ANU Library
The ANU Library is made up of several 'branches' or 'sub-libraries', each with their own collections and opening hours. The ANU Library offers both online and face-to-face training and resources (aka 'Research and Learn) in IT skills development, writing and referencing, Endnote, and finding resources, including info on navigating the ANU Library website, making the most of databases and journals, bibliometrics and citation tracking, data management, understanding copyright, using alert services, and so on. Check out their training calendar. You can also get inter-library loans through the ANU Library. The Library also runs online modules such as Publish and prosper and offers subject specific research consultation, where you can organise an individual or small group consultation session to help navigate the Library's resources and develop effective search strategies.
Students really should make more use of the ANU Library than they currently do. The staff there are helpful, experienced, and knowledgeable and they can assist you to find materials you didn't even imagine existed. So don't just log in to the Library, actually go there and talk to someone.
Other libraries and information sources
As part of the ACTUAL (Australian Capital Territory University and Academic Libraries) reciprocal rights agreement you can apply for borrowing rights at other academic libraries on production of an identity card or other documentation that identifies you as a PhD student. The libraries you can be granted access to include:
ACT Libraries also has a surprisingly useful array of materials. You can join for free simply by visiting any of the libraries in person, or completing the online membership form. Similarly, you can get an NLA library card for the National Library of Australia, which allows you to request collection items for viewing onsite in the NLA reading rooms and access a select range of licensed electronic resources from offsite. The NLA also hosts Trove (a repository of Australian and online resources, including books, images, historic newspapers, maps, music, archives, and more), the Australian Government Web Archive (AGWA), and PANDORA, Australia's Web Archive.
The National Archives are a mine of information from Federal Government departments. There are two main things you need to know: you have to request material ahead of time, because the main storage areas are off-site and not everything is catalogued. There are various search tools you can use to narrow down what’s in those un-catalogued records and you can ask for access. However, for legal reasons, everything has to be vetted before it is released, which can be a time-consuming process. So you need to get in early with requests. The best bet is to contact one of the researchers at the Archives via email ( ) about your topic and arrange to go in for some one-on-one advice.
ANU theses collection
The ANU theses collection can be searched via the Library Catalogue.
All hard copy ANU Doctoral and some Masters' theses are held in a restricted area of the Menzies Library, with the exception of Master of Laws, and Master of International Law theses (pre-October 1987) which are held in the Law Library. ANU Honours theses are held by the ANU Colleges with the exception of selected ANU Law Honours theses which are held in the Law Library.
Some ANU electronic PhD, MPhil, and Doctorate by Research theses, are available in the ANU Research Digital Theses collection.
Hard copy theses can be requested by ANU and non-ANU users for reading within the Library, but cannot be borrowed.
The ANU Library, at the request of a thesis author, can implement ANU theses access restrictions and users should be aware of these restrictions. These restrictions include:
whether a non-ANU person is permitted access to the thesis
whether photocopying from the thesis is permitted
whether the Library is permitted to duplicate a copy for another institution.
To check whether access restrictions apply to a particular thesis, ask at the Menzies Library Information Desk.
Non-ANU readers are advised to check in advance whether they will be granted access to a particular thesis.
ANU Policies
Policy at ANU is a serious business. That's why we have so many of them. And not just policies, but guidelines, codes of conduct, codes of practice, procedures, and all sorts of things. Here are some of the most useful to you, available from the ANU's policy homepage. See also the HDR policies and procedures page.
Work environment
Prevention of discrimination, harassment and bullying
Minimum allocation of resources for research students
Code of practice for teaching and learning
Your candidature
Research Award Rule
Supervision policy
Supervision procedure
Candidature policy
Candidature procedure
Candidature progression procedure
University, candidate, and supervisor responsibilities guideline
Fieldwork and travel
Fieldwork health and off-campus work safety procedure
Travel policy
Research practice
Responsible conduct of research
Code of Research Conduct
Thesis by compilation and thesis by creative works procedure
Use of confidential or restricted information in theses procedure
Open access policy
Academic Misconduct Rule 2015
Intellectual property policy
Submission and examination
Examinations policy
Submission and examination of theses procedure
Examiners’ reports recommendations guideline
Editing of theses guideline
Dean of Students
The Dean of Students offers confidential, impartial advice, and can help to resolve problems by acting as a neutral intermediary between students and the academic or administrative areas of the University. So, if you are having supervision or administrative problems and can't sort them out locally, then contact the Dean of Students, Paula Newett. She's good people.
Postgraduate and Research Students' Association (PARSA) ANU
PARSA (Postgraduate and Research Students' Association) is the student representative body for postgraduates at the ANU and provides a range of services aimed at providing support for the specific needs of postgraduate students in relation to both their studies and daily life. The primary focus of PARSA is the interests and welfare of all research and coursework postgraduate students at ANU. All postgraduate students at the ANU automatically become members of PARSA. PARSA is run by students, for students, and represents postgraduates both collectively and individually. They host heaps of excellent programs and events, and they represent YOU -- so get involved.
