosperity of the global population.”
If you have the same interests as Amna, she has a course recommendation for you, Modelling the Global Economy (IDEC8127), taught by Distinguished Professor Warwick McKibbin AO. Amna said that the course focuses on the G-cubed model, built by the professor himself, which combines the modern macroeconomic and CGE modelling approaches to analyse the global or regional economy with specific economic setups. The model is now used at international organizations and research institutes as a tool for analysing and simulating the scenarios of various macroeconomic shocks we face globally.
“Working with Professor McKibbin provided a great opportunity to learn the details of his model, from its underlying theories to the programming codes. It was a fascinating experience for me to work on the model to analyse a real-life global issue and conduct research under his supervision,” she said.
Amna’s outstanding academic achievement has earned her the Helen Hughes Master Degree Prize in International and Development Economics for which she will receive special recognition at the Crawford graduation celebration this Friday.
Afterwards, she plans to head home to continue her career at the Central Bank of Mongolia, but she is hoping this degree and all the skills she gained during her time at Crawford will lead her to international financial institutions, allowing her to elevate her career and contribute to global objectives of better future.
“I sincerely wish to devote my contribution to global prosperity and a better future for the world.”
Congratulations on your graduation and your admirable goal, Amna! We look forward to witnessing the trajectory of your career ahead.