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Policy reports

Sobeck, K., Breunig, R., and Evans, A. (2022), Corporate income taxation in Australia: Theory, current practice and future policy directions, Tax and Transfer Policy Institute (TTPI) Policy Report No. 01-2022, Canberra, Australia

Varela, P., Breunig, R., and Sobeck, K. (2020), The taxation of savings in Australia: Theory, current practice and future policy directions, Tax and Transfer Policy Institute (TTPI) Policy Report No. 01-2020, Canberra, Australia

Other reports

Completing Australia’s retirement income system report by Andrew Podger and Robert Breunig. Based on the findings from the roundtable event on 4 March 2021, Completing Australia’s retirement income system: Implications of the retirement income review report.

Commissioned work

Wealth inequality and the tax system, report prepared for the Actuaries Institute of Australia, by Robert Breunig and Kristen Sobeck - May 2023

How do statutory and effective corporate tax rates affect location decisions of firms and a country’s industry structure? report prepared with financial support from the Business Council of Australia, by Trevor Rose, Mathias Sinning and Robert Breunig - April 2021

The impact of government funded retirement contributions (matching) on the retirement savings behaviour of low and middle income individuals, report for the Retirement Income Review, by Kristen Sobeck and Robert Breunig - November 2020

The economic incidence of superannuation, report for the Retirement Income Review, by Robert Breunig and Kristen Sobeck - November 2020

Analysis of the impacts and outcomes of the ACT tax reform, report for the ACT Government, by Robert Breunig, Hai Anh La, Ralf Steinhauser, Robert Tanton, Yogi Vidyattama; Technical Appendix: by Ralf Steinhauser, Robert Breunig – May 2020

State tax elasticities of revenue bases report for the Commonwealth Grants Commission, by Ralf Steinhauser, Mathias Sinning and Kristen Sobeck - November 2019

Korea-China-Australia International Symposium Seoul, South Korea, 28-29 August 2019