PARSA Shut Up & Write!
Shut Up & Write! is a style of writing group that started in San Francisco and is now spreading globally. In Australia there are SU&W groups at RMIT in Melbourne and QUT in Queensland. SU&W provides an opportunity for writers to get together on a regular basis and focus upon short, intense bursts of writing in a supportive atmosphere using the Pomodoro Technique, that is, doing a 25-minute block of writing, followed by a 10-minute break to chat or recharge with coffee (3 - 4 Pomodoros are normally done in a session). There is no critiquing, no exercises, lectures or egos, just join in and write or read at your own pace. BYO writing or reading material and subject matter.
ANU research training
ANU Research Training is run by Dr Inger Mewburn, the Thesis Whisperer, and offers a fantastic variety of training, workshops, and events. They also publish the Research Digest email, which is sent to your ANU email address every month and is packed with free opportunities for training, as well as announcements about funding opportunities, and more. You really need to get hooked in to this mob.
Statistical Consulting Unit
The Statistical Consulting Unit is staffed by experienced practising statisticians who maintain regular contact with other statisticians at the ANU, CSIRO and elsewhere. They keep abreast of new developments in statistical practice and have extensive experience in the application of statistical methods across a broad range of disciplines. They develop new methods for unusual problems when necessary.
To request a consultation with one of their consultants, please visit the Consultation Request page. Consultations are free of charge and there is no limit to consultation bookings. They also offer online and short courses all year round and targeted courses are offered upon request.
Non-ANU stats courses include offerings from the Analysis Institute, which has a range of other courses and some free online resources covering lots of applied statistics methods and software. Stata also have courses, which are a bit pricey but they are thorough and provide code and access to experts who can help with questions. You might want to consider applying for Crawford funding for these courses.
The primary function of the CAP Digital Design team is the visualisation and analysis of research data. CartoGIS offers a data visualisation and mapping service to all CAP staff and PhD students. Products include maps for publication and presentation, the plotting of GPS data, Google Earth fly-throughs, and data analysis and visualisation using Geographic Information Systems (GIS). The CartoGIS team members maintain a GIS data archive and a physical and digital Map Collection. They have an excellent FAQ, which should answer most of your questions.
Financial advice and assistance
If you are suffering from financial hardship it's important to get help as soon as possible so that a small problem doesn't become a big one. Visit the ANU's financial support page or the Postgraduate and Research Students' Association (PARSA) who have student representatives who can assist you.
Legal assistance
ANU has a Legal Officer who offers free legal advice to ANU students. The Legal Officer can assist with legal claims/threats, grievances and complaints, tenancy issues, motor accidents, discrimination, and other legal matters. They can also can witness statutory declarations and certify copies of originals. Other free legal services are listed on the Legal Officer's webpage.
Forums, blogs and societies
The Asia and the Pacific Policy Society is a community of scholars, policymakers, researchers, and students. It is the first international association to link people working across academic disciplines in the region. The Society supports the journal, Asia and the Pacific Policy Studies, and works to position research on the region within the mainstream of public policy. Membership of the Society is free, and brings with it significant benefits including priority access to papers in Asia and the Pacific Policy Studies, exclusive subscriptions to Crawford School publications East Asia Forum, Solutions and Advance, priority invitations to selected events, and a host of other exclusive opportunities.
The Development Policy Blog provides a platform for the best in aid and development analysis, research and policy comment, with global coverage and a focus on Australia, the Pacific and Papua New Guinea. As of early 2016, Devpolicy has published nearly 1,400 blogs from more than 460 contributors.
The East Asia Forum is a platform for analysis and research on politics, economics, business, law, security, international relations, and society relevant to public policy, centred on the Asia Pacific region. It consists of an online publication and a quarterly magazine, East Asia Forum Quarterly, which aim to provide clear and original analysis from the leading minds in the region and beyond.
The Global Water Forum makes water-related knowledge and resources freely available. The contributions provide evidence-based, accessible, and freely available articles looking at local, regional, and global water challenges. The content is provided by leading experts in the field such as academics, NGO workers, civil servants, key stakeholders etc., and covers the latest academic research, expert opinions on topical water issues, explanations of complex topics and concepts, as well as case studies highlighting examples where water resources have been managed successfully or unsuccessfully.
The ANU Indonesia Project is a leading interdisciplinary international centre of research and graduate training on development and the economy of Indonesia, and the forefront of Indonesian studies in Australia and worldwide.
ANU Sport
ANU Sport runs various sporting competitions and events, recreation and lifestyle programs, and has facilities and equipment for hire (squash, gym, badminton, netball, tennis courts, climbing walls, etc.). We've already told you how important your physical fitness and general well-being are during the PhD, so get to it.